Goodness, too many caches! Now you're talking about cached templates,
Duncan. It sure seems to me that Andrew was referring to query caching,
since he said, "The query is only cached when you tell it to be cached" and
later mentioned storing data in shared scopes.  And then of course Scott was
referring to the database's query plan caching.

In fact, this is a good place to remind that my talk at WebDU is going to be
on '"Caching In" on CF Performance', and it will be specifically about
trying to bring clarity to this jumble of caching (and there are several
more) that often confuse even experienced developers. Of course, we won't
have time in an hour to go into depth on any one, but I will certainly
strive to help get folks on the same page in understanding these and some
other little-known caching aspects in CFML and related things (database, web
server, browser). 

Caching's a very good thing, usually. It's just always enabled by default
(and sometimes one can go crazy with it and cost more resources than are


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 10:01 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: @#$!! queryparam

Scott - thats precisely why we use cfqueryparam - and the performance
increase is marked, especially on inserts. There is a performance hit on the
first time the query is put together, but after that you save time.

Andrew - I thought the cached templates could be it - but its not, we just
ran a control test: turn off cache, restart cf, change column, try query.
And it still errors.

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