I have little Java knowledge, I don't want to learn how to do it. I just
want to implement something from it in ColdFusion.

Unfortunatley that is one and the same - you can't 'just do something' without first understanding it to a degree.

Your help has been great, why doesn't it explain this in the manuals / docs.

It does explain this in the docs - however there is a reasonable assumption that when working with Java, you have an understanding of Java.  It is not the responsibility of CF documentation to teach you basic Java and OO concepts.

.init(javaCast("int", 2));

I didn't check the docs, I did it off the top of my head, so that looks correct.


On 3/21/06, Dale Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'll give it a try.

> It seems to me that you are trying to run here, without first learning how
> to walk - you obviously have very minimal knowledge of Java as a whole.  I
> would highly suggest doing some training and/or reading about Java and OO
> concepts before continuing down this path.  You will find it far easier in
> the long run.

Your help has been great, why doesn't it explain this in the manuals / docs.

Dale Fraser

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On
> Behalf Of Mark Mandel
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 March 2006 15:50 PM
> To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Call Java Class (Java Code Attached)
> You will need to do -
> createObject("java", "IceKey").init(javaCast(1, "init"));
> Which will insure the parameter passed to the constructor is an actual
> not a Integer object.
>       I tried, just 1 it said didn't like strings, tried int(1) said it
> didn't
>       like doubles, damm I hate this, wasn't CF / Java talking supposed to
> be
>       easy?
> It seems to me that you are trying to run here, without first learning how
> to walk - you obviously have very minimal knowledge of Java as a whole.  I
> would highly suggest doing some training and/or reading about Java and OO
> concepts before continuing down this path.  You will find it far easier in
> the long run.
> Regards,
> Mark

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