On 5/13/02, JAIME HOI penned:
>   Let's sayi have Page A , action page is Page B. From page B after some
>checking i will call page C. But how can Page C get the form variables from
>Page A? Does anyone knows how i can have a quick access of all the form
>variables and pass it to Page C. For eg, if it is URL variables, i can use
>CGI.Query_String to pass them to Page C. But for FORM variables, how do i
>access it? As an alternative, i was thinking of using WDDX . Construct one
>CFML2WDDX and have it as one of the hidden variable in Page A. Then simply
>access that single hidden variable and pass to Page C as URL variable.
>Anyone sees any problem with this? I'm quite confused, i am looking for a
>quick method to handle the passing of data.

The simplest way is to loop through form.fieldnames.

<cfloop index="send" list = "#form.fieldnames#">
<input type="hidden" name="#send#" value="#evaluate(send)#">

You'll obviously have to pass them through a form again with a 
"Continue" or "Next Page" button or whatnot.

Also, if you're passing a field to tell the page what to process, ie; 
doing all the processing on the same page.

<cfif form.action is "this">
Do this
<cfelseif form.action is "that">
Do that

then you'll want to not pass the original action, or you'll be 
passing a comma delimited list with the original action and the new 
action. So do it like this:

<cfloop index="send" list = "#form.fieldnames#">
<cfif send is not "action">
<input type="hidden" name="#send#" value="#evaluate(send)#">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="New Action">

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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