So, what's the problem with hearing a sales pitch?  Do you think you're in
danger of being duped into buying something?   Whether you like it or not,
nearly all the presentations you see are sales presentations to a greater or
lesser extent.  Not many presenters would bother to put a session together
NOT advocating something.   "This is how to do this fancy technique, but I
dont recommend anyone use it, cos it sucks."     Every time you see a
presentation you are invited to decide if you want to buy into what the
presenter thinks or not.

If Adobe wants to be nervous about what Microsoft does, I think that's a
good thing and will only result in a better performance from them.  I know
for a fact that there are people in Microsoft paying attention to what
Adobe's doing.    But that's up to Adobe and Microsoft.    And if they try
to outdo each other, the beneficiaries of that will be us, the web
development community. .  So far we havent seen any sign that Adobe object
to what Scott's suggesting.  If Adobe dont mind, why do you care?

For me as a web developer, the more tools I have at my disposal the better,
and if a presentation from someone - Microsoft or anyone else - can help me
do a better job faster, then I'm all for it.

On the other hand, it could well be that i come out of such a presentation
with no decision to change anything I do but knowing more about what my
competitors might be thinking or doing.    Or it's also possible I come out
of a presentation thinking  "I do it far better than that, I'm going to
stick with what i've been doing"

Whatever way it works out, the most i have to lose is a little time, and
potentially I can gain a lot.

What's your real problem with it?   You're not just irrationally against
anything Microsoft just for the sake of hating Microsoft are you??

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On 1/29/07, Grant Straker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike,
> Product evangelist is basically a fancy name for technical sales
> person, I've never meet an Adobe evangelist who wasn't trying to sell
> me something and I'm sure Microsoft evangelists are the same. I guess
> my issue is that reading when Scott is saying (I have no issues with
> Scott as a person, respect his technical ability and have known him
> several years) he is not interested in selling anything, has no sales
> bent and is impartial on technology  I don't think this is the case.
> For example Scott says it's not a sales pitch but will have a pre-
> sales team on hand, off course it's a sales pitch!. Even if Scott is
> not directly measured on sales he will be part of a team that is and
> the cost of the events will, for sure be coming from a sales and
> marketing budget. He is also measured for getting awareness of xyz
> products so the more he posts links and info on this to the mailing
> list the more he is hitting his KPI's.
> I guess my issue is that Scott is in a technical sales role and is on
> the list trying his hardest to appear as an impartial technologist
> which he is not, he gave up that right when he joined Microsoft, in
> the same way that I gave up being impartial to CF and Flex when we
> build our products on those platforms.
> As I said, I have no problem with Scott or with Microsoft (around 60%
> of our clients deploy that that platform and half our internal servers
> run the OS) but I do have an issues with the marketing technique as if
> we tried it (posting about our technology on a competitors community
> list) we would get hammered for it.
> Grant

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