I coulda sworn I've gotten away with this in the past: (it's been a
while since I've needed to use custom tags)

I've got a complex taglib custom tag made up of a few of FORM controls
that work together. The only reason I'm wanting to pre-process the
custom tags is that various values and flags are calculated from the
processing and used further down the page.

<cfif qPerson.recordcount GT 0>
        <cfset showMorePersons = true />
        <cfsavecontent variable="strCustomerPersonFormControls">
        <cfloop query="qPerson">
                <cfset counterPerson = counterPerson + 1 />

                        -- blah de blah --


but it's not rendering as HTML, it's just imbeding the custom tag CF
code in the source.

it must be code blindness and I've done something wrong with the
custom tag, because mixing another (simpler) custom tag in with
straight HTML works just fine:

<div id="personControls_#counterPerson#" class="personDiv"
style="DISPLAY: block">
        <div id="person_" class="custType">Person #counterPerson#:</div>
        <controls:select  name="selPersTit_#counterPerson#"
id="selPersTit_#counterPerson#" data="#qryTitles#"
        selectedValue="#qPerson.CUSTOMERTITLE#" defaultLabel="== Select =="
class="custTitle" />
        <INPUT name="txtPersFirNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
value="#qPerson.FIRSTNAME#"  class="custFName"  />
        <INPUT name="txtPersLasNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
value="#qPerson.SURNAME#"  class="custLName"  />
        <INPUT name="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="hidden"
value="#qPerson.PK_CUSTOMERID#"  />
        <input name="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
id="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="checkbox" value="true"
class="persChkDel" />
        <label for="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
</div><!-- %% generated %% -->

<cfif qPerson.recordcount GT 0>
        <cfset showMorePersons = true />
        <cfsavecontent variable="strCustomerPersonFormControls">
        <cfloop query="qPerson">
                <div id="personControls_#counterPerson#" class="personDiv"
style="DISPLAY: block">
                        <div id="person_" class="custType">Person 

                        <controls:select  name="selPersTit_#counterPerson#"
                         id="selPersTit_#counterPerson#" data="#qryTitles#"
                        defaultLabel="== Select ==" class="custTitle"

                        <INPUT name="txtPersFirNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
value="#qPerson.FIRSTNAME#"  class="custFName"  />
                        <INPUT name="txtPersLasNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
value="#qPerson.SURNAME#"  class="custLName"  />
                        <INPUT name="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="hidden"
value="#qPerson.PK_CUSTOMERID#"  />
                        <input name="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
id="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="checkbox" value="true"
class="persChkDel" />
                        <label for="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
                </div><!-- %% generated %% -->

can anyone suggest what obvious thing have I missed here?


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