Presume you mean:
isdefined("session.crap)"  (note: quotes)?

I tried this code:

<cfapplication name="testIsDefined" sessionmanagement="true">

<cfset session.session.session.crap = 1>
structKeyExists(session, "crap"): #structKeyExists(session, "crap")#<br
<cftry>#isDefined(session.crap)#<cfcatch>Didn't think that one would
work too well [#cfcatch.message#] ;-)</cfcatch></cftry><br />
isDefined("session.crap"): #isDefined("session.crap")#<br />

And it did this:
structKeyExists(session, "crap"): NO
isDefined(session.crap): Didn't think that one would work too well
[Element CRAP is undefined in SESSION.] ;-)
isDefined("session.crap"): NO

Which is what I'd expect.

CFMX: 7,0,2,142559 & 6,1,0,63958


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