Question for those contracting on hourly rates .... do you bill your
clients for lunchtime if you are working on their premises?

This arises from a conversation I had with a colleague the other day.
I noted down the time we left the office to go buy a sandwich across
the road, and he asked what i did that for.  I said well I'm not going
to bill him for going to buy lunch.   My colleague said that he always
billed for that time.

His logic was .. if he wasnt hired by this client, he wouldn't be at
that office.  Most likely he'd be working at home having fresh
vegetable soup and toast and a bit of this and a bit of that.  And
more than likely a bit of the other as well.   So he was only getting
a meazly sandwich for lunch because the client wanted him working on
the client's premises.  Ergo, the client should pay for his time.   If
he was working on his own premises, he reasoned, he'd be clocking on
and off the job on his own schedule.

What do the rest of you make of this?  what do you to?   Am I dudding
myself by only billing the client for hours spent actually working on
his project?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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