tra created this revision.
tra added reviewers: eliben, rsmith, jholewinski, echristo, jingyue.
tra added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

The patch makes it possible to parse CUDA files that contain host/device 
functions with identical signatures, but different attributes  without having 
to physically split source into host-only and device-only parts.

This change is needed in order to parse CUDA header files that have a lot of 
name clashes with standard include files.

Gory details are in design doc here: [[ | ]]
Feel free to leave comments there or in this review thread.

This feature is controlled with CC1 option -fcuda-target-overloads and is 
disabled by default.

Includes the changes to add appropriate host/device attribute to 
target-specific builtins that were reviewed in


Index: test/SemaCUDA/
--- test/SemaCUDA/
+++ test/SemaCUDA/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=gnu++11 -triple nvptx64-unknown-unknown -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple nvptx64-unknown-unknown -fcuda-is-device -fsyntax-only -verify %s
 #include "Inputs/cuda.h"
 // expected-no-diagnostics
 __device__ void __threadfence_system() {
-  // This shouldn't produce an error, since __nvvm_membar_sys is inferred to
-  // be __host__ __device__ and thus callable from device code.
+  // This shouldn't produce an error, since __nvvm_membar_sys should be
+  // __device__ and thus callable from device code.
Index: test/SemaCUDA/
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCUDA/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// Make sure we handle target overloads correctly.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
+// RUN:    -fsyntax-only -fcuda-target-overloads -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple nvptx64-nvidia-cuda \
+// RUN:    -fsyntax-only -fcuda-target-overloads -fcuda-is-device -verify %s
+// Check target overloads handling with disabled call target checks.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DNOCHECKS -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -fsyntax-only \
+// RUN:    -fcuda-disable-target-call-checks -fcuda-target-overloads -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DNOCHECKS -triple nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -fsyntax-only \
+// RUN:    -fcuda-disable-target-call-checks -fcuda-target-overloads \
+// RUN:    -fcuda-is-device -verify %s
+#include "Inputs/cuda.h"
+typedef int (*fp_t)(void);
+__device__ int dhhd(void) { return 2; }
+__host__ int dhhd(void) { return 1; } // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
+int dhhd(void) { return 1; } // expected-error {{redefinition of 'dhhd'}}
+__host__ __device__ int dhhd(void) { return 3; }
+__host__ int hhd(void) { return 4; }
+__host__ __device__ int dhd(void) { return 5; }
+__device__ int dhd(void) { return 6; }
+__host__ __device__ int hhd(void) { return 7; }
+__device__ int d(void) { return 8; }
+__host__ int h(void) { return 9; }
+__global__ void g(void) {}
+extern "C" __device__ int chd(void) {return 10;}
+extern "C" __host__ int chd(void) {return 11;} // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
+extern "C" int chd(void) {return 11;} // expected-error {{redefinition of 'chd'}}
+extern "C" __host__ __device__ int chd(void) {return 12;} // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
+extern "C" __host__ __device__ int chd(void) {return 13;} // expected-error {{redefinition of 'chd'}}
+__host__ void hostf(void) {
+  fp_t dhddp = dhhd;
+  fp_t hhdp = hhd;
+  fp_t dhdp = dhd;
+  fp_t dp = d;
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-2 {{reference to __device__ function 'd' in __host__ function}}
+  // expected-note@32 {{'d' declared here}}
+  fp_t hp = h;
+  dhhd();
+  hhd();
+  dhd();
+  chd();
+  d();
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-2 {{no matching function for call to 'd'}}
+  // expected-note@32 {{candidate function not viable: call to __device__ function from __host__ function}}
+  h();
+  g(); // expected-error {{call to global function g not configured}}
+  g<<<0,0>>>();
+__device__ void devicef(void) {
+  fp_t dhddp = dhhd;
+  fp_t hhdp = hhd;
+  fp_t dhdp = dhd;
+  fp_t dp = d;
+  fp_t hp = h;
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-2 {{reference to __host__ function 'h' in __device__ function}}
+  // expected-note@33 {{'h' declared here}}
+  dhhd();
+  hhd();
+  dhd();
+  chd();
+  d();
+  h();
+  g();
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-3 {{no matching function for call to 'h'}}
+  // expected-note@33 {{candidate function not viable: call to __host__ function from __device__ function}}
+  // expected-error@-5 {{no matching function for call to 'g'}}
+  // expected-note@34 {{candidate function not viable: call to __global__ function from __device__ function}}
+  g<<<0,0>>>();
+  // expected-error@-1 {{reference to __global__ function 'g' in __device__ function}}
+  // expected-note@34 {{'g' declared here}}
+__global__ void globalf(void) {
+  fp_t dhddp = dhhd;
+  fp_t hhdp = hhd;
+  fp_t dhdp = dhd;
+  fp_t dp = d;
+  fp_t hp = h;
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-2 {{reference to __host__ function 'h' in __global__ function}}
+  // expected-note@33 {{'h' declared here}}
+  dhhd();
+  hhd();
+  dhd();
+  chd();
+  d();
+  h();
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-2 {{no matching function for call to 'h'}}
+  // expected-note@33 {{candidate function not viable: call to __host__ function from __global__ function}}
+  g();
+  // expected-error@-1 {{no matching function for call to 'g'}}
+  // expected-note@34 {{candidate function not viable: call to __global__ function from __global__ function}}
+  g<<<0,0>>>();
+  // expected-error@-1 {{reference to __global__ function 'g' in __global__ function}}
+  // expected-note@34 {{'g' declared here}}
+__host__ __device__ void hostdevicef(void) {
+  fp_t dhddp = dhhd;
+  fp_t hhdp = hhd;
+  fp_t dhdp = dhd;
+  fp_t dp = d;
+  fp_t hp = h;
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
+  // expected-error@-4 {{reference to __device__ function 'd' in __host__ __device__ function}}
+  // expected-note@32 {{'d' declared here}}
+  // expected-error@-6 {{reference to __host__ function 'h' in __host__ __device__ function}}
+  // expected-note@33 {{'h' declared here}}
+  dhhd();
+  hhd();
+  dhd();
+  chd();
+  d();
+  h();
+  g();
+  g<<<0,0>>>();
+#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-6 {{no matching function for call to 'd'}}
+  // expected-note@32 {{candidate function not viable: call to __device__ function from __host__ __device__ function}}
+  // expected-error@-7 {{call to global function g not configured}}
+#if !defined(NOCHECKS)
+  // expected-error@-11 {{no matching function for call to 'h'}}
+  // expected-note@33 {{candidate function not viable: call to __host__ function from __host__ __device__ function}}
+  // expected-error@-13 {{no matching function for call to 'g'}}
+  // expected-note@34 {{candidate function not viable: call to __global__ function from __host__ __device__ function}}
+  // expected-error@-14 {{reference to __global__ function 'g' in __host__ __device__ function}}
+  // expected-note@34 {{'g' declared here}}
+#endif  // __CUDA_ARCH__
+// Test for address of overloaded function resolution in the global context.
+typedef int (*fp_t)(void);
+fp_t dhhdp = dhhd;
Index: test/SemaCUDA/
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaCUDA/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Tests that target-specific builtins have appropriate host/device
+// attributes and that CUDA call restrictions are enforced. Also
+// verify that non-target builtins can be used from both host and
+// device functions.
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown \
+// RUN:     -fcuda-target-overloads -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple nvptx64-unknown-cuda -fcuda-is-device \
+// RUN:     -fcuda-target-overloads -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
+// Device-side builtins are not allowed to be called from host functions.
+void hf() {
+  int x = __builtin_ptx_read_tid_x(); // expected-note  {{'__builtin_ptx_read_tid_x' declared here}}
+  // expected-error@-1 {{reference to __device__ function '__builtin_ptx_read_tid_x' in __host__ function}}
+  x = __builtin_abs(1);
+__attribute__((device)) void df() {
+  int x = __builtin_ptx_read_tid_x();
+  x = __builtin_abs(1);
+// Host-side builtins are not allowed to be called from device functions.
+__attribute__((device)) void df() {
+  int x = __builtin_ia32_rdtsc();   // expected-note {{'__builtin_ia32_rdtsc' declared here}}
+  // expected-error@-1 {{reference to __host__ function '__builtin_ia32_rdtsc' in __device__ function}}
+  x = __builtin_abs(1);
+void hf() {
+  int x = __builtin_ia32_rdtsc();
+  x = __builtin_abs(1);
Index: test/CodeGenCUDA/
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCUDA/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// Make sure we handle target overloads correctly.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
+// RUN:     -fcuda-target-overloads -emit-llvm -o - %s \
+// RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH -check-prefix=CHECK-HOST %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -fcuda-is-device \
+// RUN:     -fcuda-target-overloads -emit-llvm -o - %s \
+// RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH -check-prefix=CHECK-DEVICE %s
+// Check target overloads handling with disabled call target checks.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DNOCHECKS -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -emit-llvm \
+// RUN:    -fcuda-disable-target-call-checks -fcuda-target-overloads -o - %s \
+// RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH -check-prefix=CHECK-HOST \
+// RUN:    -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH-NC -check-prefix=CHECK-HOST-NC %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DNOCHECKS -triple nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -emit-llvm \
+// RUN:    -fcuda-disable-target-call-checks -fcuda-target-overloads \
+// RUN:    -fcuda-is-device -o - %s \
+// RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH -check-prefix=CHECK-DEVICE \
+// RUN:    -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH-NC -check-prefix=CHECK-DEVICE-NC %s
+#include "Inputs/cuda.h"
+typedef int (*fp_t)(void);
+// CHECK-BOTH-LABEL: define i32 @_Z4dhhdv()
+__device__ int dhhd(void) { return 1; }
+// CHECK-DEVICE:   ret i32 1
+__host__ int dhhd(void) { return 2; }
+// CHECK-HOST:   ret i32 2
+// CHECK-BOTH-LABEL: define i32 @_Z4dhhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+__host__ __device__ int dhhd(void) { return 3; }
+// CHECK-BOTH:   ret i32 3
+// CHECK-HOST-LABEL: define i32 @_Z3hhdv()
+__host__ int hhd(void) { return 4; }
+// CHECK-HOST:   ret i32 4
+// CHECK-BOTH-LABEL: define i32 @_Z3dhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+__host__ __device__ int dhd(void) { return 5; }
+// CHECK-BOTH:   ret i32 5
+// CHECK-DEVICE-LABEL: define i32 @_Z3dhdv()
+__device__ int dhd(void) { return 6; }
+// CHECK-DEVICE:   ret i32 6
+// CHECK-BOTH-LABEL: define i32 @_Z3hhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+__host__ __device__ int hhd(void) { return 7; }
+// CHECK-BOTH:   ret i32 7
+// CHECK-DEVICE-LABEL: define i32 @_Z1dv()
+__device__ int d(void) { return 8; }
+// CHECK-DEVICE:   ret i32 8
+// CHECK-HOST-LABEL: define i32 @_Z1hv()
+__host__ int h(void) { return 9; }
+// CHECK-HOST:   ret i32 9
+// mangled names of extern "C" __host__ __device__ functions clash
+// with those of their __host__/__device__ counterparts, so
+// overloading of extern "C" functions can only happen for __host__
+// and __device__ functions -- we never codegen them in the same
+// compilation and therefore mangled name conflict is not a problem.
+// CHECK-DEVICE-LABEL: define i32 @chd()
+extern "C" __device__ int chd(void) {return 10;}
+// CHECK-DEVICE:   ret i32 10
+// CHECK-HOST-LABEL: define i32 @chd()
+extern "C" __host__ int chd(void) {return 11;}
+// CHECK-HOST:   ret i32 11
+// CHECK-HOST-LABEL: define void @_Z5hostfv()
+__host__ void hostf(void) {
+  fp_t dhddp = dhhd;  // CHECK-HOST: store {{.*}} @_Z4dhhdv, {{.*}} %dhddp,
+  fp_t hhdp = hhd;    // CHECK-HOST: store {{.*}} @_Z3hhdv, {{.*}} %hhdp,
+  fp_t dhdp = dhd;    // CHECK-HOST: store {{.*}} @_Z3dhdUa6deviceUa4hostv, {{.*}} %dhdp,
+#if defined (NOCHECKS)
+  fp_t dp = d; // CHECK-HOST-NC: store {{.*}} @_Z1dv, {{.*}} %dp,
+  fp_t hp = h;  // CHECK-HOST: store {{.*}} @_Z1hv, {{.*}} %hp,
+  fp_t chdp = chd;  // CHECK-HOST: store {{.*}} @chd, {{.*}} %chdp,
+  dhhd();  // CHECK-HOST: call i32 @_Z4dhhdv()
+  hhd();   // CHECK-HOST: call i32 @_Z3hhdv()
+  dhd();   // CHECK-HOST: call i32 @_Z3dhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+  h();     // CHECK-HOST: call i32 @_Z1hv()
+  chd();   // CHECK-HOST: call i32 @chd()
+// CHECK-DEVICE-LABEL: define void @_Z7devicefv()
+__device__ void devicef(void) {
+  fp_t dhddp = dhhd;  // CHECK-DEVICE: store {{.*}} @_Z4dhhdv, {{.*}} %dhddp,
+  fp_t hhdp = hhd;    // CHECK-DEVICE: store {{.*}} @_Z3hhdUa6deviceUa4hostv, {{.*}} %hhdp,
+  fp_t dhdp = dhd;    // CHECK-DEVICE: store {{.*}} @_Z3dhdv, {{.*}} %dhdp,
+  fp_t dp = d;  // CHECK-DEVICE: store {{.*}} @_Z1dv, {{.*}} %dp,
+#if defined (NOCHECKS)
+  fp_t hp = h;  // CHECK-DEVICE-NC: store {{.*}} @_Z1hv, {{.*}} %hp,
+  fp_t chdp = chd;  // CHECK-DEVICE: store {{.*}} @chd, {{.*}} %chdp,
+  dhhd();  // CHECK-DEVICE: call i32 @_Z4dhhdv()
+  hhd();   // CHECK-DEVICE: call i32 @_Z3hhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+  dhd();   // CHECK-DEVICE: call i32 @_Z3dhdv()
+  d();     // CHECK-DEVICE: call i32 @_Z1dv()
+  chd();   // CHECK-DEVICE: call i32 @chd()
+// CHECK-BOTH-LABEL: define void @_Z11hostdevicefUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+__host__ __device__ void hostdevicef(void) {
+  fp_t dhddp = dhhd;  // CHECK-BOTH: store {{.*}} @_Z4dhhdUa6deviceUa4hostv, {{.*}} %dhddp,
+  fp_t hhdp = hhd;    // CHECK-BOTH: store {{.*}} @_Z3hhdUa6deviceUa4hostv, {{.*}} %hhdp,
+  fp_t dhdp = dhd;    // CHECK-BOTH: store {{.*}} @_Z3dhdUa6deviceUa4hostv, {{.*}} %dhdp,
+#if defined (NOCHECKS)
+  fp_t dp = d;  // CHECK-BOTH-NC: store {{.*}} @_Z1dv, {{.*}} %dp,
+  fp_t hp = h;  // CHECK-BOTH-NC: store {{.*}} @_Z1hv, {{.*}} %hp,
+  // chd would be __host__ or __device__ depending on compilation mode.
+  fp_t chdp = chd;  // CHECK-BOTH: store {{.*}} @chd, {{.*}} %chdp,
+  dhhd(); // CHECK-BOTH: call i32 @_Z4dhhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+  hhd();  // CHECK-BOTH: call i32 @_Z3hhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+  dhd();  // CHECK-BOTH: call i32 @_Z3dhdUa6deviceUa4hostv()
+#if defined(NOCHECKS) || defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
+  d();    // CHECK-BOTH-NC: call i32 @_Z1dv()
+#if defined(NOCHECKS) || !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
+  h();    // CHECK-BOTH-NC: call i32 @_Z1hv()
+  chd();  // CHECK-BOTH: call i32 @chd()
Index: lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
@@ -1067,6 +1067,11 @@
       return true;
+  if (getLangOpts().CUDA && getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads)
+    // Allow overloading of functions with same signature, but
+    // different CUDA target attributes.
+    return IdentifyCUDATarget(New) != IdentifyCUDATarget(Old);
   // The signatures match; this is not an overload.
   return false;
@@ -8503,6 +8508,13 @@
     return true;
+  if (S.getLangOpts().CUDA && S.getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads &&
+      Cand1.Function && Cand2.Function) {
+    FunctionDecl *Caller = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(S.CurContext);
+    return S.IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Cand1.Function) >
+           S.IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Cand2.Function);
+  }
   return false;
@@ -9920,6 +9932,10 @@
+    if (S.getLangOpts().CUDA && S.getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads &&
+        Matches.size() > 1)
+      EliminateSuboptimalCudaMatches();
@@ -10100,6 +10116,31 @@
+  void EliminateSuboptimalCudaMatches() {
+    assert(S.getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads &&
+           "Should not be called w/o enabled target overloads.");
+    // Find the best call preference among the functions in Matches.
+    FunctionDecl *Caller = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(S.CurContext);
+    Sema::CUDAFunctionPreference BestCFP = Sema::CFP_Never;
+    for (auto const& Match: Matches) {
+      Sema::CUDAFunctionPreference P =
+          S.IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Match.second);
+      if (P > BestCFP)
+        BestCFP = P;
+    }
+    assert(BestCFP != Sema::CFP_Never && "No usable CUDA functions.");
+    // If any suitable functions found, remove all items that are
+    // *not* suitable.
+    for (unsigned I = 0, N = Matches.size(); I != N;)
+      if (S.IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Matches[I].second) != BestCFP) {
+        Matches[I] = Matches[--N];
+        Matches.set_size(N);
+      } else
+        ++I;
+  }
   void ComplainNoMatchesFound() const {
Index: lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
@@ -2256,6 +2256,28 @@
            "found an unexpected usual deallocation function");
+  // Filter out unsuitable CUDA functions.
+  if (getLangOpts().CUDA) {
+    FunctionDecl *Caller = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CurContext);
+    // Find the best call preference among the functions in Matches.
+    CUDAFunctionPreference BestCFP = CFP_Never;
+    for (auto const &Match : Matches) {
+      CUDAFunctionPreference P = IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Match);
+      if (P > BestCFP)
+        BestCFP = P;
+    }
+    assert(BestCFP != CFP_Never && "No usable CUDA functions.");
+    // If any suitable functions found, remove all items that are
+    // *not* suitable.
+    for (unsigned I = 0, N = Matches.size(); I != N;)
+      if (IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Matches[I]) != BestCFP) {
+        Matches[I] = Matches[--N];
+        Matches.set_size(N);
+      } else
+        ++I;
+  }
   assert(Matches.size() == 1 &&
          "unexpectedly have multiple usual deallocation functions");
   return Matches.front();
Index: lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
@@ -5510,6 +5510,12 @@
     // In C++, the overloadable attribute negates the effects of extern "C".
     if (!D->isInExternCContext() || D->template hasAttr<OverloadableAttr>())
       return false;
+    // So do CUDA's host/device attributes if overloading is enabled.
+    if (S.getLangOpts().CUDA && S.getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads &&
+        (D->template hasAttr<CUDADeviceAttr>() ||
+         D->template hasAttr<CUDAHostAttr>()))
+      return false;
   return D->isExternC();
@@ -11227,6 +11233,18 @@
       FD->addAttr(NoThrowAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, FD->getLocation()));
     if (Context.BuiltinInfo.isConst(BuiltinID) && !FD->hasAttr<ConstAttr>())
       FD->addAttr(ConstAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, FD->getLocation()));
+    if (getLangOpts().CUDA && getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads &&
+        Context.BuiltinInfo.isTSBuiltin(BuiltinID) &&
+        !FD->hasAttr<CUDADeviceAttr>() && !FD->hasAttr<CUDAHostAttr>()) {
+      // Target-specific builtins are assumed to be intended for use
+      // in this particular CUDA compilation mode and should have
+      // appropriate attribute set so we can enforce CUDA function
+      // call restrictions.
+      if (getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice)
+        FD->addAttr(CUDADeviceAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, FD->getLocation()));
+      else
+        FD->addAttr(CUDAHostAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, FD->getLocation()));
+    }
   IdentifierInfo *Name = FD->getIdentifier();
Index: lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
   // Since the target specific builtins for each arch overlap, only check those
   // of the arch we are compiling for.
-  if (BuiltinID >= Builtin::FirstTSBuiltin) {
+  if (Context.BuiltinInfo.isTSBuiltin(BuiltinID)) {
     switch (Context.getTargetInfo().getTriple().getArch()) {
       case llvm::Triple::arm:
       case llvm::Triple::armeb:
Index: lib/Sema/SemaCUDA.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaCUDA.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaCUDA.cpp
@@ -60,8 +60,99 @@
   return CFT_Host;
+// * CUDA Call preference table
+// F - from,
+// T - to
+// Ph - preference in host mode
+// Pd - preference in device mode
+// H  - handled in (x)
+// Preferences: b-best, f-fallback, l-last resort, n-never.
+// | F  | T  | Ph | Pd |  H  |           |
+// |----+----+----+----+-----+-----------|
+// | d  | d  | b  | b  | (b) |           |
+// | d  | g  | n  | n  | (a) |           |
+// | d  | h  | l  | l  | (e) |           |
+// | d  | hd | f  | f  | (c) |           |
+// | g  | d  | b  | b  | (b) |           |
+// | g  | g  | n  | n  | (a) | dyn exec? |
+// | g  | h  | l  | l  | (e) | dyn exec? |
+// | g  | hd | f  | f  | (c) |           |
+// | h  | d  | l  | l  | (e) |           |
+// | h  | g  | b  | b  | (b) |           |
+// | h  | h  | b  | b  | (b) |           |
+// | h  | hd | f  | f  | (c) |           |
+// | hd | d  | l  | f  | (d) |           |
+// | hd | g  | f  | n  | (d/a)|          |
+// | hd | h  | f  | l  | (d) |           |
+// | hd | hd | b  | b  | (b) |           |
+Sema::IdentifyCUDAPreference(const FunctionDecl *Caller,
+                             const FunctionDecl *Callee) {
+  assert(getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads &&
+         "Should not be called w/o enabled target overloads.");
+  CUDAFunctionTarget CallerTarget =
+                         Caller ? IdentifyCUDATarget(Caller) : Sema::CFT_Host,
+                     CalleeTarget = IdentifyCUDATarget(Callee);
+  // If one of the targets is invalid, the check always fails, no matter what
+  // the other target is.
+  if (CallerTarget == CFT_InvalidTarget || CalleeTarget == CFT_InvalidTarget)
+    return CFP_Never;
+  // (a) Can't call global from global until we support dynamic execution.
+  if (CalleeTarget == CFT_Global &&
+      (CallerTarget == CFT_Global || CallerTarget == CFT_Device ||
+       (CallerTarget == CFT_HostDevice && getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice)))
+    return CFP_Never;
+  // (b) Best case scenarios
+  if (CalleeTarget == CallerTarget ||
+      (CallerTarget == CFT_Host && CalleeTarget == CFT_Global) ||
+      (CallerTarget == CFT_Global && CalleeTarget == CFT_Device))
+    return CFP_Best;
+  // (c) Calling HostDevice is OK as a fallback that works for everyone.
+  if (CalleeTarget == CFT_HostDevice)
+    return CFP_Fallback;
+  // Figure out what should be returned 'last resort' cases. Normally
+  // those would not be allowed, but it may be overriden by
+  // CUDADisableTargetCallChecks.
+  CUDAFunctionPreference QuestionableResult =
+      getLangOpts().CUDADisableTargetCallChecks ? CFP_LastResort : CFP_Never;
+  // (d) HostDevice behavior depends on compilation mode.
+  if (CallerTarget == CFT_HostDevice) {
+    // Calling a function that matches compilation mode is OK.
+    // Calling a function from the other side is frowned upon.
+    if (getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice)
+      return CalleeTarget == CFT_Device ? CFP_Fallback : QuestionableResult;
+    else
+      return (CalleeTarget == CFT_Host || CalleeTarget == CFT_Global)
+                 ? CFP_Fallback
+                 : QuestionableResult;
+  }
+  // (e) Calling across device/host boundary is not something you should do.
+  if ((CallerTarget == CFT_Host && CalleeTarget == CFT_Device) ||
+      (CallerTarget == CFT_Device && CalleeTarget == CFT_Host) ||
+      (CallerTarget == CFT_Global && CalleeTarget == CFT_Host))
+    return QuestionableResult;
+  llvm_unreachable("All cases should've been handled by now.");
 bool Sema::CheckCUDATarget(const FunctionDecl *Caller,
                            const FunctionDecl *Callee) {
+  // With target overloads enabled, we only disallow calling
+  // combinations with CFP_Never.
+  if (getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads)
+    return IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller,Callee) == CFP_Never;
   // The CUDADisableTargetCallChecks short-circuits this check: we assume all
   // cross-target calls are valid.
   if (getLangOpts().CUDADisableTargetCallChecks)
Index: lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
--- lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
+++ lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
@@ -1412,6 +1412,9 @@
   if (Args.hasArg(OPT_fcuda_disable_target_call_checks))
     Opts.CUDADisableTargetCallChecks = 1;
+  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_fcuda_target_overloads))
+    Opts.CUDATargetOverloads = 1;
   if (Opts.ObjC1) {
     if (Arg *arg = Args.getLastArg(OPT_fobjc_runtime_EQ)) {
       StringRef value = arg->getValue();
Index: lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
--- lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp
@@ -498,6 +498,11 @@
+  // __host__ __device__ functions co-exist with both __host__ and
+  // __device__ functions, so they need a different mangled name.
+  if (FD->hasAttr<CUDADeviceAttr>() && FD->hasAttr<CUDAHostAttr>())
+    Out << "Ua6deviceUa4host";
   // Whether the mangling of a function type includes the return type depends on
   // the context and the nature of the function. The rules for deciding whether
   // the return type is included are:
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -8594,6 +8594,17 @@
   CUDAFunctionTarget IdentifyCUDATarget(const FunctionDecl *D);
+  enum CUDAFunctionPreference {
+    CFP_Never,      // Invalid caller/callee combination.
+    CFP_LastResort, // same as CFP_Never or CFP_Fallback, depending on
+                    // -fcuda-disable-target-call-checks option
+    CFP_Fallback,   // Low priority caller/callee combination
+    CFP_Best,       // Preferred caller/callee combination
+  };
+  CUDAFunctionPreference IdentifyCUDAPreference(const FunctionDecl *Caller,
+                                                const FunctionDecl *Callee);
   bool CheckCUDATarget(const FunctionDecl *Caller, const FunctionDecl *Callee);
   /// Given a implicit special member, infer its CUDA target from the
Index: include/clang/Driver/
--- include/clang/Driver/
+++ include/clang/Driver/
@@ -659,6 +659,8 @@
   HelpText<"Disable all cross-target (host, device, etc.) call checks in CUDA">;
 def fcuda_include_gpubinary : Separate<["-"], "fcuda-include-gpubinary">,
   HelpText<"Incorporate CUDA device-side binary into host object file.">;
+def fcuda_target_overloads : Flag<["-"], "fcuda-target-overloads">,
+  HelpText<"Enable function overloads based on CUDA target attributes.">;
 } // let Flags = [CC1Option]
Index: include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.def
--- include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.def
+++ include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.def
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
 LANGOPT(CUDAIsDevice      , 1, 0, "Compiling for CUDA device")
 LANGOPT(CUDAAllowHostCallsFromHostDevice, 1, 0, "Allow host device functions to call host functions")
 LANGOPT(CUDADisableTargetCallChecks, 1, 0, "Disable checks for call targets (host, device, etc.)")
+LANGOPT(CUDATargetOverloads, 1, 0, "Enable function overloads based on CUDA target attributes")
 LANGOPT(AssumeSaneOperatorNew , 1, 1, "implicit __attribute__((malloc)) for C++'s new operators")
 LANGOPT(SizedDeallocation , 1, 0, "enable sized deallocation functions")
Index: include/clang/Basic/Builtins.h
--- include/clang/Basic/Builtins.h
+++ include/clang/Basic/Builtins.h
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@
     return getRecord(ID).Type;
+  /// \brief Return true if this function is a target-specific builtin
+  bool isTSBuiltin(unsigned ID) const {
+    return ID >= Builtin::FirstTSBuiltin;
+  }
   /// \brief Return true if this function has no side effects and doesn't
   /// read memory.
   bool isConst(unsigned ID) const {
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