I'm running into a wall with my sql Datasource on the
StudentAvail Query.  I need to know if the SSNs found in
the query are already in MyStudentAssignmentTable this will
eventually be rolled in as a sub query to add only those who
are not yet in the table.  However, If I use the #DSN# as the
datasource the #tbl# does not appear and if I use query,
MyStudentAssignmentTable does not appear.

Is there a way to do a join on an existing query as well as a 
table in an existing datasource in the same query or will I need to
loop through?

Thanks in Advance 

<cfset dcode = 'AMBL'>
<cfset tcode = '#dcode#Codes'>
<cfset loopcnt = 4>
<cfloop from=1 to=#loopcnt# index='x'>
  <cfset tMonth = #ListGetAt(ambl, x)#>
  <cfset M4ctr = 0>
  <cfquery name="#dcode#R#x#" datasource="#DSN#" >
     a.SSN, a.#tMonth#,
       b.CCF,b.NameDotN,b.LNAME, b.FNAME,b.SSN
     FROM #M4Scheduletable# a INNER JOIN Studs b ON a.SSN = b.SSN
     WHERE (b.SSN=b.SSN)
      And (
      <cfloop list="#evaluate(TCode)#" index='y'>
        <cfset M4Ctr = #M4Ctr#+1>
        <cfif M4Ctr eq 1>
          a.#tMonth# = '#y#'
          OR a.#tMonth# = '#y#'
  <cfset tbl = '#dcode#R#x#'>
  <cfquery name="StudentAvail" Datasource="query" debug>
    SELECT  #tbl#.SSN, MyStudentAssignmentTable.StudSSN
            MyStudentAssignmentTable ON 
                MyStudentAssignmentTable.EventItemID = #tID# 
            AND #tbl#.SSN = MyStudentAssignmentTable.StudSSN
    Where StudSSN is Null
David DiPietro
Systems Developer / Engineer
OSU College of Medicine & Public Health
Voice (614) 292-5960
Fax (614) 292-0745

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