I realise this is a CF mailing list… 

But as far another language to learn goes...
I am not finding it too bad, actually.
But then again - I don't have any "real" Java experience to unlearn - and 
apply the Scala way to, either.
And… I am far from being a "naturally-gifted" application developer - but I 
am finding the learning curve - to the basics at least - relatively easy 

Recently, in the ColdFusion world - I have managed to get a a really good 
handle on ColdSpring (Dependency Injection and am starting to do some real 
work with AOP too) and thanks to CF's ORM implementation a relatively good 
exposure to Hibernate too. 

Perhaps they were good "primers" to get me in the right head-space to start 
I don't know, for certain of course, I am really just guessing!

Definitely, Functional Programming is doing my head in - (but I honestly 
dot "get" closures either) - so that isn't a surprise to me!
For the time being I am just using the OOP side of things, anyway.

There are few things I REALLY like about Scala.
 * It rungs on the JVM - so you can use Java libraries natively, just like 
we already do in the CF world.
 * You can run Scala code as a script - for testing Scala expressions, 
without the requirements to compile / re-compile.

 * The Play framework is a really nice conventions based MVC framework for 
creating web applications.
 * Play also has a dynamic rebuild - so you don't need to recompile, 
manually, every time you want to test a change.
 * Lastly Akka - which is the "Actors" model framework - takes away the 
headache of concurrency / (threads / locking) etc from the developer.

It just turns out to be a really nice "stack" to work with.

On Monday, August 26, 2013 9:58:47 AM UTC+10, Mark Mandel wrote:
> Interesting! :)
> From what I hear, Scala can be quite complicated, but has some nice 
> features built in. Be interested to hear on your take on it.
> It's been on my todo list to have a cursory look over Scala, but have been 
> distracted by other things (clojure, neo4j, elasticsearch ... blerg blerg)
> Mark
> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Gavin Baumanis 
> <beaue...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Sorry for the very late reply...
>> I am having a "muck about" with it.
>> I am REALLY liking the PLAY toolkit / framework for making web apps out 
>> of Scala.
>> Scala / Akka / Play  - seems like a pretty common stack for web 
>> development, too - which is good (for me) because I found them discreetly 
>> of each other.
>> There is a Melbourne Scala User Group and the Scala / Akka / Play Google 
>> groups seem to have lots of traffic and learner friendly / helpful people, 
>> too.
>> -Gavin.
> -- 
> E: mark....@gmail.com <javascript:>
> T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
> W: www.compoundtheory.com
> 2 Devs from Down Under Podcast
> http://www.2ddu.com/

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