The man quotes Bambi,

Let him cry...

On 27/04/2007, at 3:46 PM, Tom MacKean wrote:

> OK. Had enough. I'm unsubscribing from cfaussie as of now.
> Let me make this perfectly clear. I am dropping off this list for  
> one reason only, and that is that every time someone comes up with  
> a sensible post about something Scott and Andrew turn it into a  
> flame war.
> Scott - this is a list for people who have problems or questions  
> about all things COLDFUSION - it is not a forum for "Well you could  
> do it with CF but look at this alternative from MS".
> Andrew - To quote from Bambi "If ya can't say nuffin' nice, don't  
> say nuffin' at all." Have a look through your posts and see how  
> many have ADDED to people's knowledge of a subject and how many  
> have just been having a dig at something someone (usually Scott)  
> has said.
> They went and set up a whole new watercooler newsgroup for you guys  
> so you could take your crap off cfaussie but your egos keep you  
> posting in other people's topics.
> What a couple of pricks.
> Don't bother replying, I'm gone.
> Tom MacKean

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