Guys Guys Guys,

Like I said many posts ago. Its not only hosting, trends, and
programmers that are the issue. It is the company directors that make
the decesions. i.e. I have reason to believe we are sleeping with the
enemy...(MS that is) and because we get special "treats" to work in
.NET or convert our CF code over to .NET (god for bid but its only a
matter of time), owners of companys go "wow that sounds like a deal".

Not to mention I have to deal with brain washed .net programming morons
coming out of University everyday saying we could do this or that
better in .NET. idiots.

Jeremy (once a CF programmer with a heart, now i'm a .NET newbie)
p.s. Linux Rox windows sucks.....thats for chad! HAHAHAHAHA

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