Hi Max,

Most of those queries I'm no good for, since I'm from Brisbane (and
currently in Central NFLD, Canada), but for broadband provider
selection - check out the comparisons over at whirlpool.net.au (
http://bc.whirlpool.net.au/bc-list.cfm?loc=2 )

On 12/17/06, Maximilian Nyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi dear group ;)
> This is really WAY off topic and I'm not sure if this appropriate for
> this forum.
> If it's not, please feel free to ignore it, or to tell me off
> Anyway, here we go... ;)
> I'm moving to Sydney (from Wellington) with my family first week of
> January and have a few questions.
> Who's the best services providers for:
> (Doesn't necessarily have to be the cheapest, even thought that would
> be nice too)
> - Broadband
> - Phone (land line and mobile)
> - TV/Cable
> - Electricity/Gas
> Also, we'll need stuff to fill our new home once we found one. So
> where's the best place for that? I know you guys have IKEA and I'm
> thrilled about that (since I'm from Sweden), but where else? EBay?
> And if anyone knows anyone who like to sell stuff, I will probably
> want to buy it ;)
> We might end up renting a furnished apartment, so I'm not sure how
> much furniture we going to need.
> But one thing that we'll definitely need a few monitors (two for me
> and one for my wife).
> And then there is all the other everyday stuff that one needs to setup
> a new home.
> I'm sorry to intrude on this group like this,but thank you for your time.
> Best regards,
> Max
> >

Sean Bucklar

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