Hi Tom,

If you're doing SELECT * for a single record then don't worry about it - the 
overhead is minuscule. The real problems with SELECT * happen when you are 
running a query that will return multiple (hundreds/thousands of) records and 
the overhead can become enormous. And if you are doing this in a display that 
is only showing one field from each record and is only showing 10 or 20 or 30 
records (with 'next' and 'prev' buttons) in a site that has many users hitting 
the same display - then you are likely to run into real problems.



Tom MacKean wrote:
> I am a SELECT * user.
> (In my defence, I'm self-taught and didn't know any better until now)
> My question... is there a trick or tip or tool that you guys use to save 
> typing in the name of every field that you're after? If you're 
> populating a big long form, it's a real pain to type every field name 
> into your SELECT statement (when you could just use a *). Is there a 
> quick way, or do you guys just bite the bullet and start typing?
> Cheers,
> Tom
> On 3/6/07, *Duncan* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Charlie,
>     No pushing of buttons going on, I was asking like a lemming because I
>     was wondering if there were other reasons that I did not know about. I
>     am aware of the larger amounts of data where unneccessary, but thats
>     about it.
>     Sometimes I find asking this way on a list questions like these
>     illicit better responses to learn from. No offense intended.
>     Your comments here are helpful, Thankyou
>     Duncan
>     On 3/3/07, Charlie Arehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>      >
>      > So, are you saying that removing the "select *" does or does not
>     solve the
>      > problem? I just want to know where this thread is crossing from
>     solving your
>      > problem to discussing the broader issue of "select *".
>      >
>      > I'm actually surprised to hear that you would ask for a spelling
>     out of the
>      > reasons for why using "select *" is bad. It's such a universally
>     derided
>      > practice.  And there's been all that discussion afterward today
>     later on
>      > subjects like hosting, findnocase. I have to think folks didn't
>     read this,
>      > as I'd expect to see a number of people come out and explain why
>     it's bad.
>      > That's the beauty of a list like this: no one person needs to
>     shoulder the
>      > burden of answering a question.
>      >
>      > But I'll kick it off with saying that people usually use it when
>     it's not
>      > needed, as a shortcut. The problem is simply that if the number
>     of columns
>      > retrieved exceeds the number used, then you've asked for a lot of
>     needless
>      > work to be done: the database had to gather the data, then store
>     it in its
>      > buffers, then it had to be sent across the network, then it had
>     to be stored
>      > in CF's memory as a query resultset. The larger the number of
>     excess column
>      > (and the size of data they hold), the more the pain of the
>     problem, and when
>      > you multiply that by the number of rows retrieved, and then by
>     the number of
>      > requests running that query each day...well, as the joke goes, "a
>     million
>      > here, a million there, and soon you're talking about real money".
>      >
>      > And the problem is about more than just you who issued the query.
>     You're
>      > request asking the database to do work takes away resources that
>     it could
>      > have spent doing more useful work. And when data fills the DB
>     buffers, that
>      > flushes data from someone else's query that might have been
>     reused for a
>      > subsequent request for the same database pages (very low level, but
>      > important, stuff).
>      >
>      > Now that was just if the number of columns retrieved would be
>     smaller if you
>      > did just name them instead. If they're the same, then that's
>     certainly
>      > different, though there can still be issues.
>      >
>      > For instance, depending on the database (and perhaps
>     configuration), the use
>      > of "select *" may cause the DBMS to process its query plan
>     differently. That
>      > really depends, though, and so I don't want to state
>     categorically that it's
>      > always bad for that reason. I'll leave that to others to hash out
>     (see
>      > below). Then there's this issue of its impact when used with
>      > and some have even argued that it causes problems when used in
>     CFQUERY with
>      > views (see the comments in the last thread below), and so on.
>      >
>      > Now, really, there are all manner of other places where people
>     have decried
>      > it (or debated it, as you want to). I can't tell if you're
>     pressing me,
>      > Duncan, just to get a rise out of me, or try to make me prove my
>     statement,
>      > or just out of sincere curiosity. I just want to clarify that I only
>      > proposed you avoid it to solve your very problem with
>     CFQUERYPARAM. Please
>      > do let us know if it helped. But if you're still interested in
>     the "select *
>      > debate", there's plenty out there. I don't need to defend it
>     myself. :-)
>      >
>      > What's interesting is that if you try to do a google search, you're
>      > flummoxed because google uses * as a single word placeholder (no,
>     not a
>      > multi-word, just a single word, which is curious), so you can't
>     (it seems)
>      > readily say "find all results that say select * us bad". Here are
>     a few
>      > areas where this has been discussed and/or debated:
>      >
>      > http://www.parseerror.com/sql/select*isevil.html
>      > http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=417457
>      > http://www.adopenstatic.com/faq/selectstarisbad.asp
>      >
> http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/eac/knowledgebaseAnswer/0,295199,si
>      > d63_gci978334,00.html
>      >
> http://rip747.wordpress.com/2006/07/10/to-select-or-not-its-a-matter-of-opin
> <http://rip747.wordpress.com/2006/07/10/to-select-or-not-its-a-matter-of-opin>
>      > ion/
>      >
>      > That last one above is from a CF perspective, and does discuss
>     the question
>      > from the perspective of "what if I *do* want all the columns".
>     I'll leave it
>      > to you and others to parse through all the available info to
>     decide best for
>      > yourself. :-)
>      >
>      > /Charlie
>      > http://www.carehart.org/blog/
>      >
>      > -----Original Message-----
>      > From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
>     <mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com> [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com
>     <mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com>] On Behalf
>      > Of Duncan
>      > Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 10:21 PM
>      > To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com <mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com>
>      > Subject: [cfaussie] Re: @#$!! queryparam
>      >
>      >
>      > Charlie,
>      >
>      > I didnt think that would be affecting it, I am more than aware
>     that its bad
>      > practice, and as it happens the queries in question do have *,
>     column1,
>      > column2 etc in them.
>      >
>      > I know that you are pulling more data than necessary with a *
>     therefore
>      > slowing down processing with data processing an transfer.
>      >
>      > "That's good practice for all manner of reasons"
>      >
>      > Would you care to spell out other reasons?
>      >
>      > Duncan
>      >
>      >
>      > >
>      >
>     --
>     Duncan I Loxton
>     > 

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