>> We use CFC's heavily in our application. Because they rock

good to see, Jer..more power to you

can I throw in a quick thought?

if you're wanting to make "extends" dynamic, would you consider a
"mix-in" approach where you're "decorating" the CFC with functionality
of another, as opposed to straight inheritance? different technique,
sure but very dynamic...

just a thought.

On 21/02/06, Mark Mandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wrote this on my blog about different ways to deploy cfc's in a coldfusion
> app.  Part of what it covers is hard coding typing and extends, you may find
> it useful:
>  http://www.compoundtheory.com/?action=displayPost&ID=64
> However, to point, there is no 'real' way of making it more dynamic, as it
> currenty stands, extends has to be hard coded.
> Hope that helps.
>  Mark
> On 21/02/06, <cfgroupie> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I sort of already know the answer for this question. However, I'm
> > trying to spread some different persepective on it. We use CFC's
> > heavily in our application. Because they rock. One thing we use is the
> > extends attribute. Now the disadvantage to the extends is that it has
> > to be hard coded i.e.
> >
> > <cfcomponent name="cust_comp_index"
> > extends="sandbox.cfdology.1_1.Core_CFC.comp_index">
> >         <cffunction name="dsp_index">
> >                 test
> >         </cffunction>
> > </cfcomponent>
> >
> > What I would like to do is make the extends attribute dynamic or at
> > least part of it. Currently we are using CF mappings. But I'm just
> > trying to stream line it slightly. Can anyone thing of a way to make it
> > more dynamic more so to what I'm doing now?
> >
> > Jeremy
> --
> W: www.compoundtheory.com
> ICQ: 3094740

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