You assume there is rational conversations taking place at the management level along with Cost benefit realisation? Who here actively has had conversations about the two with management?
More to the point, who here has seen a company simply take a moment to pause, decide on a language and run with based on the below statements.
Choosing either Coldfusion, Java or .NET is based on an evolution of a companys existence. It's usually decided at the start-up phase or late in the game, when there is a sudden need to shift. We are seeing a new technology religion now, called FLEX 2. It requires champions in the field, waving its flag and saying "here lies goodness, open and see".
Will companies flip over night from .NET thick clients mixed with ASP.NET to say FLEX + FDS/CF7orCF8? probably not. If CF8 + Live Cycle were to be added and sudden change in the Acrobat Reader movement were to happen - well - now you have my attention says the Enterprise elite!
I'd wager that if all were to trace their companies lineage as to why CF is currently in full view right now, is simply because a programmer built something first, asked second or was given a greenfield site, went with something they felt comfortable and from there the legacy was born.
I've heard companies migrate away from CF simply due to Resource allocation - while at the same time - I've heard companies adopt CF simply due to some software they originally bought of the shelf had it.
Point is, its flavour of the month and assuming executive levels get involved in this kind of debate is simply wishful thinking. Time, Cost and Quality - three principals in delivery cycle.

On 8/8/06, Robin Hilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 08/08/2006, at 10:37 AM, Dmitry Yakhnov wrote:
Jeremy is right that " company directors makes the decisions", not developers;

So give them another decision they're actually qualified to make i.e how much do you want to spend on development hours building this business solution - x in CF or 3x in .NET?  And BTW you'll need to retrain and/or rehire your CF development team on top of that - do you want me to call the recruiters for you?

As Scott Balmer said: "Developers! Developers! Developers!" ... and should have gone on to say "...are the most expensive part of your development budget, so RAD platforms like CF make plenty of business sense".



Robin Hilliard
Director - RocketBoots Pty Ltd
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