Thanks Angus, that does explain it.

Weird thing is, I only have a text/plain part. from reading the comments I
might need to put HTML in there as well. Reason I am using text only is to
try and prevent the email from going into the SPAM folder (with HTML I guess
there is more of a chance it will)..

On 6/18/07, Angus Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Taco,
> This might help 
> Angus
> On 18/06/07, Taco Fleur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am sending out a text only email (see below), but it does not display
> > in the Gmail interface.
> > Should I remove the cfmailpart? Or is there something else I am missing.
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > <cftry>
> >     <cfmail
> >      to="#getEmailAddress()#"
> >      from="[EMAIL PROTECTED] "
> >      subject="Your registration with Sellmystuff"
> >      mailerid=""
> >      wraptext="60">
> >    <cfmailpart type="text" wraptext="60">
> > Hello #getScreenName()#,
> >
> > You have successfully started the registration process with Sellmystuff,
> > the email address you used is: #getEmailAddress()#
> >
> > Please make sure you add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your safe sender
> > list, this will prevent our future emails from ending up in the SPAM folder.
> >
> >
> > You will receive another confirmation from us when your registration is
> > completed.
> >
> > Regards,
> > The Sellmystuff team</cfmailpart>
> >     </cfmail>
> >     <cfcatch>
> >      <cfset request.system.Error.doLogError ( cfcatch ) >
> >     </cfcatch>
> >    </cftry>
> >   </cfif>
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > The new Australian search engine for businesses, products and services
> >
> >
> >

*** { . } { . } ****
The new Australian search engine for businesses, products and services

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