I'd like to know what  (if anything) Adobe are currently doing to market
ColdFusion in this region.    Last time i asked this, people (including you,
Mark) jumped down my throat and called me a whinger.  But i did also notice
that no one said anything along the lines of "you're mistaken Mike,  Adobe
are doing this and that and this ..." which is what i had hoped I would find
out.   I was disappointed.

At one stage, Mark Blair was busy talking to prospects about coldfusion.
Before Rocketboots, Robin Hilliard spent most of his time at one stage
talking to people about why they should be using ColdFusion.   There was a
presence in the IT press - never enough, but a presence nevertheless.

So I ask once more at the risk of being branded a whinger again - is Adobe
doing ANYTHING at all to promote Coldfusion in this region?  Before anyone
could make sensible suggestions about what Adobe should do, we'd need to
know what they're doing already.   Otherwise its just a wish list.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/mont

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Andrew Scott <andr...@andyscott.id.au>wrote:

> How you ask Mark?
> Well it is a good question to ask, but Firmware was out in peoples faces
> giving business/companies packs. They held events for businesses to come
> along and see the product in action. You could invite friends along in the
> industry, they put on a small supper and gave away door prizes and all you
> had to do was to turn up and watch the demonstration/presentation on
> ColdFusion.
> All Adobe needs to do is have someone like Ben Forta come along into the
> government sector and he can do his magic, it seems that they are doing all
> this magic pushing of the product into companies and business in there own
> backyard but not the rest of the world.
> I guess if you ignore something long enough then it is bound to go the way
> of the dodo.

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