At the risk of igniting this any further, my original objection was
more to do with the fact that the page that Scott originally linked to
has 5 links at the top of the list that are CF related (which is
good), but they are all "Live Webcasts", available at specific times
only, each one occuring once over the next 2 weeks.
All the other links on the page are Not CF specific, or even relevant,
but are just plain "convert to .Net" material, and are either "On
Demand Webcasts" or "Virtual Labs", and are convieniently available
any time you want, as often as you want, and not just at 5am on
Tuesday morning.
I'll be checking back to the site after the first couple are done to
see if the recordings of the CF sessions are offered "On Demand" after
the sessions.

We need to be encouraging more people out there to start taking up CF
as a language, not pointing out to the developers we currently have
that their nearest exit may be behind them.
There is a shortage of developers out there at the moment, and there
are businesses clammouring to get them.
If you have a desperate desire to learn .Net, there are places that
you'll be able to find on the net that will show you how to do that,
and the Australian ColdFusion mailing list shouldn't be one of them.
Converting developers to be .Net developers is Microsoft's job, not
the ColdFusion community's.
Postings that promote people to go to .Net shouldn't be accepted here,
as you can bet that CF promotion isn't tolerated on any .Net lists.
Even posts that wrap the convert message up in an ever so polite "just
helping you out" veneer.

Who'd like to get his own popcorn and jaffas when he gets a chance.

On Feb 23, 6:06 pm, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well said Charlie :)
> Just going out on a limb here, but ol Adobe must of had a reason to
> make Coldfusion 8 interop with .NET.

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