sunfishcode added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Basic/Targets.cpp:7643-7649
@@ +7642,9 @@
+  case llvm::Triple::wasm64:
+    // Until specific variations are defined, don't permit any.
+    if (!(Triple == llvm::Triple("wasm64-unknown-unknown")) ||
+        (!Triple.getVendorName().empty() &&
+         Triple.getVendorName() != "unknown") ||
+        (!Triple.getOSName().empty() && Triple.getOSName() != "unknown") ||
+        (Triple.hasEnvironment() && Triple.getEnvironmentName() != "unknown"))
+      return nullptr;
+    return new WebAssemblyOSTargetInfo<WebAssembly64TargetInfo>(Triple);
echristo wrote:
> sunfishcode wrote:
> > echristo wrote:
> > > Ditto.
> > > 
> > > (I said this just below, but it seems to have gotten munged in the newer 
> > > version)
> > I actually did see your comment and updated the code accordingly. It now 
> > does a positive test, `Triple == llvm::Triple("wasm64-unknown-unknown")`, 
> > which is simpler than what it did before.
> > 
> > However, it's also doing additional tests, because the Triple class's 
> > operator== doesn't distinguish between an Unknown that was actually 
> > "unknown" or an unknown that was some other string. Until we figure out 
> > what "vendor", "OS", and "environment" variations of wasm make sense (if 
> > any), we want to avoid dealing with accidental alternate triples.
> I think this is a lot of overkill here, no other target cares about this so 
> why should the wasm target? If it's that important maybe fix Triple?
This Triple issue is not important enough to hold up the rest of the patch for, 
so I just removed it. Thanks for the review!


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