Hi Everyone,

Ok lets Kick start thing off then....
I really don't mind which venue we attend this year.
Now that I am no longer Public Transport reliant... I can get anywhere that it 
might be held.

I don't know the first thing about Flex - so selfishly I would love to have 
them included - I could certainly learn from them.

A for speakers and topics... I would truly like to give a presentation about 
using CF Debugger...
It would be the shot in the arm I need to get off my butt and learn about it.

Other topics that I would like to learn about are;
Using Selenium / testing in general
Frameworks.. I currently use Fusebox - but would love to learn about ColdBox.
I use ColdSpring at the moment and while I understand the fundamentals... I 
could always do with a greater in-depth knowledge, particularly AOP.
Server configuration / Monitoring / Java configuration
Flex / Lifecycle...

I am just a topic sponge. 

As always, please contact me if I can be of any futher assistance.

Gavin "Beau" Baumanis
Senior Application Developer
PalCare Pty. Ltd.

P: +61 -3 9380 3513
M: +61 -438 545 586
E: b...@palcare.com.au
W: http://palcare.com.au

On 04/02/2010, at 3:06 PM, Peter Robertson wrote:

> As planned (9 of us if I can count) gathered last night for CFDrinks
> at Fad Gallery in Melbourne.
> Thanks to all who attended and to Rocket Boots for picking up the bar
> tab.
> By the way, for those of you who missed this piece of news, Mark
> Mandel has stepped down from co-managing the Melbourne CFUG and I have
> stepped in to work with Steve Onnis for this year.  Mark, thanks for
> all your hard work, and we look forward to seeing you as often as
> you're able to make it to the CFUGs.
> Steve and my roles will be very roughly divided between communication,
> booking speakers, etc (me) and general logistics and sponsorship
> (Steve).
> Aside from drinking, we discussed where the Melbourne CFUG might go
> this year and resolved that there will not be a formal CFUG this
> month, and that we'll kick off in earnest for March.
> Other than that, no hard-and-fast decisions were made as we'd like to
> involve as many of you as possible in shaping the group.
> Included in the things we tossed around were:
> - VENUE:
>             Dale on behalf of Cog State once again generously offered
> their board room.
>             Cog State will be moving into the CBD later in the year,
> so this would satisfy centrality.
>             Would people prefer a room at a bar (provided noise
> levels, suitable projection, etc could be managed)?
> - SCOPE:
>             Given the demise of both the Adobe and Flex UGs here in
> Melbourne, should we provide coverage across the Adobe dev space and
> incorporate at least Flex?
>             There was a general feeling that this would bring
> benefits to both camps.
>             Various formats were kicked around, including 1 main
> presentation plus discussion, 2 presentations, 1 main plus 1 small
> presentation, etc.
>             Some of us would also like a casual, social opportunity
> to have a drink and talk afterward.
>             As always, we'll be looking for people prepared to
> present on a topic of interest.  Please put yourself forward if you'd
> like to offer.
>             We'll also be asking you what sorts of topics you'd all
> like covered.
> Steve Onnis and I will be organising a survey shortly to get a clear
> handle on what people want.  In the meantime, your input here would be
> very welcome.
> Cheers
> Peter
> -- 
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