On 9/12/06, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I meet Ben once.. he wasa 6ft tall, arms like tree trunks and hair as red as fire, he bespoken with harmony in his voice he-be, and when he stared at you, it felt as if the devil be watchin ya, it did.
He affectionately referred to me as "weird little man" and i remember his words fondly... "could you stop humping my leg, you weird little man".
(Sorry, i figured since this topic has degraded into mindless dribble, i'd throw in my 2c to close it out maybe? ) heh

Hi scott  (old fellow drinker pal)

I to offered to hump his leg, he informed us that he can't let out secrets and has only ever done that after being offered large amounts of alcohol.
I was planning on offering him some pints at the local but he had to shoot off to the airport to fly to Boston which was good of him to think his whole England stoppage was simply to attend our user group which we invited him to.


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