Its true..
I sit here daily thinking about how life in CF/FLEX programming was so damn sweet. Now days, i spend most of my time in meetings, talking about what I'd like to do with the two brands under my charge, yet can't quite execute them due to some crap about governance or red tape here and there. So, i continue on my week, simply talking and discussing things that have no outcome or cost benefit realisation.
Its funny at times, i have roughly around $20million in projects that I'm in charge of, but they are simply "virtual" - ie nothing yet been done. It feels like Dilbert most days, I go "I've come up with a great piece of software, but first check out the box it comes in.. it has holograms, and and bright colors etc"... and then dilbert goes "But sir.. we haven't yet created the software".... then i'd have to go "Have i not shown you the box!!!!".
Life was much simpler being a programmer, you had a rule book and you did the doing... being a manager, you tend to have to delegate the doing and hope the doing gets done.... and when it is done you turn and go "Is that it?...thats what i just signed off 10k for? ... man, i'd like to grab the CFAUSSIE crew in on this, get them to do the job(s) and buy all bigscreen tv's with money left over!!!"
I rant...
The humour in this one post is - As i typed, I had my Outlook spring two meeting reminders, turns out i'm double booked... dear god, i am going to snap soon ;) hehe.
Scott Out.
Working in the Govt has taught me one thing, Accountability is like a Unicorn, I hear it exists and its magical, but yet to see it first hand.
On 9/13/06, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

good on yer, M@

> he did mention a lot more print advertising as well as event advertising etc
> I'd be very keen to see cf8 before stepping away from it

encouragement at last!

I hope the knobs at Adobe realise some of the best advertising is
free: next time an Adobe bigwig gives an interview to tech press, CF
gets an honerable mention when the names Flash, Flex, LiveCycle, etc
are rattled off...


PS: Give up, Barnes. No one takes you seriously anymore now that
you've moved into the realm of pointy-haired types...with _nothing_ to
do with web solutions....(just joking!)

Scott Barnes
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