Prazek updated this revision to Diff 31846.


Index: test/CodeGenCXX/vtable-available-externally.cpp
--- test/CodeGenCXX/vtable-available-externally.cpp
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/vtable-available-externally.cpp
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@
 namespace Test9 {
 // all virtual functions are outline, so we can assume that it will
 // be generated in translation unit where foo is defined
-// CHECK-TEST9: @_ZTVN5Test91AE = available_externally unnamed_addr constant
-// CHECK-TEST9: @_ZTVN5Test91BE = available_externally unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-TEST9-DAG: @_ZTVN5Test91AE = available_externally unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-TEST9-DAG: @_ZTVN5Test91BE = available_externally unnamed_addr constant
 struct A {
   virtual void foo();
   virtual void bar();
@@ -206,39 +206,39 @@
 namespace Test10 {
 // because A's key function is defined here, vtable is generated in this TU
-// CHECK-TEST10: @_ZTVN6Test101AE = unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-TEST10-DAG: @_ZTVN6Test101AE = unnamed_addr constant
 struct A {
   virtual void foo();
   virtual void bar();
 void A::foo() {}
 // Because key function is inline we will generate vtable as linkonce_odr
-// CHECK-TEST10: @_ZTVN6Test101DE = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-TEST10-DAG: @_ZTVN6Test101DE = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
 struct D : A {
   void bar();
 inline void D::bar() {}
 // because B has outline key function then we can refer to
-// CHECK-TEST10: @_ZTVN6Test101BE = available_externally unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-TEST10-DAG: @_ZTVN6Test101BE = available_externally unnamed_addr constant
 struct B : A {
   void foo();
   void bar();
 // C's key function (car) is outline, but C has inline virtual function so we
 // can't guarantee that we will be able to refer to bar from name
 // so (at the moment) we can't emit vtable available_externally
-// CHECK-TEST10: @_ZTVN6Test101CE = external unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-TEST10-DAG: @_ZTVN6Test101CE = external unnamed_addr constant
 struct C : A {
   void bar() {}               // defined in body - not key function
   virtual inline void gar();  // inline in body - not key function
   virtual void car();
 // no key function, vtable will be generated everywhere it will be used
-// CHECK-TEST10: @_ZTVN6Test101EE = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
+// CHECK-TEST10-DAG: @_ZTVN6Test101EE = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
 struct E : A {};
 void g(A& a) {
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/vtable-assume-load.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/vtable-assume-load.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-llvm -o %t.ll -O1 -disable-llvm-optzns -fms-extensions
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -emit-llvm -o -O1 -disable-llvm-optzns -fms-extensions
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK1 --input-file=%t.ll %s
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK2 --input-file=%t.ll %s
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK3 --input-file=%t.ll %s
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK4 --input-file=%t.ll %s
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-MS %s
+namespace test1 {
+struct A {
+  A();
+  virtual void foo();
+struct B : A {
+  virtual void foo();
+void g(A *a) { a->foo(); }
+void fooA() {
+  A a;
+  g(&a);
+void fooB() {
+  B b;
+  g(&b);
+// CHECK1-LABEL: define void @_ZN5test14fooAEv()
+// CHECK1: %cmp.vtables = icmp eq i8** %vtable, getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8*], [3 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5test11AE, i64 0, i64 2)
+// CHECK1: call void @llvm.assume(i1 %cmp.vtables)
+// CHECK1-LABEL: define void @_ZN5test14fooBEv()
+// CHECK1: call void @_ZN5test11BC1Ev(%"struct.test1::B"* %b)
+// CHECK1: %vtable = load i8**, i8*** %1, !tbaa !5
+// CHECK1: %cmp.vtables = icmp eq i8** %vtable, getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8*], [3 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5test11BE, i64 0, i64 2)
+// CHECK1: call void @llvm.assume(i1 %cmp.vtables)
+// there should not be any assumes in the ctor that calls base ctor
+// CHECK1-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN5test11BC2Ev(%"struct.test1::B"* %this)
+// CHECK1-NOT: @llvm.assume(
+namespace test2 {
+struct A {
+  A();
+  virtual void foo();
+struct B {
+  B();
+  virtual void bar();
+struct C : A, B {
+  C();
+  virtual void foo();
+void g(A *a) { a->foo(); }
+void h(B *b) { b->bar(); }
+// CHECK2-LABEL: define void @_ZN5test24testEv()
+// CHECK2: call void @_ZN5test21CC1Ev(%"struct.test2::C"* %c)
+// CHECK2: vtable = load i8**, i8*** %1, !tbaa !5
+// CHECK2: %cmp.vtables = icmp eq i8** %vtable, getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8*], [6 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5test21CE, i64 0, i64 2)
+// CHECK2: call void @llvm.assume(i1 %cmp.vtables)
+// CHECK2: %2 = bitcast %"struct.test2::C"* %c to i8*
+// CHECK2: %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %2, i64 8
+// CHECK2: %3 = bitcast i8* %add.ptr to i8***
+// CHECK2: %vtable1 = load i8**, i8*** %3, !tbaa !5
+// CHECK2: %cmp.vtables2 = icmp eq i8** %vtable1, getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8*], [6 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5test21CE, i64 0, i64 5)
+// CHECK2: call void @llvm.assume(i1 %cmp.vtables2)
+// CHECK2: call void @_ZN5test21gEPNS_1AE(
+void test() {
+  C c;
+  g(&c);
+  h(&c);
+namespace test3 {
+struct A {
+  A();
+struct B : A {
+  B();
+  virtual void foo();
+struct C : virtual A, B {
+  C();
+  virtual void foo();
+void g(B *a) { a->foo(); }
+// CHECK3-LABEL: define void @_ZN5test34testEv()
+// CHECK3: call void @_ZN5test31CC1Ev(%"struct.test3::C"* %c)
+// CHECK3: %cmp.vtables = icmp eq i8** %vtable, getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8*], [4 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5test31CE, i64 0, i64 3)
+// CHECK3: call void @llvm.assume(i1 %cmp.vtables)
+void test() {
+  C c;
+  g(&c);
+} // test3
+namespace test4 {
+struct A {
+  A();
+  virtual void foo();
+struct B : virtual A {
+  B();
+  virtual void foo();
+struct C : B {
+  C();
+  virtual void foo();
+void g(C *c) { c->foo(); }
+// CHECK4-LABEL: define void @_ZN5test44testEv()
+// CHECK4: call void @_ZN5test41CC1Ev(%"struct.test4::C"* %c)
+// CHECK4: %vtable = load i8**, i8*** %1, !tbaa !5
+// CHECK4: %cmp.vtables = icmp eq i8** %vtable, getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8*], [5 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5test41CE, i64 0, i64 4)
+// CHECK4: call void @llvm.assume(i1 %cmp.vtables)
+// CHECK4: %2 = bitcast %"struct.test4::C"* %c to i8***
+// CHECK4: %vtable1 = load i8**, i8*** %2, !tbaa !5
+// CHECK4: %cmp.vtables2 = icmp eq i8** %vtable1, getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8*], [5 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5test41CE, i64 0, i64 4)
+// CHECK4: call void @llvm.assume(i1 %cmp.vtables2)
+void test() {
+  C c;
+  g(&c);
+} // test4
+namespace test5 {
+struct __declspec(novtable) S {
+  virtual void foo();
+void g(S &s) {; }
+// if struct has novtable specifier, then we can't generate assumes
+// CHECK-MS-LABEL: define void @"\01?test@test5@@YAXXZ"()
+// CHECK-MS: call x86_thiscallcc %"struct.test5::S"* @"\01??0S@test5@@QAE@XZ"(
+// CHECK-MS-NOT: @llvm.assume
+void test() {
+  S s;
+  g(s);
+} // test5
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/virtual-base-ctor.cpp
--- test/CodeGenCXX/virtual-base-ctor.cpp
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/virtual-base-ctor.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -triple %itanium_abi_triple -o - -O2 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -triple %itanium_abi_triple -o - -O2 | opt - -S -globalopt -o - | FileCheck %s
 struct B;
 extern B x;
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/thunks.cpp
--- test/CodeGenCXX/thunks.cpp
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/thunks.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -munwind-tables -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -munwind-tables -emit-llvm -o - -O1 -disable-llvm-optzns | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -munwind-tables -emit-llvm -o %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -munwind-tables -emit-llvm -o %t.opt -O1 -disable-llvm-optzns
+// RUN: FileCheck %s < %t
+// RUN: FileCheck %s < %t.opt
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-NONOPT %s < %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-OPT %s < %t.opt
 namespace Test1 {
@@ -380,13 +384,25 @@
 /**** The following has to go at the end of the file ****/
+// checking without opt
+// CHECK-NONOPT-LABEL: define internal void @_ZThn8_N6Test4B12_GLOBAL__N_11C1fEv(
+// CHECK-NONOPT-NOT: comdat
 // This is from Test5:
-// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @_ZThn8_N6Test4B12_GLOBAL__N_11C1fEv(
-// CHECK-NOT: comdat
-// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZTv0_n24_N5Test51B1fEv
+// CHECK-NONOPT-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZTv0_n24_N5Test51B1fEv
+// This is from Test10:
+// CHECK-NONOPT-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN6Test101C3fooEv
+// CHECK-NONOPT-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZThn8_N6Test101C3fooEv
+// Checking with opt
+// CHECK-OPT-LABEL: define internal void @_ZThn8_N6Test4B12_GLOBAL__N_11C1fEv(%"struct.Test4B::(anonymous namespace)::C"* %this) unnamed_addr #0 align 2
 // This is from Test10:
-// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN6Test101C3fooEv
-// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZThn8_N6Test101C3fooEv
+// CHECK-OPT-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN6Test101C3fooEv
+// CHECK-OPT-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZThn8_N6Test101C3fooEv
+// This is from Test5:
+// CHECK-OPT-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZTv0_n24_N5Test51B1fEv
 // CHECK: attributes [[NUW]] = { nounwind uwtable{{.*}} }
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/template-instantiation.cpp
--- test/CodeGenCXX/template-instantiation.cpp
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/template-instantiation.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -O1 -disable-llvm-optzns -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK:     @_ZTVN5test018stdio_sync_filebufIA4_iEE = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
 // CHECK: @_ZN7PR100011xE = global
 // CHECK-NOT: @_ZN7PR100014kBarE = external global i32
@@ -12,7 +14,6 @@
 // CHECK: @_ZN7PR100011SIiE3arrE = linkonce_odr global [3 x i32]
 // CHECK-NOT: @_ZN7PR100011SIiE3arr2E = linkonce_odr global [3 x i32]A
-// CHECK:     @_ZTVN5test018stdio_sync_filebufIA4_iEE = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant
 // CHECK-NOT: _ZTVN5test31SIiEE
 // CHECK-NOT: _ZTSN5test31SIiEE
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/ctor-globalopt.cpp
--- test/CodeGenCXX/ctor-globalopt.cpp
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/ctor-globalopt.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - %s -O1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=O1
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - %s -O2 | opt - -S -globalopt -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=O1
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %ms_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %ms_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - %s -O1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=O1
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %ms_abi_triple -emit-llvm -o - %s -O2 | opt - -S -globalopt -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=O1
 // Check that GlobalOpt can eliminate static constructors for simple implicit
 // constructors. This is a targetted integration test to make sure that LLVM's
Index: test/CodeGen/available-externally-hidden.cpp
--- test/CodeGen/available-externally-hidden.cpp
+++ test/CodeGen/available-externally-hidden.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
 int main() {
-TestSyncMessageFilter*  f = new TestSyncMessageFilter;
+  TestSyncMessageFilter *f = new TestSyncMessageFilter;
   f->Send(new Message);
Index: lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
@@ -215,10 +215,24 @@
   void emitVTableDefinitions(CodeGenVTables &CGVT,
                              const CXXRecordDecl *RD) override;
+  bool isVirtualOffsetNeededForVTableField(
+      CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) override;
+  // Can't initialize the vtable pointer if the class is marked
+  // with the 'novtable' attribute.
+  bool canInitializeVPtr(const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
+                         const CXXRecordDecl *Base,
+                         const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) override {
+    return !VTableClass->hasAttr<MSNoVTableAttr>();
+  }
+  llvm::Constant *
+  getVTableAddressPoint(BaseSubobject Base,
+                        const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) override;
   llvm::Value *getVTableAddressPointInStructor(
       CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
-      BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
-      bool &NeedsVirtualOffset) override;
+      BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) override;
   llvm::Constant *
   getVTableAddressPointForConstExpr(BaseSubobject Base,
@@ -1564,14 +1578,15 @@
+bool MicrosoftCXXABI::isVirtualOffsetNeededForVTableField(
+    CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) {
+  return (NearestVBase != nullptr);
 llvm::Value *MicrosoftCXXABI::getVTableAddressPointInStructor(
     CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass, BaseSubobject Base,
-    const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase, bool &NeedsVirtualOffset) {
-  NeedsVirtualOffset = (NearestVBase != nullptr);
-  (void)getAddrOfVTable(VTableClass, Base.getBaseOffset());
-  VFTableIdTy ID(VTableClass, Base.getBaseOffset());
-  llvm::GlobalValue *VTableAddressPoint = VFTablesMap[ID];
+    const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) {
+  llvm::Constant *VTableAddressPoint = getVTableAddressPoint(Base, VTableClass);
   if (!VTableAddressPoint) {
     assert(Base.getBase()->getNumVBases() &&
@@ -1586,11 +1601,17 @@
   MangleContext.mangleCXXVFTable(RD, VFPtr->MangledPath, Out);
-llvm::Constant *MicrosoftCXXABI::getVTableAddressPointForConstExpr(
-    BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
+llvm::Constant *
+MicrosoftCXXABI::getVTableAddressPoint(BaseSubobject Base,
+                                       const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
   (void)getAddrOfVTable(VTableClass, Base.getBaseOffset());
   VFTableIdTy ID(VTableClass, Base.getBaseOffset());
-  llvm::GlobalValue *VFTable = VFTablesMap[ID];
+  return VFTablesMap[ID];
+llvm::Constant *MicrosoftCXXABI::getVTableAddressPointForConstExpr(
+    BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
+  llvm::Constant *VFTable = getVTableAddressPoint(Base, VTableClass);
   assert(VFTable && "Couldn't find a vftable for the given base?");
   return VFTable;
@@ -1600,6 +1621,7 @@
   // getAddrOfVTable may return 0 if asked to get an address of a vtable which
   // shouldn't be used in the given record type. We want to cache this result in
   // VFTablesMap, thus a simple zero check is not sufficient.
   VFTableIdTy ID(RD, VPtrOffset);
   VTablesMapTy::iterator I;
   bool Inserted;
@@ -1653,10 +1675,11 @@
   if (llvm::GlobalValue *VFTable =
           CGM.getModule().getNamedGlobal(VFTableName)) {
     VFTablesMap[ID] = VFTable;
-    return VTableAliasIsRequred
-               ? cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(
-                     cast<llvm::GlobalAlias>(VFTable)->getBaseObject())
-               : cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(VFTable);
+    VTable = VTableAliasIsRequred
+                 ? cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(
+                       cast<llvm::GlobalAlias>(VFTable)->getBaseObject())
+                 : cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(VFTable);
+    return VTable;
   uint64_t NumVTableSlots =
Index: lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
@@ -190,10 +190,26 @@
   void emitVTableDefinitions(CodeGenVTables &CGVT,
                              const CXXRecordDecl *RD) override;
+  bool isVirtualOffsetNeededForVTableField(
+      CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) override;
+  bool canInitializeVPtr(const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
+                         const CXXRecordDecl *Base,
+                         const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) override {
+    return true;
+  }
+  llvm::Constant *
+  getVTableAddressPoint(BaseSubobject Base,
+                        const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) override;
   llvm::Value *getVTableAddressPointInStructor(
       CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
-      BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
-      bool &NeedsVirtualOffset) override;
+      BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) override;
+  llvm::Value *getVTableAddressPointInStructorWithVTT(
+      CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
+      BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase);
   llvm::Constant *
   getVTableAddressPointForConstExpr(BaseSubobject Base,
@@ -1376,41 +1392,29 @@
   CGM.EmitVTableBitSetEntries(VTable, VTLayout);
+bool ItaniumCXXABI::isVirtualOffsetNeededForVTableField(
+    CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) {
+  if (NearestVBase == nullptr)
+    return false;
+  return NeedsVTTParameter(CGF.CurGD);
 llvm::Value *ItaniumCXXABI::getVTableAddressPointInStructor(
     CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass, BaseSubobject Base,
-    const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase, bool &NeedsVirtualOffset) {
-  bool NeedsVTTParam = CGM.getCXXABI().NeedsVTTParameter(CGF.CurGD);
-  NeedsVirtualOffset = (NeedsVTTParam && NearestVBase);
-  llvm::Value *VTableAddressPoint;
-  if (NeedsVTTParam && (Base.getBase()->getNumVBases() || NearestVBase)) {
-    // Get the secondary vpointer index.
-    uint64_t VirtualPointerIndex =
-        CGM.getVTables().getSecondaryVirtualPointerIndex(VTableClass, Base);
-    /// Load the VTT.
-    llvm::Value *VTT = CGF.LoadCXXVTT();
-    if (VirtualPointerIndex)
-      VTT = CGF.Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_64(VTT, VirtualPointerIndex);
-    // And load the address point from the VTT.
-    VTableAddressPoint = CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(VTT);
-  } else {
-    llvm::Constant *VTable =
-        CGM.getCXXABI().getAddrOfVTable(VTableClass, CharUnits());
-    uint64_t AddressPoint = CGM.getItaniumVTableContext()
-                                .getVTableLayout(VTableClass)
-                                .getAddressPoint(Base);
-    VTableAddressPoint =
-        CGF.Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_64(VTable, 0, AddressPoint);
-  }
+    const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) {
-  return VTableAddressPoint;
+  if ((Base.getBase()->getNumVBases() || NearestVBase != nullptr) &&
+      NeedsVTTParameter(CGF.CurGD)) {
+    return getVTableAddressPointInStructorWithVTT(CGF, VTableClass, Base,
+                                                  NearestVBase);
+  }
+  return getVTableAddressPoint(Base, VTableClass);
-llvm::Constant *ItaniumCXXABI::getVTableAddressPointForConstExpr(
-    BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
-  auto *VTable = getAddrOfVTable(VTableClass, CharUnits());
+llvm::Constant *
+ItaniumCXXABI::getVTableAddressPoint(BaseSubobject Base,
+                                     const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
+  llvm::GlobalValue *VTable = getAddrOfVTable(VTableClass, CharUnits());
   // Find the appropriate vtable within the vtable group.
   uint64_t AddressPoint = CGM.getItaniumVTableContext()
@@ -1425,6 +1429,30 @@
                                                       VTable, Indices);
+llvm::Value *ItaniumCXXABI::getVTableAddressPointInStructorWithVTT(
+    CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass, BaseSubobject Base,
+    const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) {
+  assert((Base.getBase()->getNumVBases() || NearestVBase != nullptr) &&
+         NeedsVTTParameter(CGF.CurGD) && "This class doesn't have VTT");
+  // Get the secondary vpointer index.
+  uint64_t VirtualPointerIndex =
+      CGM.getVTables().getSecondaryVirtualPointerIndex(VTableClass, Base);
+  /// Load the VTT.
+  llvm::Value *VTT = CGF.LoadCXXVTT();
+  if (VirtualPointerIndex)
+    VTT = CGF.Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_64(VTT, VirtualPointerIndex);
+  // And load the address point from the VTT.
+  return CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(VTT);
+llvm::Constant *ItaniumCXXABI::getVTableAddressPointForConstExpr(
+    BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
+  return getVTableAddressPoint(Base, VTableClass);
 llvm::GlobalVariable *ItaniumCXXABI::getAddrOfVTable(const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
                                                      CharUnits VPtrOffset) {
   assert(VPtrOffset.isZero() && "Itanium ABI only supports zero vptr offsets");
Index: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
@@ -1309,21 +1309,29 @@
   void EmitInitializerForField(FieldDecl *Field, LValue LHS, Expr *Init,
                                ArrayRef<VarDecl *> ArrayIndexes);
+  // Struct containg all informations needed to initilize vptrs.
+  struct VPtr {
+    BaseSubobject Base;
+    const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase;
+    CharUnits OffsetFromNearestVBase;
+    const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass;
+  };
   /// InitializeVTablePointer - Initialize the vtable pointer of the given
   /// subobject.
-  void InitializeVTablePointer(BaseSubobject Base,
-                               const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
-                               CharUnits OffsetFromNearestVBase,
-                               const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass);
+  void InitializeVTablePointer(const VPtr &vptr);
+  typedef llvm::SmallVector<VPtr, 4> VPtrsVector;
   typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<const CXXRecordDecl *, 4> VisitedVirtualBasesSetTy;
-  void InitializeVTablePointers(BaseSubobject Base,
-                                const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
-                                CharUnits OffsetFromNearestVBase,
-                                bool BaseIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase,
-                                const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
-                                VisitedVirtualBasesSetTy& VBases);
+  VPtrsVector getVTablePointers(const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass);
+  void getVTablePointers(BaseSubobject Base, const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
+                         CharUnits OffsetFromNearestVBase,
+                         bool BaseIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase,
+                         const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
+                         VisitedVirtualBasesSetTy &VBases, VPtrsVector &vptrs);
   void InitializeVTablePointers(const CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl);
@@ -1756,6 +1764,13 @@
                               bool ForVirtualBase, bool Delegating,
                               llvm::Value *This, const CXXConstructExpr *E);
+  // Emit assumption load for all bases
+  void EmitVTableAssumptionLoads(const CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl,
+                                 llvm::Value *This);
+  // Emit assumption that vptr load == global vtable
+  void EmitVTableAssumptionLoad(const VPtr &vptr, llvm::Value *This);
   void EmitSynthesizedCXXCopyCtorCall(const CXXConstructorDecl *D,
                               llvm::Value *This, llvm::Value *Src,
                               const CXXConstructExpr *E);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
@@ -1781,12 +1781,14 @@
                                              bool ForVirtualBase,
                                              bool Delegating, llvm::Value *This,
                                              const CXXConstructExpr *E) {
+  const CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = D->getParent();
   // C++11 [class.mfct.non-static]p2:
   //   If a non-static member function of a class X is called for an object that
   //   is not of type X, or of a type derived from X, the behavior is undefined.
   // FIXME: Provide a source location here.
   EmitTypeCheck(CodeGenFunction::TCK_ConstructorCall, SourceLocation(), This,
-                getContext().getRecordType(D->getParent()));
+                getContext().getRecordType(ClassDecl));
   if (D->isTrivial() && D->isDefaultConstructor()) {
     assert(E->getNumArgs() == 0 && "trivial default ctor with args");
@@ -1802,7 +1804,7 @@
     const Expr *Arg = E->getArg(0);
     QualType SrcTy = Arg->getType();
     llvm::Value *Src = EmitLValue(Arg).getAddress();
-    QualType DestTy = getContext().getTypeDeclType(D->getParent());
+    QualType DestTy = getContext().getTypeDeclType(ClassDecl);
     EmitAggregateCopyCtor(This, Src, DestTy, SrcTy);
@@ -1825,6 +1827,40 @@
   const CGFunctionInfo &Info =
       CGM.getTypes().arrangeCXXConstructorCall(Args, D, Type, ExtraArgs);
   EmitCall(Info, Callee, ReturnValueSlot(), Args, D);
+  // Generate vtable assumptions if we are calling dynamic class ctor
+  // and we are not in another ctor.
+  if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().OptimizationLevel > 0 &&
+      ClassDecl->isDynamicClass() && Type != Ctor_Base)
+    EmitVTableAssumptionLoads(ClassDecl, This);
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitVTableAssumptionLoad(const VPtr &Vptr,
+                                               llvm::Value *This) {
+  llvm::Value *VTableGlobal =
+      CGM.getCXXABI().getVTableAddressPoint(Vptr.Base, Vptr.VTableClass);
+  if (!VTableGlobal)
+    return;
+  // We can just use the base offset in the complete class.
+  CharUnits NonVirtualOffset = Vptr.Base.getBaseOffset();
+  if (!NonVirtualOffset.isZero())
+    This =
+        ApplyNonVirtualAndVirtualOffset(*this, This, NonVirtualOffset, nullptr);
+  llvm::Value *VPtrValue = GetVTablePtr(This, VTableGlobal->getType());
+  llvm::Value *Cmp =
+      Builder.CreateICmpEQ(VPtrValue, VTableGlobal, "cmp.vtables");
+  Builder.CreateAssumption(Cmp);
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitVTableAssumptionLoads(const CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl,
+                                                llvm::Value *This) {
+  for (const VPtr &vptr : getVTablePointers(ClassDecl))
+    if (CGM.getCXXABI().canInitializeVPtr(vptr.VTableClass, vptr.Base.getBase(),
+                                          vptr.NearestVBase))
+      EmitVTableAssumptionLoad(vptr, This);
@@ -1992,42 +2028,29 @@
   PushDestructorCleanup(D, Addr);
-CodeGenFunction::InitializeVTablePointer(BaseSubobject Base,
-                                         const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
-                                         CharUnits OffsetFromNearestVBase,
-                                         const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
-  const CXXRecordDecl *RD = Base.getBase();
-  // Don't initialize the vtable pointer if the class is marked with the
-  // 'novtable' attribute.
-  if ((RD == VTableClass || RD == NearestVBase) &&
-      VTableClass->hasAttr<MSNoVTableAttr>())
-    return;
+void CodeGenFunction::InitializeVTablePointer(const VPtr &Vptr) {
   // Compute the address point.
-  bool NeedsVirtualOffset;
   llvm::Value *VTableAddressPoint =
-          *this, VTableClass, Base, NearestVBase, NeedsVirtualOffset);
+          *this, Vptr.VTableClass, Vptr.Base, Vptr.NearestVBase);
   if (!VTableAddressPoint)
   // Compute where to store the address point.
   llvm::Value *VirtualOffset = nullptr;
   CharUnits NonVirtualOffset = CharUnits::Zero();
-  if (NeedsVirtualOffset) {
+  if (CGM.getCXXABI().isVirtualOffsetNeededForVTableField(*this,
+                                                          Vptr.NearestVBase)) {
     // We need to use the virtual base offset offset because the virtual base
     // might have a different offset in the most derived class.
-    VirtualOffset = CGM.getCXXABI().GetVirtualBaseClassOffset(*this,
-                                                              LoadCXXThis(),
-                                                              VTableClass,
-                                                              NearestVBase);
-    NonVirtualOffset = OffsetFromNearestVBase;
+    VirtualOffset = CGM.getCXXABI().GetVirtualBaseClassOffset(
+        *this, LoadCXXThis(), Vptr.VTableClass, Vptr.NearestVBase);
+    NonVirtualOffset = Vptr.OffsetFromNearestVBase;
   } else {
     // We can just use the base offset in the complete class.
-    NonVirtualOffset = Base.getBaseOffset();
+    NonVirtualOffset = Vptr.Base.getBaseOffset();
   // Apply the offsets.
@@ -2046,23 +2069,36 @@
   VTableField = Builder.CreateBitCast(VTableField, VTablePtrTy->getPointerTo());
   VTableAddressPoint = Builder.CreateBitCast(VTableAddressPoint, VTablePtrTy);
   llvm::StoreInst *Store = Builder.CreateStore(VTableAddressPoint, VTableField);
   CGM.DecorateInstruction(Store, CGM.getTBAAInfoForVTablePtr());
-CodeGenFunction::InitializeVTablePointers(BaseSubobject Base,
-                                          const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
-                                          CharUnits OffsetFromNearestVBase,
-                                          bool BaseIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase,
-                                          const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
-                                          VisitedVirtualBasesSetTy& VBases) {
+CodeGenFunction::getVTablePointers(const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) {
+  CodeGenFunction::VPtrsVector VPtrsResult;
+  VisitedVirtualBasesSetTy VBases;
+  getVTablePointers(BaseSubobject(VTableClass, CharUnits::Zero()),
+                    /*NearestVBase=*/nullptr,
+                    /*OffsetFromNearestVBase=*/CharUnits::Zero(),
+                    /*BaseIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase=*/false, VTableClass, VBases,
+                    VPtrsResult);
+  return VPtrsResult;
+void CodeGenFunction::getVTablePointers(BaseSubobject Base,
+                                        const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase,
+                                        CharUnits OffsetFromNearestVBase,
+                                        bool BaseIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase,
+                                        const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
+                                        VisitedVirtualBasesSetTy &VBases,
+                                        VPtrsVector &Vptrs) {
   // If this base is a non-virtual primary base the address point has already
   // been set.
   if (!BaseIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase) {
     // Initialize the vtable pointer for this base.
-    InitializeVTablePointer(Base, NearestVBase, OffsetFromNearestVBase,
-                            VTableClass);
+    VPtr Vptr = {Base, NearestVBase, OffsetFromNearestVBase, VTableClass};
+    Vptrs.push_back(Vptr);
   const CXXRecordDecl *RD = Base.getBase();
@@ -2100,25 +2136,25 @@
       BaseDeclIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase = Layout.getPrimaryBase() == BaseDecl;
-    InitializeVTablePointers(BaseSubobject(BaseDecl, BaseOffset),
-                             I.isVirtual() ? BaseDecl : NearestVBase,
-                             BaseOffsetFromNearestVBase,
-                             BaseDeclIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase,
-                             VTableClass, VBases);
+    getVTablePointers(
+        BaseSubobject(BaseDecl, BaseOffset),
+        I.isVirtual() ? BaseDecl : NearestVBase, BaseOffsetFromNearestVBase,
+        BaseDeclIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase, VTableClass, VBases, Vptrs);
 void CodeGenFunction::InitializeVTablePointers(const CXXRecordDecl *RD) {
   // Ignore classes without a vtable.
   if (!RD->isDynamicClass())
+  auto Vptrs = getVTablePointers(RD);
   // Initialize the vtable pointers for this class and all of its bases.
-  VisitedVirtualBasesSetTy VBases;
-  InitializeVTablePointers(BaseSubobject(RD, CharUnits::Zero()),
-                           /*NearestVBase=*/nullptr,
-                           /*OffsetFromNearestVBase=*/CharUnits::Zero(),
-                           /*BaseIsNonVirtualPrimaryBase=*/false, RD, VBases);
+  for (const VPtr &Vptr : Vptrs)
+    if (CGM.getCXXABI().canInitializeVPtr(Vptr.VTableClass, Vptr.Base.getBase(),
+                                          Vptr.NearestVBase))
+      InitializeVTablePointer(Vptr);
   if (RD->getNumVBases())
     CGM.getCXXABI().initializeHiddenVirtualInheritanceMembers(*this, RD);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGCXXABI.h
--- lib/CodeGen/CGCXXABI.h
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGCXXABI.h
@@ -346,13 +346,25 @@
   virtual void emitVTableDefinitions(CodeGenVTables &CGVT,
                                      const CXXRecordDecl *RD) = 0;
+  virtual bool
+  isVirtualOffsetNeededForVTableField(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
+                                      const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) = 0;
+  virtual bool canInitializeVPtr(const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass,
+                                 const CXXRecordDecl *Base,
+                                 const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) = 0;
+  /// Get the address point of the vtable for the given base subobject
+  virtual llvm::Constant *
+  getVTableAddressPoint(BaseSubobject Base,
+                        const CXXRecordDecl *VTableClass) = 0;
   /// Get the address point of the vtable for the given base subobject while
-  /// building a constructor or a destructor. On return, NeedsVirtualOffset
-  /// tells if a virtual base adjustment is needed in order to get the offset
-  /// of the base subobject.
-  virtual llvm::Value *getVTableAddressPointInStructor(
-      CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *RD, BaseSubobject Base,
-      const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase, bool &NeedsVirtualOffset) = 0;
+  /// building a constructor or a destructor.
+  virtual llvm::Value *
+  getVTableAddressPointInStructor(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
+                                  BaseSubobject Base,
+                                  const CXXRecordDecl *NearestVBase) = 0;
   /// Get the address point of the vtable for the given base subobject while
   /// building a constexpr.
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