OK, OK, I'll bet that would get a different group's attention faster, but the fact 
remains, you could win a free, brand new iMac from Macromedia!!! (Even if you're not a 
Mac user, I'm sure you can figure out how to work having a brand new free iMac to your 

We have a new tips library, and to kick it off and stock it up with all those jewels 
of info you all have tucked away in your heads, we're having a promotion to get you to 
come up off the info! =)

Each eligible* tip you submit will get you a entry into the contest, up to 25 
entries/tips per person.

Full details are at:

I almost hate to tell you, but we've only got about 100 or so eligible tips when last 
I checked, so the odds are pretty good, especially if you max out your 25!

While you're getting your tips/entries on, check out the tips already in there at: 

Vernon Viehe
Community Manager
Macromedia, Inc.

*An entry will be considered eligible if it contains unique, useful information about 
using Macromedia products and/or technologies that Macromedia products work with.
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