Hi Mark,

I already tried that but when the server also didn't know what
session.sessionid was.

Very strange behaviour


MAKC> Patric,

MAKC> There is an Admin feature to use JSP type sessions ( .cfm;sessionid=adf090
MAKC> .. etc.)  Is it possible this is set?

MAKC> Mark

MAKC> -----Original Message-----
MAKC> From: Patric Stumpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
MAKC> Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:31 AM
MAKC> To: CF-Talk
MAKC> Subject: CFMX-Linux won't initate Session-Scope

MAKC> Hi folks,

MAKC> i have a wierd problem. I try to port an small application (that's
MAKC> working) for one of our customers from CF4/NT4 to CFMX/RH7.3.

MAKC> My application.cfm is this:
MAKC> ------------------------------------------------------------------
MAKC> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">

MAKC> <cfapplication  name="medienverzeichnis"
MAKC>                 applicationtimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,30,0)#"
MAKC>                 sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,30,0)#"
MAKC>                 clientmanagement="No"
MAKC>                 sessionmanagement="Yes"
MAKC>                 setclientcookies="No">

MAKC> <cflock timeout="10">
MAKC>         <cfset application.ds = 'guvv_medien'>
MAKC>         <cfparam name="session.artikel" default="0">
MAKC> </cflock>

MAKC> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No">
MAKC> ------------------------------------------------------------------

MAKC> The startingpage in this dir is the following index.cfm:
MAKC> ------------------------------------------------------------------
MAKC> <cflock timeout="10">
MAKC> <cfoutput>

MAKC> <frameset cols="170,*" border="0" framespacing="0" frameborder="0">
MAKC>     <frame name="navigation" src="_frame/navigation.cfm?#Session.URLToken#"
MAKC> marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize scrolling="auto" border="0"
MAKC> framespacing="0" frameborder="0">
MAKC>     <frame name="inhalt" src="_inhalt/start.cfm?#Session.URLToken#"
MAKC> marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize scrolling="auto" border="0"
MAKC> framespacing="0" frameborder="0">
MAKC> </frameset>

MAKC> </cfoutput>
MAKC> </cflock>
MAKC> ------------------------------------------------------------------

MAKC> This one seems to load just fine. But when the navigation.cfm comes up
MAKC> I get the following error:

MAKC> Error Occurred While Processing Request
MAKC> Element URLTOKEN is undefined in SESSION.

MAKC> The Error Occurred in
MAKC> /var/www/html/guvv-wl/medien/verzeichnisse/_frame/navigation.cfm: line 17

MAKC> 15 :    <tr align="left"><td width="155" align="left" valign="top"><a
MAKC> href="../../zeitschriften" target="main"><img src="../../_px/nav_zei_of.gif"
MAKC> width=155 height=17 alt="" border=0></a></td></tr>
MAKC> 16 :    <tr align="left"><td width="155" align="left" valign="top"><img
MAKC> src="../../../_px/nav_trenner.gif" width="155" height="1" alt=""
MAKC> 17 :    <tr align="left"><td width="155" align="left" valign="top"><a
MAKC> href="../../verzeichnisse/<cfoutput>index.cfm?#Session.URLToken#</cfoutput>"
target="main">><img src="../../_px/nav_med_on.gif" width="155" height="17"
alt="" border="0">></td></tr>
MAKC> 18 :    <tr align="left"><td width="155" align="left" valign="top"><img
MAKC> src="../../../_px/nav_trenner.gif" width="155" height="1" alt=""
MAKC> 19 :    <tr align="left"><td width="155" align="left" valign="top"><img
MAKC> src="../../../_px/nav_blind.gif" width="155" height="20" alt=""

MAKC> BTW: There's a lock around the session-request. And I do not have any
MAKC> other application.cfm lying around.

MAKC> The same pages on CFMX-RC with Windows do work.

MAKC> I don't know where to go... any help?


MAKC> Patric

MAKC> --
MAKC> Patric Stumpe

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