Perhaps the answer is to provide 2 web service interfaces - one for
XML consumers and the other for SOAP consumers. If you build the XML
version first it shouldn't be that hard to build a SOAP version as
well... as long as the web service's have absolutely no business logic
in them. The SOAP web service CFC would have inputs parameters and
forward everything onto a service object. The XML web service CFC
would be a little more complicated because it would have all the XML
parsing, validating etc and then forward the request onto the same
service object.


On Nov 11, 3:55 pm, Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One potential argument against "XML in and XML out" is that this is
> more work for the consumer / client. They have to covert build an XML
> packet to submit to the web service and then they have to parse /
> validate / pull apart the XML packet which I return to them. Where as
> if I was to use the scenario where your input and output parameters
> are strings, numbers, arrays, objects etc (and let CF covert them to
> their SOAP equivalents - which Kai obviously hates) then surely it
> would be easier for the consumer.
> From experience with web services that I've consumed in the past the
> web service must be returning SOAP data types to CF because I end up
> with a object which as you unpack it you get objects within objects
> and eventually you get down to the string, numbers, arrays etc. This
> makes sense to me because otherwise I'd have to parse the returned XML
> and then convert it all into CF data types before I could do anything
> with it (i.e. store some of it in the DB and display some of it to the
> user).
> What have other people experienced?
> Cheers
> Matthew
> On Nov 11, 2:41 pm, Kai Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yeah, Dream on! :-)
> > Well - they are coverted to SOAP equivalents, nothing wrong so far.
> > As Steve has pointed out - there are various complex issues when it
> > comes to complex data types cross-platform interoperability - converting
> > types to .NET is one of the easier tasks. Start about including proper
> > webservice security, authentication etc. and you're totally lost with  
> > CF.
> > CF's Axis-integration follows the code-first principle, i.e. you write  
> > code
> > and "all the magic" (WSDL) is done for you. Unfortunately that's one
> > of the worst approaches one could follow when it comes to web services,
> > it should always be "contract first" and the implementations should be
> > derived from a shared interface in WSDL.
> > CF to CF webservices though are expected to work fine. When it comes
> > to any serious webservice integration with CF though (WS-*, complex
> > types to .NET etc.) I'd not use it or rather go with a custom XML API.
> > Cheer
> > Kai
> > > "All CF datatypes are converted to SOAP equivalents"
> > _________________________________________________
> > Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
> > ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117
> > web:
> > blog:
> > _________________________________________________
> > Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
> > ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117
> > web:
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