What about

<cfset temp = StructKeyList(FORM)>

<!--- <cfset temp = REReplaceNoCase(temp,"customregexp","","ALL")> --->


barry.b wrote:
> yeah, you're right - that was one of the choices.
> (FYI - there is a caveat there: there's a bunch of reserved suffixes
> that won't show up in FORM.fieldnames ... _date and _time are a
> couple)
> I was going to look at form.fieldnames as a list to search but I
> really need ListFind() to either return an array of matches or use a
> starting "find" attribute for the next one ...
> Hmmm... maybe a regex find within form.fieldnames, return a bunch of
> em?  you've got me thinking now... it's just _gotta_ be faster than
> looping over the FORM scope, surely.
> thanx Andrew..
> b
> >

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