Although I will say that you guys are not alone.  The
industry-spanning skills shortage issue is the current hot topic in my
HR course for my MBA ticket.  This could easily branch out into
discussions on the strategic decision-making process and influcence of
HR and needs requirements...

who doesn't really feel like branching just now

On 8/8/06, Andrew Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, very interesting thread.
> The trends are not always good, and sometimes the people at the top don't
> make the right decisions either. We are both a java and CF house, we have
> been trying to recruit Java developers and a few C# gurus for 3 months and
> not too many have been able to do the job to the specifications or
> requirements that are required.
> But I will also have to say CF is in this same position, the good developers
> in any language are not out of work very long the rest might get a lucky
> break or two, but the market is as stated a skill shortage in all languages.
> It even got to the stage that my boss and agency where offering commission
> to anyone who knew any top gun java and c# developers.
> Senior Coldfusion Developer
> Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
> Phone: +613  8676 4223
> Mobile: 0404 998 273

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