Take this for example......  Say I wanted to cookup a new 'object' of
Type : "ColdFusion Coder".... As Ray suggested, there are a certain
amount of general vanilla parameters, in this case, fname, lname and

So we have 1 class - a "superclass" called human.cfc which looks like
this : 

<cfcomponent name="human">

<cffunction name="createhuman" returntype="struct" access="package">
        <cfargument name="fname" default="" type="string">
        <cfargument name="lname" default="" type="string">
        <cfargument name="age" default="-1" type="numeric">
                        this.fname = arguments.fname;
                        this.lname = arguments.lname;
                        this.age = arguments.age;

        <cfreturn this>


We also have a CFC named coder .cfc which is extending/inheriting the
human.cfc method & properties..it is adding a coding discipline :

<cfcomponent name="coder" extends="human">

<cffunction name="create" returntype="struct">
        <cfargument name="language" default="" type="string">
        <cfset this.language = arguments.language>
        <cfreturn this>


We can either now, call human.cfc to create a simple human with default
params, or we can call the coder.cfc to add instance variables to
human.cfc thus (from a standard .cfm page) :

<cfset stArgs = structNew()>
<cfset stArgs.fname = "Neil">
<cfset stArgs.lname = "Clark">
<cfset stArgs.age = 29>
<cfset stArgs.language = "ColdFusion">

<cfinvoke component="com.macromedia.coder" method="create"
argumentcollection="#stArgs#" returnvariable="coder" />

<cfoutput>#coder.lname#, #coder.fname#, #coder.age#</cfoutput>

This is displays fairly simple inheritance with ColdFusion and CFCs -
yes it may not be what you determine as true inheritance, but its
ingeritance nonetheless.

Hope this helps.


Neil Clark
Team Macromedia

Announcing Macromedia MX!! 
-------------------------- http://www.macromedia.com/software/trial/.

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