
Just make sure you have your import tags prefix named correctly.

<cfimport taglib="../custom" prefix="custom">


barry.b wrote:
> I coulda sworn I've gotten away with this in the past: (it's been a
> while since I've needed to use custom tags)
> I've got a complex taglib custom tag made up of a few of FORM controls
> that work together. The only reason I'm wanting to pre-process the
> custom tags is that various values and flags are calculated from the
> processing and used further down the page.
> <cfif qPerson.recordcount GT 0>
>       <cfset showMorePersons = true />
>       <cfsavecontent variable="strCustomerPersonFormControls">
>       <cfloop query="qPerson">
>               <cfset counterPerson = counterPerson + 1 />
>               <cfoutput>
>               <custom:customerTag
>                       counter="#counterPerson#"
>                       customerType="Person"
>                       -- blah de blah --
>               />
>               </cfoutput>
>       </cfloop>
>       </cfsavecontent>
> </cfif>
> <cfoutput>#strCustomerPersonFormControls#</cfoutput>
> but it's not rendering as HTML, it's just imbeding the custom tag CF
> code in the source.
> it must be code blindness and I've done something wrong with the
> custom tag, because mixing another (simpler) custom tag in with
> straight HTML works just fine:
> <cfoutput>
> <div id="personControls_#counterPerson#" class="personDiv"
> style="DISPLAY: block">
>       <div id="person_" class="custType">Person #counterPerson#:</div>
> </cfoutput>
>       <controls:select  name="selPersTit_#counterPerson#"
> id="selPersTit_#counterPerson#" data="#qryTitles#"
>       selectedValue="#qPerson.CUSTOMERTITLE#" defaultLabel="== Select =="
> class="custTitle" />
> <cfoutput>
>       <INPUT name="txtPersFirNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
> value="#qPerson.FIRSTNAME#"  class="custFName"  />
>       <INPUT name="txtPersLasNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
> value="#qPerson.SURNAME#"  class="custLName"  />
>       <INPUT name="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="hidden"
> value="#qPerson.PK_CUSTOMERID#"  />
>       <input name="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
> id="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="checkbox" value="true"
> class="persChkDel" />
>       <label for="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
> class="persChkDelLbl">Delete</label>
> </cfoutput>
> </div><!-- %% generated %% -->
> <cfif qPerson.recordcount GT 0>
>       <cfset showMorePersons = true />
>       <cfsavecontent variable="strCustomerPersonFormControls">
>       <cfloop query="qPerson">
> <cfoutput>
>               <div id="personControls_#counterPerson#" class="personDiv"
> style="DISPLAY: block">
>                       <div id="person_" class="custType">Person 
> #counterPerson#:</div>
> </cfoutput>
>                       <controls:select  name="selPersTit_#counterPerson#"
>                        id="selPersTit_#counterPerson#" data="#qryTitles#"
>                       selectedValue="#qPerson.CUSTOMERTITLE#"
>                       defaultLabel="== Select ==" class="custTitle"
>                       />
> <cfoutput>
>                       <INPUT name="txtPersFirNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
> value="#qPerson.FIRSTNAME#"  class="custFName"  />
>                       <INPUT name="txtPersLasNam_#counterPerson#"  type="text"
> value="#qPerson.SURNAME#"  class="custLName"  />
>                       <INPUT name="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="hidden"
> value="#qPerson.PK_CUSTOMERID#"  />
>                       <input name="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
> id="hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson#" type="checkbox" value="true"
> class="persChkDel" />
>                       <label for="chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#"
> class="persChkDelLbl">Delete</label>
> </cfoutput>
>               </div><!-- %% generated %% -->
>       </cfloop>
>       </cfsavecontent>
> </cfif>
> can anyone suggest what obvious thing have I missed here?
> thanks
> barry.b
> >

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