
I usually mention this in the Melbourne CFUG so they know my stance...
having the right skills (OOP, proper relational tables,etc etc) is
sufficient, coldfusion should be mentioned as a secondary and not a
requirement at all, you should be able to teach even a fresh grad the
syntax within 1-3 months. Having the right mindset and base skills is
far more important IMHO, CF is probably one of the easiest languages
to pick up...


Short and long is relative... really depends on how short... as Eliseo
pointed out, contractors have to factor in their leave, sick days,
super at the very least... I would say 75 per hour is reasonable for
an experienced dev (has proven development cred and assuming roughly 6
months experience) and then multiply by niche skills or a high skill

On Mar 15, 2:07 pm, Mark Picker <mark.pic...@det.nsw.edu.au> wrote:
> As Brian said short term I took it as meaning contractor rate, not
> salary.
> If it helps, we pay full time staff a salary that works out at around
> $330 gross per day.  Then add 5 weeks annual leave, 14 sick days, flex
> time, super etc.
> CF skills aren't a must (but we would rate skilled CF developers
> higher than non skilled) but staff would need to have some type of
> development background.
> Good luck finding someone Brian.  We tried filling a CF position for
> over 3 years (or maybe 4??) and recently had to remove the position as
> we couldn't fill it.
> Cheers
> Mark

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