Hi Everyone,

Most will be aware that (at my work) I'm currently altering our monolithic 
application into several discreet services and that we're using Robin 
Hilliard's (Rocketboots) open source "Galaxy" service, service.

It's all progressing quite nicely - but I have an (almost) silly question.
Does a "service" normally get created with Application.cfc / cfm?

My initially thought is - it possibly depends on the service.
But the more I think about it - the more I think that it doesn't require one 
and possibly shouldn't have one at all.
Afterall - (I would think) - that its the responsibility of the real / calling 
application to worry about session state / request start / end processes etc - 
and that the service should be as "dumb" as it can possibly can be.

But since I don't actually know the answer - thought it best to ask.

As always, please contact me if I can be of any futher assistance.

Gavin "Beau" Baumanis
Senior Application Developer
PalCare Pty. Ltd.

P: +61 -3 9380 3513
M: +61 -438 545 586
E: b...@palcare.com.au
W: http://palcare.com.au

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