I hate to ask this question... but...

If it's been said for 8 years, but there are still CF jobs and developers in
Australia, then that's a long time for all the jobs to dissapear.

Although, I don't disagree, it is tough to find CF developers in Australia.

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Andrew Scott <andr...@andyscott.id.au>wrote:

> Oh boy, I think I have been saying that for like 8+ years now.

My interesting question is this - if you could control Adobe for a day -
what would you change about what they do re: CF in the ANZ region?

Maybe there are problems that have already been solved, or ideas we can fire
off to Adobe people that are awesome and will be game changing.


E: mark.man...@gmail.com
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cf.Objective(ANZ) - Nov 18, 19 - Melbourne Australia

Hands-on ColdFusion ORM Training

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