I have found i can specifically set a date using numerical values rather
than variables, to make absolutely certain i know what the value of the date
being inserted is.

If i set a variable which is a date object using the createdate() function,
 it reads the date properly.  If I use that same function to set a setter in
a bean,  it doesnt.     Here's the specifics:
<cfset testdate = createdate("2010","06","10") >
<p>Day: #day(testdate)#<br />
Month:#month(testdate)#<br />
Year: #year(testdate)#</p>

This code shows year='2010', month='6', day='10'

But if i have a bean with a date value in it,  and set the date value like
<cfset PosBean.setTransDate( createdate("2010","06","10")  ) />
<p>Day: #day( posbean.getTransDate() )#<br />
Month:#month(  posbean.getTransDate() )#<br />
Year: #year( posbean.getTransDate() )#</p>

This code shows year='2010', month=10', day='6'

If i use the bean value in the insert statement, it inserts the date with
month=10 and date=6.  If i use the #testdate# value in the insert statement,
 it inserts the date with month=6 and date=10.

The conclusion i am coming to is that a cfc will behave differently to a cfm
file.     No??   Anyway, since the value i'm trying to insert into the
database is a value from the bean (along with all the other values of the
bean)  I'm always going to get the wrong value into the database aren't i?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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