Hi, just trying to set up a missing template page - anyone got a link
to a nice howto?

In case anyone feels like helping me debug, I've set the missing
template handler to "404.cfm" in the cfide/administrator

I've set up IIS to point to the file, this gives the desired result -
when hitting anything other than a .CFM page I see the  custom error
message I put in 404.cfm.

But, when hitting ThisFileDoesNotExist.CFM I just get the default CF
404 message: "Error Occurred while processing request".

Any Ideas why this wouldn't be showing the contents of my 404.cfm

Some additional info:

In the "Execution Time" area i can see the desired 404 handler is
being run:

But I see no output from this file, it looks as if it's just ignored.

I've also tried adding a cfmail to this file to see if it's only
output that's affected - doesn't seem to be running at all.

Thanks, any help appreciated.


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