I've started learning about flex,  and using Adobe FlashBuilder 4.  But I'm
not too sure how to set up the locations in the project properties.    Sorry
this is such a beginner question, but when it comes to flex, that's what I

Here's my setup, and i'm not sure what to put where - the terminology in
Flash Builder 4 is a bit confusing for me about what it wants where ....

I have an Apache web server.    The root of the web server is at the default
location:  C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs
I have ColdFusion 9.01 set up as a J2EE server,  at the default location:
I have my web sites (multiple) set up on a different drive.   The place
where I'm wanting to set up my flex project is at
The URL of the project is http://dev.flexapp  which points
to E:\Sites\Mysites\FlexTutorialApp\wwwroot
The coldfusion WAR folder is the default setting
of C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war.

I was hoping to put the source files outside the web site,   so they didnt
confuse the issue when i came to deploy an application to the production
server later on.  I was wanting to have the flex source files
at E:\Sites\Mysites\FlexTutorialApp\Resources\FlexSource

So here's my question(s):

[A] Flashbuilder wants me to tell it the SERVER location when i establish
the project properties.   Does it mean the location of coldfusion (c:\jrun4)
or the location of my web site  (E:\Sites\Mysites\FlexTutorialApp\wwwroot),
or maybe the root of the Apache web server ( C:\Program Files\Apache
Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs )  which has nothing in it except the
apache default files?   The Flashbuilder project properties dialog box wants
'web root' and 'web root url'  but its surrounded by a label saying 'server
location'.    I guess they had in mind a server with only one web site on it
at the time they designed the box.   Yes?

[B] When i click on 'validate configuration' it says 'Cannot access the web
server. The server may not be running, or the web root folder or root URL
may be invalid.'  I know the server is running because the url
http://dev.flexapp shows the site root at index.cfm.

So I've missed something somewhere or not understood what Flash Builder's
looking for  - can anyone help please?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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