At 07:55 AM 7/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Generally speaking, CS programs tend to teach programming using C++,
>which has both constructors and destructors.

  My curriculum used Pascal for the introductory courses.  When I was 
graduating, they were moving over to Java.  I never saw C ( or C++ ) in 
college.  The only other program that I knew about took a completely 
different approach which was to throw as many languages as possible at the 
student and during their first year they were exposed to ~10 different 

>However, most programs do
>try to teach the concepts separately from the language. From my OO text
>book I see the following...
>The object takes responsibility for everything that happens to it, from
>the cradle to the grave. At its birth, a special member function called
>a constructor, is called, and at its demise, a second member function
>called a destructor is called.

   What text?  The one I have on my desk is:
"An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming" by Timothy Budd
  Of course, it was published in 1991 (written before Java and the Web).
  I wonder how many Object Oriented languages have constructors built 
in?  Is it just C++ and Java, or have constructors become a universal 
trademark in all OO languages?

Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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