Take this for example

        link = '<a class="c" href="bla.html">link text</a>';
        linkRef = refindNoCase("href=['""]?([^'""> ]*)['"" ]?", link, 1,

#mid(link, linkRef.pos[1], linkRef.len[1])# = href="bla.html" <br>
#mid(link, linkRef.pos[2], linkRef.len[2])# = bla.html

['""]? says that there does not have to be a ' or a " but if there is,
include it.  That way if its old crap html and it has href=bla.html the
expression will still work

([^'""> ]*) says group up anything thats not a ', " > or [space] but they
dont have to be there, but if you do find one use it as the terminator

['"" ]? says capture any one of those chars but it can be anyone and the all
dont have to be there

it will break though if the link path has a space in it but that is an
invalid link anyway as they should be url encoded:)


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