I have some named web services in my ColdFusion administrator (CF 6.1).

I have templates which invoke the web services. These invocations have
a low timeout.

If I load a template which calls a web service after adding or
refreshing a web service in the administrator, it runs without

When I restart ColdFusion, however, I can no longer invoke these web
services because of socket timeout errors. These are resolved after
refreshing the web services in the administrator.

Now I know ColdFusion is going to use Axis to generate stubs when
adding/refreshing web services. Therefore, these stubs must be deleted
by CF when restarting ColdFusion even though "Save Class Files" setting
is enabled (I'm assuming, then, that this setting only applies to
compiled ColdFusion pages, not Axis stubs).

Needless to say, the generate of stubs and their invocation exceeds 5
the timeout threshhold.

Anyone know I can tell CF not to delete these stubs?

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