Here's my update from my original post.

2 people emailed me offering their services, and I have selected one to
do the job for me.

I started life programming CF and had done very limited ASP, but ASP is
what the client wants. I have not done any serious programming for over
5 years and only do "rough cut" develoment. My main skills are
instructional design, competency apping and accessibility.

>From my limited knowledge of ASP using vairables within a sql query in
ASP is not implemented in the same way as in CF. That was my reference
to reworking the sql (plus my rusty sql knowledge)

Re the comment fro Joe Cass. About not coming back to the list, well
Joe, I have withi 24 hours. I have just had other little issues like
having had to travel from Melbourne to Canberra and back today, and
doing a demanding job. Re your observation re the heated discussion, I
totally agree. None of the people posting their comments were the two
who emailed me directly and enquired about the contract. Thankyou to
those two, without you all we have is a lot of hot air and no
resolution to my problem. Thanks to you two genuine enquirers I have
been able to solve my problem and I will be asisting in some small way
someone in pursuit of their chosen profession.



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