well, Robin, I'll  bow to your experiance and position in the industry
and gladly  accept the view that what's happening to Jeremy and I is
mearly an aberation (caused by different circumstances). Others
people's milage obviously vary to this.

and if you're comfrortable with the current marketing efforts and
growth of the product here in Australia then that will do me. I'm
still concerned where new blood will come from but I only mentioned
the Apple/37Signals connection because it's one of those simple and
cheap/free gestures (and in reality, no big deal) that may help to
raise a products profile world-wide. Hype on hype perhaps. But can you
understand why it sometimes feels like an underground resistance
movement, a secret covenant?

For the record, I'm not interested in CF being $free. More important
to my motovation in using and evangelising the product is value for
money. Jeremy's situation seems trapped in a MS lock-in and percieved
value regarding TOC. In my current circumstances I'm looking for worth
in the product that may have been overlooked in decisions - something
I can leverage. Gateways might be, flashforms aren't. Remoting was for
a while.

I've always appreciated good ideas so it's sad when they get washed
away. And if the thing is worth it, then it's worth fighting for.


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