check - I just saw a tidbit in there on creating pdf's on the fly.. I 
think there are less than a dozem
posts in the PDF section - so it should be easy to find. I am 100% I saw it there.

Jay Miller

Randell B Adkins wrote:

> Could use a LOOP to generate them however that is
> alot to handle.
> Another note is that I am not sure there is a way
> to FORCE the print. You can force the print dialog
> box but not the actual print that I am aware of.
> Randy Adkins
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/28/02 13:37 PM >>>
> Hello all:
> Here's the situation I am facing:
> We have a huge recordset - maybe around 5000-6000 records that we would
> like to use to create PDF reports on the fly and print. I am using FDFs
> to create a single PDF report from this dataset, but this would be
> extremely slow and painful to have a user manually call each record and
> then print and them move on to the next one.
> Does anyone have any ideas how this can be automated?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dimo
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