Sure....(remember, i found this to work if the ftp server is also the localhost, but 
not on a remote server)

<cfftp action="open" connection="conn" username="#application.ftpusername#" 
password="#application.ftppassword#" server="#application.ftpserver#" 

   <cfftp action="changedir" connection="conn" directory="pdfs"> 

/*So far so good, can do a "getcurrentdir" and can see that I'm in the
pdfs directory like I should be */

/* The following line of code will throw an unknown cfftp exception error *, filename 
is "myFile.pdf" /
<cfftp action="existsFile" connection="conn" remoteFile="#filename#" >

/* I add an "/" like below, and it will not throw an error, but will put me back in 
the root directory, and the file it checks existence for is in the root directory and 
not the pdfs subdirectory. This was verified by doing another "getCurrentDir" after 
this command. */

<cfftp action="existsFile" connection="conn" remoteFile="/#filename#" >

/* I can try this below, again no error thrown, but the cfftp.returnvalue is "No", 
when I know it to be "Yes"... Its checking the root directory again : (. even tried 
things like remoteFile="ftp://application.ftpserver/pdfs/#filename#"..This won't 
return an error either, but will also give false results on a returnvalue */

<cfftp action="existsFile" connection="conn" remoteFile="pdfs/#filename#" >

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