> I'm using the cfhttp tag to log into a site remotly and walk
> around after being logged , the problem comes out when I meet
> a link (that I need to call trough cfhttp too) like this:
> <a href="javascript:cf_http_hook_fullpath('http://skillport.nywir
> ed.org/_SkillSoft_od_cgi/odisapi.dll?cmd=SummaryFrame&template=
> SummaryCF.tpl&objname=COMM0201000000&surl=COMM0201000000/
> summary.htm&active=1&sessionid=mmr-0&time=142342', 1)"
> Any ideas?? . I don't see how to call javascript code with
> this tag. Any ideas??

The problem with trying to "walk" JS hyperlinks is that you'd have to
write something to read, decode and completely understand what's going
on in the JS function - say they hyperlink is built of 5 strings, then
you'd have to manage that

Generally, I'd say to avoid them, unless you write some rules as to what
to follow - to a person's eye, the above code will be obvious, but you
try telling your code how to understand that!

Philip Arnold
Technical Director
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
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