sfantao updated this revision to Diff 36263.
sfantao added a comment.

This diff refactors the original patch and is rebased on top of the latests 
offloading changes inserted for CUDA.

Here I don't touch the CUDA support. I tried, however, to have the 
implementation modular enough so that it could eventually be combined with the 
CUDA implementation. In my view OpenMP offloading is more general in the sense 
that it does not refer to a given tool chain, instead it uses existing 
toolchains to generate code for offloading devices. So, I believe that a tool 
chain (which I did not include in this patch) targeting NVPTX will be able to 
handle both CUDA and OpenMP offloading models.

Chris, Art, I understand you have worked out the latest CUDA changes so any 
feedback from you is greatly appreciated!

Here are few more details about this diff:

Add tool to bundle and unbundle corresponding host and device files into a 
single one.

One of the goals of OpenMP offloading is to enable users to offload with little 
effort, by annotating the code with a few pragmas. I'd also like to save users 
the trouble of changing their existent applications' build system. So having 
the compiler always return a single file instead of one for the host and each 
target even if the user is doing separate compilation is desirable.

This diff includes a tool named clang-offload-bundled (happy to change the name 
or even include it in the driver if someone thinks it is the best direction to 
go) that is used on all input files that are not source files to unbundle them, 
and on top level jobs that are not linking jobs to bundle the results obtained 
for host and each target.

The format of the bundled files is currently very simple: text formats are 
concatenated with comments that have a magic string and target identifying 
triple in between, and binary formats have a header that contains the triple 
and the offset and size of the code for host and each target.

This tool still has to be improved in the future to deal with archive files so 
that each individual file in the archive is properly dealt with. We see that 
archives are very commonly used in current application to combine separate 
compilation results. So I'm convinced users would enjoy this feature.

The building of the driver actions is unchanged.

I don't create device specific actions. Instead only the bundling/unbundling 
are inserted as first or last action if the file type requires that.

Add offloading kind to `ToolChain`

Offloading does not require a new toolchain to be created. Existent toolchains 
are used and the offloading kind is used to drive specific behavior in each 
toolchain so that valid device code is generated.

This is a major difference from what is currently done for CUDA. But I guess 
the CUDA implementation easily fits this design and the Nvidia GPU toolchain 
could be reused for both CUDA and OpenMP offloading.

Use Job results cache to easily use host results in device actions and 

An array of the results for each job is kept so that the device job can use the 
result previously generated for the host and used it as input or vice-versa.

In OpenMP the device declarations have be communicated from the host frontend 
to the device frontend. So this is used to conveniently pass that information. 
Unlike CUDA, OpenMP doesn't have already outline functions with "device" 
attributes that the frontend can rely on to make the decision on what to be 
emitted or not.

The result cache can also be updated to keep the required information for the 
CUDA implementation to decide host/device binaries combining  (injection is the 
term used in the code). I don't have a concrete proposal for that however, 
given that is not clear to me what are the plans for CUDA to support separate 
compilation, I understand that the CUDA binary is inserted directly in host IR 
(Art, can you shed some light on this?).

Use compiler generated linker script to do the device/host code combining and 
correctly support separate compilation.

Currently the OpenMP support  in the toolchains is only implemented for Generic 
GCC targets and a linker script is used to embed the resulting device images 
into the host binary ELF sections. Also, the linker script defines the symbols 
that are emitted during code generation so that the address of the images can 
be easily retrieved.

Minor refactoring of the existing code to enable reusing.

I've outlined some of the exiting code into static function so that it could be 
reused by the new offloading related hooks.

Any comments/remarks are very welcome!




Index: tools/clang-offload-bundler/Makefile
--- /dev/null
+++ tools/clang-offload-bundler/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+##===- clang-offload-bundler/Makefile ----------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+CLANG_LEVEL := ../..
+TOOLNAME = clang-offload-bundler
+# No plugins, optimize startup time.
+include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/../../Makefile.config
+USEDLIBS = clangBasic.a
+include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/Makefile
Index: tools/clang-offload-bundler/ClangOffloadBundler.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ tools/clang-offload-bundler/ClangOffloadBundler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+//===-- clang-offload-bundler/ClangOffloadBundler.cpp - Clang format tool -===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file implements a clang-offload-bundler that bundles different
+/// files that relate with the same source code but different targets into a
+/// single one. Also the implements the opposite functionality, i.e. unbundle
+/// files previous created by this tool.
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+static cl::opt<bool> Help("h", cl::desc("Alias for -help"), cl::Hidden);
+// Mark all our options with this category, everything else (except for -version
+// and -help) will be hidden.
+static cl::OptionCategory
+    ClangOffloadBundlerCategory("clang-offload-bundler options");
+static cl::list<std::string>
+    InputFileNames("inputs", cl::CommaSeparated, cl::OneOrMore,
+                   cl::desc("[<input file>,...]"),
+                   cl::cat(ClangOffloadBundlerCategory));
+static cl::list<std::string>
+    OutputFileNames("outputs", cl::CommaSeparated, cl::OneOrMore,
+                    cl::desc("[<output file>,...]"),
+                    cl::cat(ClangOffloadBundlerCategory));
+static cl::list<std::string> TargetNames("omptargets", cl::CommaSeparated,
+                                         cl::OneOrMore,
+                                         cl::desc("[<target triple>,...]"),
+                                         cl::cat(ClangOffloadBundlerCategory));
+static cl::opt<std::string>
+    FilesType("type", cl::Required,
+              cl::desc("Type of the files to be bundled/unbundled.\n"
+                       "Current supported types are:\n"
+                       "  i   - cpp-output\n"
+                       "  ii  - c++-cpp-output\n"
+                       "  ll  - llvm\n"
+                       "  bc  - llvm-bc\n"
+                       "  s   - assembler\n"
+                       "  o   - object\n"
+                       "  gch - precompiled-header"),
+              cl::cat(ClangOffloadBundlerCategory));
+static cl::opt<bool>
+    Unbundle("unbundle",
+             cl::desc("Unbundle bundled file into several output files.\n"),
+             cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangOffloadBundlerCategory));
+/// \brief Magic string that marks the existence of offloading data.
+/// \brief Generic file handler interface.
+class FileHandler {
+  /// \brief Update the file handler with information from the header of the
+  /// bundled file
+  virtual void ReadHeader(MemoryBuffer &Input) = 0;
+  /// \brief Read the marker of the next bundled to be read in the file. The
+  /// triple of the target associated with that bundled is returned. An empty
+  /// string is returned if there are no more bundles to be read.
+  virtual StringRef ReadBundleStart(MemoryBuffer &Input) = 0;
+  /// \brief Read the marker that closes the current bundle.
+  virtual void ReadBundleEnd(MemoryBuffer &Input) = 0;
+  /// \brief Read the current bundle and write the result into the stream \a OS.
+  virtual void ReadBundle(raw_fd_ostream &OS, MemoryBuffer &Input) = 0;
+  /// \brief Write the header of the bundled file to \a OS based on the
+  /// information gathered from \a Inputs.
+  virtual void WriteHeader(raw_fd_ostream &OS,
+                           ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> Inputs) = 0;
+  /// \brief Write the marker that initiates a bundle for the triple \a
+  /// TargetTriple to \a OS.
+  virtual void WriteBundleStart(raw_fd_ostream &OS, StringRef TargetTriple) = 0;
+  /// \brief Write the marker that closes a bundle for the triple \a
+  /// TargetTriple to \a OS.
+  virtual void WriteBundleEnd(raw_fd_ostream &OS, StringRef TargetTriple) = 0;
+  /// \brief Write the bundle from \a Input into \a OS.
+  virtual void WriteBundle(raw_fd_ostream &OS, MemoryBuffer &Input) = 0;
+  FileHandler() {}
+  virtual ~FileHandler() {}
+  /// \brief Bundle the files. Return true if an error was found.
+  bool Bundle() {
+    std::error_code EC;
+    // Create output file.
+    raw_fd_ostream OutputFile(OutputFileNames.front(), EC, sys::fs::F_None);
+    if (EC) {
+      llvm::errs() << "error: Can't open file " << OutputFileNames.front()
+                   << ".\n";
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Open input files.
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> InputBuffers(
+        InputFileNames.size());
+    unsigned Idx = 0;
+    for (auto I : InputFileNames) {
+      ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> CodeOrErr =
+          MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(I);
+      if (std::error_code EC = CodeOrErr.getError()) {
+        llvm::errs() << EC.message() << "\n";
+        return true;
+      }
+      InputBuffers[Idx++] = std::move(CodeOrErr.get());
+    }
+    // Write header.
+    WriteHeader(OutputFile, InputBuffers);
+    // Write all bundles along with the start/end markers.
+    auto Input = InputBuffers.begin();
+    for (auto Triple = TargetNames.begin(); Triple < TargetNames.end();
+         ++Triple, ++Input) {
+      WriteBundleStart(OutputFile, *Triple);
+      WriteBundle(OutputFile, *Input->get());
+      WriteBundleEnd(OutputFile, *Triple);
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Unbundle the files. Return true if an error was found.
+  bool Unbundle() {
+    // Open Input file.
+    ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> CodeOrErr =
+        MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFileNames.front());
+    if (std::error_code EC = CodeOrErr.getError()) {
+      llvm::errs() << EC.message() << "\n";
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Read the header of the bundled file.
+    MemoryBuffer &Input = *CodeOrErr.get();
+    ReadHeader(Input);
+    // Create a work list that consist of the map triple/output file.
+    StringMap<StringRef> Worklist;
+    auto Output = OutputFileNames.begin();
+    for (auto Triple = TargetNames.begin(); Triple < TargetNames.end();
+         ++Triple, ++Output)
+      Worklist[*Triple] = *Output;
+    // Read all the bundles that are in the work list, and return an error is a
+    // given bundle wasn't found.
+    while (!Worklist.empty()) {
+      StringRef CurTriple = ReadBundleStart(Input);
+      if (CurTriple.empty()) {
+        llvm::errs()
+            << "error: Unable to find bundles for all requested targets.\n";
+        return true;
+      }
+      auto Output = Worklist.find(CurTriple);
+      // The file may have more bundles for other targets.
+      if (Output == Worklist.end()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Check if the output file can be opened and copy the bundle to it.
+      std::error_code EC;
+      raw_fd_ostream OutputFile(Output->second, EC, sys::fs::F_None);
+      if (EC) {
+        llvm::errs() << "error: Can't open file " << Output->second << ".\n";
+        return true;
+      }
+      ReadBundle(OutputFile, Input);
+      ReadBundleEnd(Input);
+      Worklist.remove(&*Output);
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+// Handler for binary files. The bundled file will have the following format
+// (all integers are stored in little-endian format):
+// "OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR" (ASCII encoding of the string)
+// NumberOfOffloadBundles (8-byte integer)
+// OffsetOfBundle1 (8-byte integer)
+// SizeOfBundle1 (8-byte integer)
+// NumberOfBytesInTripleOfBundle1 (8-byte integer)
+// TripleOfBundle1 (byte length defined before)
+// ...
+// OffsetOfBundleN (8-byte integer)
+// SizeOfBundleN (8-byte integer)
+// NumberOfBytesInTripleOfBundleN (8-byte integer)
+// TripleOfBundleN (byte length defined before)
+// Bundle1
+// ...
+// BundleN
+/// \brief Read 8-byte integers to/from a buffer in little-endian format.
+static uint64_t Read8byteIntegerFromBuffer(StringRef Buffer, size_t pos) {
+  uint64_t Res = 0;
+  const char *Data = Buffer.data();
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    Res <<= 8;
+    uint64_t Char = (uint64_t)Data[pos + 7 - i];
+    Res |= 0xffu & Char;
+  }
+  return Res;
+/// \brief Write and write 8-byte integers to/from a buffer in little-endian
+/// format.
+static void Write8byteIntegerToBuffer(raw_fd_ostream &OS, uint64_t Val) {
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+    char Char = (char)(Val & 0xffu);
+    OS.write(&Char, 1);
+    Val >>= 8;
+  }
+class BinaryFileHandler : public FileHandler {
+  /// \brief Information about the bundles extracted from the header.
+  struct BundleInfo {
+    /// \brief Size of the bundle.
+    uint64_t Size;
+    /// \brief Offset at which the bundle starts in the bundled file.
+    uint64_t Offset;
+    BundleInfo() : Size(0), Offset(0) {}
+    BundleInfo(uint64_t Size, uint64_t Offset) : Size(Size), Offset(Offset) {}
+  };
+  /// Map between a triple and the corresponding bundle information.
+  StringMap<BundleInfo> BundlesInfo;
+  /// Number of triples read so far.
+  size_t ReadTriples;
+  void ReadHeader(MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    StringRef FC = Input.getBuffer();
+    // Check if buffer is smaller than magic string.
+    size_t ReadChars = sizeof(OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR) - 1;
+    if (ReadChars > FC.size())
+      return;
+    // Check if no magic was found.
+    StringRef Magic(FC.data(), sizeof(OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR) - 1);
+    if (!Magic.equals(OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR))
+      return;
+    // Read number of bundles.
+    if (ReadChars + 8 > FC.size())
+      return;
+    uint64_t NumberOfBundles = Read8byteIntegerFromBuffer(FC, ReadChars);
+    ReadChars += 8;
+    // Read bundle offsets, sizes and triples.
+    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < NumberOfBundles; ++i) {
+      // Read offset.
+      if (ReadChars + 8 > FC.size())
+        return;
+      uint64_t Offset = Read8byteIntegerFromBuffer(FC, ReadChars);
+      ReadChars += 8;
+      // Read size.
+      if (ReadChars + 8 > FC.size())
+        return;
+      uint64_t Size = Read8byteIntegerFromBuffer(FC, ReadChars);
+      ReadChars += 8;
+      // Read triple size.
+      if (ReadChars + 8 > FC.size())
+        return;
+      uint64_t TripleSize = Read8byteIntegerFromBuffer(FC, ReadChars);
+      ReadChars += 8;
+      // Read triple.
+      if (ReadChars + TripleSize > FC.size())
+        return;
+      StringRef Triple(&FC.data()[ReadChars], TripleSize);
+      ReadChars += TripleSize;
+      // Check if the offset and size make sense.
+      if (!Size || !Offset || Offset + Size > FC.size())
+        return;
+      assert(BundlesInfo.find(Triple) == BundlesInfo.end() &&
+             "Triple is duplicated??");
+      BundlesInfo[Triple] = BundleInfo(Size, Offset);
+    }
+  }
+  StringRef ReadBundleStart(MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    StringRef CurTriple = TargetNames[ReadTriples];
+    return CurTriple;
+  }
+  void ReadBundleEnd(MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    ++ReadTriples;
+    return;
+  }
+  void ReadBundle(raw_fd_ostream &OS, MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    StringRef FC = Input.getBuffer();
+    StringRef CurTriple = TargetNames[ReadTriples];
+    auto BI = BundlesInfo.lookup(CurTriple);
+    assert(BI.Size && "No bundle info found!");
+    OS.write(&FC.data()[BI.Offset], BI.Size);
+  }
+  void WriteHeader(raw_fd_ostream &OS,
+                   ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> Inputs) {
+    // Compute size of the header.
+    uint64_t HeaderSize = 0;
+    HeaderSize += sizeof(OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR) - 1;
+    HeaderSize += 8; // Number of Bundles
+    for (auto &T : TargetNames) {
+      HeaderSize += 3 * 8; // Bundle offset, Size of bundle and size of triple.
+      HeaderSize += T.size(); // The triple.
+    }
+    // Write to the buffer the header.
+    Write8byteIntegerToBuffer(OS, TargetNames.size());
+    unsigned Idx = 0;
+    for (auto &T : TargetNames) {
+      MemoryBuffer &MB = *Inputs[Idx++].get();
+      // Bundle offset.
+      Write8byteIntegerToBuffer(OS, HeaderSize);
+      // Size of the bundle (adds to the next bundle's offset)
+      Write8byteIntegerToBuffer(OS, MB.getBufferSize());
+      HeaderSize += MB.getBufferSize();
+      // Size of the triple
+      Write8byteIntegerToBuffer(OS, T.size());
+      // Triple
+      OS << T;
+    }
+  }
+  void WriteBundleStart(raw_fd_ostream &OS, StringRef TargetTriple) { return; }
+  void WriteBundleEnd(raw_fd_ostream &OS, StringRef TargetTriple) { return; }
+  void WriteBundle(raw_fd_ostream &OS, MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    OS.write(Input.getBufferStart(), Input.getBufferSize());
+    return;
+  }
+  BinaryFileHandler() : FileHandler(), ReadTriples(0) {}
+  ~BinaryFileHandler() {}
+// Handler for text files. The bundled file will have the following format.
+// Bundle 1
+// "Comment OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR__END__ triple"
+// ...
+// Bundle N
+// "Comment OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR__END__ triple"
+class TextFileHandler : public FileHandler {
+  /// \brief String that begins a line comment.
+  StringRef Comment;
+  /// \brief String that initiates a bundle.
+  std::string BundleStartString;
+  /// \brief String that closes a bundle.
+  std::string BundleEndString;
+  /// \brief Number of chars read from input.
+  size_t ReadChars;
+  void ReadHeader(MemoryBuffer &Input) {}
+  StringRef ReadBundleStart(MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    StringRef FC = Input.getBuffer();
+    // Find start of the bundle.
+    ReadChars = FC.find(BundleStartString, ReadChars);
+    if (ReadChars == FC.npos)
+      return StringRef();
+    // Get position of the triple.
+    size_t TripleStart = ReadChars = ReadChars + BundleStartString.size();
+    // Get position that closes the triple.
+    size_t TripleEnd = ReadChars = FC.find("\n", ReadChars);
+    if (TripleEnd == FC.npos)
+      return StringRef();
+    // Next time we read after the new line.
+    ++ReadChars;
+    return StringRef(&FC.data()[TripleStart], TripleEnd - TripleStart);
+  }
+  void ReadBundleEnd(MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    StringRef FC = Input.getBuffer();
+    // Read up to the next new line.
+    assert(FC[ReadChars] == '\n' && "The bundle should end with a new line.");
+    size_t TripleEnd = ReadChars = FC.find("\n", ReadChars + 1);
+    if (TripleEnd == FC.npos)
+      return;
+    // Next time we read after the new line.
+    ++ReadChars;
+    return;
+  }
+  void ReadBundle(raw_fd_ostream &OS, MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    StringRef FC = Input.getBuffer();
+    size_t BundleStart = ReadChars;
+    // Find end of the bundle.
+    size_t BundleEnd = ReadChars = FC.find(BundleEndString, ReadChars);
+    StringRef Bundle(&FC.data()[BundleStart], BundleEnd - BundleStart);
+    OS << Bundle;
+  }
+  void WriteHeader(raw_fd_ostream &OS,
+                   ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> Inputs) {}
+  void WriteBundleStart(raw_fd_ostream &OS, StringRef TargetTriple) {
+    OS << BundleStartString << TargetTriple << "\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  void WriteBundleEnd(raw_fd_ostream &OS, StringRef TargetTriple) {
+    OS << BundleEndString << TargetTriple << "\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  void WriteBundle(raw_fd_ostream &OS, MemoryBuffer &Input) {
+    ;
+    OS << Input.getBuffer();
+    return;
+  }
+  TextFileHandler(StringRef Comment)
+      : FileHandler(), Comment(Comment), ReadChars(0) {
+    BundleStartString =
+        "\n" + Comment.str() + " " OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR "__START__ ";
+    BundleEndString =
+        "\n" + Comment.str() + " " OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR "__END__ ";
+  }
+static void PrintVersion() {
+  raw_ostream &OS = outs();
+  OS << clang::getClangToolFullVersion("clang-offload-bundler") << '\n';
+int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
+  llvm::sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal();
+  cl::HideUnrelatedOptions(ClangOffloadBundlerCategory);
+  cl::SetVersionPrinter(PrintVersion);
+  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(
+      argc, argv,
+      "A tool to bundle several input files of the specified type <type> \n"
+      "referring to the same source file but different targets into a single \n"
+      "one. The resulting file can also be unbundled into different files by \n"
+      "this tool if -unbundle is provided.\n");
+  if (Help)
+    cl::PrintHelpMessage();
+  bool Error = false;
+  if (Unbundle) {
+    if (InputFileNames.size() != 1) {
+      Error = true;
+      llvm::errs()
+          << "error: only one input file supported in unbundling mode.\n";
+    }
+    if (OutputFileNames.size() != TargetNames.size()) {
+      Error = true;
+      llvm::errs() << "error: number of output files and targets should match "
+                      "in unbundling mode.\n";
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (OutputFileNames.size() != 1) {
+      Error = true;
+      llvm::errs()
+          << "error: only one output file supported in bundling mode.\n";
+    }
+    if (InputFileNames.size() != TargetNames.size()) {
+      Error = true;
+      llvm::errs() << "error: number of input files and targets should match "
+                      "in bundling mode.\n";
+    }
+  }
+  std::unique_ptr<FileHandler> FH;
+  FH.reset(StringSwitch<FileHandler *>(FilesType)
+               .Case("i", new TextFileHandler(/*Comment=*/"//"))
+               .Case("ii", new TextFileHandler(/*Comment=*/"//"))
+               .Case("ll", new TextFileHandler(/*Comment=*/";"))
+               .Case("bc", new BinaryFileHandler())
+               .Case("s", new TextFileHandler(/*Comment=*/"#"))
+               .Case("o", new BinaryFileHandler())
+               .Case("gch", new BinaryFileHandler())
+               .Default(nullptr));
+  if (!FH.get()) {
+    Error = true;
+    llvm::errs() << "error: invalid file type specified.\n";
+  }
+  if (Error)
+    return 1;
+  if (Unbundle)
+    return FH->Unbundle();
+  else
+    return FH->Bundle();
+  return 0;
Index: tools/clang-offload-bundler/CMakeLists.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ tools/clang-offload-bundler/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  ClangOffloadBundler.cpp
+  )
+  clangBasic
+  )
+  )
+install(TARGETS clang-offload-bundler RUNTIME DESTINATION bin)
Index: tools/Makefile
--- tools/Makefile
+++ tools/Makefile
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 include $(CLANG_LEVEL)/../../Makefile.config
 DIRS := 
-PARALLEL_DIRS := clang-format driver diagtool
+PARALLEL_DIRS := clang-format clang-offload-bundler driver diagtool
   PARALLEL_DIRS += clang-check
Index: tools/CMakeLists.txt
--- tools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ tools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
Index: test/OpenMP/target_driver.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/OpenMP/target_driver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+/// Perform several driver tests for OpenMP offloading
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check whether an invalid OpenMP target is specified:
+// RUN:   %clang -### -fopenmp=libomp -omptargets=aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-INVALID-TARGET %s
+// CHK-INVALID-TARGET: error: OpenMP target is invalid: 'aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd'
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check warning for empty -omptargets
+// RUN:   %clang -### -fopenmp=libomp -omptargets=  %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-EMPTY-OMPTARGETS %s
+// CHK-EMPTY-OMPTARGETS: warning: joined argument expects additional value: '-omptargets='
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check the phases graph when using a single target, different from the host.
+/// The actions should be exactly the same as if not offloading was being used.
+// RUN:   %clang -ccc-print-phases -fopenmp=libomp -target powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu -omptargets=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-PHASES %s
+// CHK-PHASES-DAG: {{.*}}: linker, {[[A0:[0-9]+]]}, image
+// CHK-PHASES-DAG: [[A0]]: assembler, {[[A1:[0-9]+]]}, object
+// CHK-PHASES-DAG: [[A1]]: backend, {[[A2:[0-9]+]]}, assembler
+// CHK-PHASES-DAG: [[A2]]: compiler, {[[A3:[0-9]+]]}, ir
+// CHK-PHASES-DAG: [[A3]]: preprocessor, {[[I:[0-9]+]]}, cpp-output
+// CHK-PHASES-DAG: [[I]]: input, {{.*}}, c
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check the phases when using multiple targets. Again, the actions are the
+/// same as if no offloading was being used. Here we also add a library to make
+/// sure it is not treated as input.
+// RUN:   %clang -ccc-print-phases -lm -fopenmp=libomp -target powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu -omptargets=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-PHASES-LIB %s
+// CHK-PHASES-LIB-DAG: {{.*}}: linker, {[[L0:[0-9]+]], [[A0:[0-9]+]]}, image
+// CHK-PHASES-LIB-DAG: [[A0]]: assembler, {[[A1:[0-9]+]]}, object
+// CHK-PHASES-LIB-DAG: [[A1]]: backend, {[[A2:[0-9]+]]}, assembler
+// CHK-PHASES-LIB-DAG: [[A2]]: compiler, {[[A3:[0-9]+]]}, ir
+// CHK-PHASES-LIB-DAG: [[A3]]: preprocessor, {[[I:[0-9]+]]}, cpp-output
+// CHK-PHASES-LIB-DAG: [[I]]: input, {{.*}}, c
+// CHK-PHASES-LIB-DAG: [[L0]]: input, "m", object
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check the phases when using multiple targets and passing an object file as
+/// input. An unbundling action has to be created.
+// RUN:   echo 'bla' > %t.o
+// RUN:   %clang -ccc-print-phases -lm -fopenmp=libomp -target powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu -omptargets=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu %s %t.o 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-PHASES-OBJ %s
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: {{.*}}: linker, {[[L0:[0-9]+]], [[A0:[0-9]+]], [[B0:[0-9]+]]}, image
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[A0]]: assembler, {[[A1:[0-9]+]]}, object
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[A1]]: backend, {[[A2:[0-9]+]]}, assembler
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[A2]]: compiler, {[[A3:[0-9]+]]}, ir
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[A3]]: preprocessor, {[[I:[0-9]+]]}, cpp-output
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[I]]: input, {{.*}}, c
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[L0]]: input, "m", object
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[B0]]: clang-offload-unbundler, {[[B1:[0-9]+]]}, object
+// CHK-PHASES-OBJ-DAG: [[B1]]: input, "{{.*}}.o", object
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check the phases when using multiple targets and separate compilation.
+// RUN:   echo 'bla' > %t.s
+// RUN:   %clang -ccc-print-phases -c -lm -fopenmp=libomp -target powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu -omptargets=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,powerpc64-ibm-linux-gnu %t.s -x cpp-output %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-PHASES-SEP %s
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[A:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}.c", cpp-output
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[A1:[0-9]+]]: clang-offload-unbundler, {[[A]]}, cpp-output
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[A2:[0-9]+]]: compiler, {[[A1]]}, ir
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[A3:[0-9]+]]: backend, {[[A2]]}, assembler
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[A4:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[A3]]}, object
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: {{.*}}: clang-offload-bundler, {[[A4]]}, object
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[B:[0-9]+]]: input, "{{.*}}.s", assembler
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[B1:[0-9]+]]: clang-offload-unbundler, {[[B]]}, assembler
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: [[B2:[0-9]+]]: assembler, {[[B1]]}, object
+// CHK-PHASES-SEP-DAG: {{.*}}: clang-offload-bundler, {[[B2]]}, object
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check of the commands passed to each tool when using valid OpenMP targets.
+/// Here we also check that offloading does not break the use of integrated
+/// assembler. It does however preclude the use of integrated preprocessor as
+/// host IR is shared by all the compile phases. There are also two offloading
+/// specific commands:
+/// -fopenmp-is-device: will tell the frontend that it will generate code for a
+/// target.
+/// -omp-host-ir-file-path: specifies the host IR file that can be loaded by
+/// the target code generation to gather information about which declaration
+/// really need to be emitted.
+// RUN:   %clang -### -fopenmp=libomp -target powerpc64le-linux -omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-COMMANDS %s
+// RUN:   %clang -### -fopenmp=libomp -target powerpc64le-linux -omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu %s -save-temps 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-COMMANDS-ST %s
+// Final linking - host (ppc64le)
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    ld" {{.*}}"-m" "elf64lppc" {{.*}}"-o" "a.out" {{.*}}"[[HSTOBJ:.+]].o" "-lomp" "-lomptarget" {{.*}}"-T" "[[LKSCRIPT:.+]].lk"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG: ld" {{.*}}"-m" "elf64lppc" {{.*}}"-o" "a.out" {{.*}}"[[HSTOBJ:.+]].o" "-lomp" "-lomptarget" {{.*}}"-T" "[[LKSCRIPT:.+]].lk"
+// Target 2 commands (x86_64)
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    ld" {{.*}}"-m" "elf_x86_64" {{.*}}"-shared" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2LIB:.+]]" {{.*}}"[[T2OBJ:.+]].o" {{.*}}"-lomp"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-emit-obj" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2OBJ]].o" "-x" "ir" "[[T2BC:.+]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2BC]].bc" "-x" "c" "[[SRC:.+]].c" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[HSTBC:.+]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    ld" {{.*}}"-m" "elf_x86_64" {{.*}}"-shared" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2LIB:.+]]" {{.*}}"[[T2OBJ:.+]].o" {{.*}}"-lomp"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2OBJ]].o" "[[T2ASM:.+]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-S" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2ASM]].s" "-x" "ir" "[[T2BC:.+]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2BC]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[T2PP:.+]].i" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[HSTBC:.+]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-E" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T2PP]].i" "-x" "c" "[[SRC:.+]].c"
+// Target 1 commands (ppc64le)
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    ld" {{.*}}"-m" "elf64lppc" {{.*}}"-shared" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1LIB:.+]]" {{.*}}"[[T1OBJ:.+]].o" {{.*}}"-lomp"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-emit-obj" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1OBJ]].o" "-x" "ir" "[[T1BC:.+]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1BC]].bc" "-x" "c" "[[SRC]].c" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[HSTBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    ld" {{.*}}"-m" "elf64lppc" {{.*}}"-shared" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1LIB:.+]]" {{.*}}"[[T1OBJ:.+]].o" {{.*}}"-lomp"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1OBJ]].o" "[[T1ASM:.+]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-S" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1ASM]].s" "-x" "ir" "[[T1BC:.+]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1BC]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[T1PP:.+]].i" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[HSTBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-E" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[T1PP]].i" "-x" "c" "[[SRC]].c"
+// Host object generation
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-emit-obj" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[HSTOBJ]].o" "-x" "ir" "[[HSTBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-emit-llvm-bc"{{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[HSTBC]].bc" "-x" "c" "[[SRC]].c" "-omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[HSTOBJ]].o" "[[HSTASM:.+]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-S"{{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[HSTASM]].s" "-x" "ir" "[[HSTBC:.+]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-emit-llvm-bc"{{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[HSTBC]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[HSTPP:.+]].i" "-omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-E"{{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[HSTPP]].i" "-x" "c" "[[SRC]].c"
+/// ###########################################################################
+/// Check separate compilation
+// RUN:   echo 'bla' > %t.s
+// RUN:   %clang -### -fopenmp=libomp -c -target powerpc64le-linux -omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu %t.s -x cpp-output %s 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-COMMANDS-SEP %s
+// RUN:   %clang -### -fopenmp=libomp -c -target powerpc64le-linux -omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu %t.s -x cpp-output %s -save-temps 2>&1 \
+// RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST %s
+// Unbundle the input files.
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=s" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-inputs=[[AAASM:.+]].s" "-outputs=[[AAHASM:.+]].s,[[AAT1ASM:.+]].s,[[AAT2ASM:.+]].s" "-unbundle"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=i" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-inputs=[[BBPP:.+]].c" "-outputs=[[BBHPP:.+]].i,[[BBT1PP:.+]].i,[[BBT2PP:.+]].i" "-unbundle"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=s" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-inputs=[[AAASM:.+]].s" "-outputs=[[AAHASM:.+]].s,[[AAT1ASM:.+]].s,[[AAT2ASM:.+]].s" "-unbundle"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=i" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-inputs=[[BBPP:.+]].c" "-outputs=[[BBHPP:.+]].i,[[BBT1PP:.+]].i,[[BBT2PP:.+]].i" "-unbundle"
+// Create 1st bundle.
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[AAHOBJ:.+]].o" "[[AAHASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[AAT1OBJ:.+]].o" "[[AAT1ASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[AAT2OBJ:.+]].o" "[[AAT2ASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=o" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-outputs=[[AAOBJ:.+]].o" "-inputs=[[AAHOBJ]].o,[[AAT1OBJ]].o,[[AAT2OBJ]].o"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[AAHOBJ:.+]].o" "[[AAHASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[AAT1OBJ:.+]].o" "[[AAT1ASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[AAT2OBJ:.+]].o" "[[AAT2ASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=o" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-outputs=[[AAOBJ:.+]].o" "-inputs=[[AAHOBJ]].o,[[AAT1OBJ]].o,[[AAT2OBJ]].o"
+// Create 2nd bundle.
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-emit-llvm-bc"{{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBHBC:.+]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[BBHPP]].i" "-omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-emit-obj" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBHOBJ:.+]].o" "-x" "ir" "[[BBHBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-emit-llvm-bc"{{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBHBC:.+]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[BBHPP]].i" "-omptargets=powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-S" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBHASM:.+]].s" "-x" "ir" "[[BBHBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le--linux" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBHOBJ:.+]].o" "[[BBHASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT1BC:.+]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[BBT1PP]].i" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[BBHBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-emit-obj" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT1OBJ:.+]].o" "-x" "ir" "[[BBT1BC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT1BC:.+]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[BBT1PP]].i" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[BBHBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-S" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT1ASM:.+]].s" "-x" "ir" "[[BBT1BC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT1OBJ:.+]].o" "[[BBT1ASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT2BC:.+]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[BBT2PP]].i" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[BBHBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-emit-obj" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT2OBJ:.+]].o" "-x" "ir" "[[BBT2BC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-emit-llvm-bc" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT2BC:.+]].bc" "-x" "cpp-output" "[[BBT2PP]].i" "-fopenmp-is-device" "-omp-host-ir-file-path" "[[BBHBC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-S" {{.*}}"-fopenmp" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT2ASM:.+]].s" "-x" "ir" "[[BBT2BC]].bc"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:    clang{{.*}}" "-cc1as" "-triple" "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-filetype" "obj" {{.*}}"-o" "[[BBT2OBJ:.+]].o" "[[BBT2ASM]].s"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-DAG:     clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=o" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-outputs=[[BBOBJ:.+]].o" "-inputs=[[BBHOBJ]].o,[[BBT1OBJ]].o,[[BBT2OBJ]].o"
+// CHK-COMMANDS-SEP-ST-DAG:  clang-offload-bundler{{.*}}" "-type=o" "-omptargets=powerpc64le--linux,powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" "-outputs=[[BBOBJ:.+]].o" "-inputs=[[BBHOBJ]].o,[[BBT1OBJ]].o,[[BBT2OBJ]].o"
Index: lib/Driver/Types.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Types.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Types.cpp
@@ -140,6 +140,10 @@
+bool types::isSrcFile(ID Id) {
+  return Id != TY_Object && getPreprocessedType(Id) != TY_INVALID;
 types::ID types::lookupTypeForExtension(const char *Ext) {
   return llvm::StringSwitch<types::ID>(Ext)
            .Case("c", TY_C)
Index: lib/Driver/Tools.h
--- lib/Driver/Tools.h
+++ lib/Driver/Tools.h
@@ -128,6 +128,19 @@
                     const char *LinkingOutput) const override;
+/// \brief Offload bundler tool.
+class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY OffloadBundler : public Tool {
+  OffloadBundler(const ToolChain &TC)
+      : Tool("Offload bundler", "clang-offload-bundler", TC) {}
+  bool hasIntegratedCPP() const override { return false; }
+  void ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                    const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                    const llvm::opt::ArgList &TCArgs,
+                    const char *LinkingOutput) const override;
 /// \brief Base class for all GNU tools that provide the same behavior when
 /// it comes to response files support
 class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY GnuTool : public Tool {
Index: lib/Driver/Tools.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Tools.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Tools.cpp
@@ -179,12 +179,24 @@
 static void AddLinkerInputs(const ToolChain &TC, const InputInfoList &Inputs,
                             const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs) {
   const Driver &D = TC.getDriver();
+  unsigned NumberOfInputs = Inputs.size();
+  // If the current toolchain is an OpenMP host toolchain, we need to ignore
+  // the last inputs - one for each offloading device - as they are going to be
+  // embedded in the fat binary by a custom linker script.
+  if (TC.getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host) {
+    Arg *Tgts = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_omptargets_EQ);
+    assert(Tgts && Tgts->getNumValues() &&
+           "OpenMP offloading has to have targets specified.");
+    NumberOfInputs -= Tgts->getNumValues();
+  }
   // Add extra linker input arguments which are not treated as inputs
   // (constructed via -Xarch_).
   Args.AddAllArgValues(CmdArgs, options::OPT_Zlinker_input);
-  for (const auto &II : Inputs) {
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumberOfInputs; ++i) {
+    const auto &II = Inputs[i];
     if (!TC.HasNativeLLVMSupport()) {
       // Don't try to pass LLVM inputs unless we have native support.
       if (II.getType() == types::TY_LLVM_IR ||
@@ -222,6 +234,96 @@
     addDirectoryList(Args, CmdArgs, "-L", "LIBRARY_PATH");
+/// \brief Add OpenMP linker script arguments at the end of the argument list
+/// so that the fat binary is built by embedding each of the device images into
+/// the host. The device images are the last inputs, one for each device and
+/// come in the same order the triples are passed through the omptargets option.
+/// The linker script also defines a few symbols required by the code generation
+/// so that the images can be easily retrieved at runtime by the offloading
+/// library. This should be used in tool chains that support linker scripts.
+static void AddOpenMPLinkerScript(const ToolChain &TC, Compilation &C,
+                                  const InputInfo &Output,
+                                  const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                                  const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs) {
+  // If this is not an OpenMP host toolchain, we don't need to do anything.
+  if (TC.getOffloadingKind() != ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host)
+    return;
+  // Gather the pairs (target triple)-(file name). The files names are at the
+  // end of the input list. So we do a reverse scanning.
+  SmallVector<std::pair<llvm::Triple, const char *>, 4> Targets;
+  Arg *Tgts = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_omptargets_EQ);
+  assert(Tgts && Tgts->getNumValues() &&
+         "OpenMP offloading has to have targets specified.");
+  auto TriplesIt = Tgts->getValues().end();
+  auto FileNamesIt = Inputs.end();
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Tgts->getNumValues(); ++i) {
+    --TriplesIt;
+    --FileNamesIt;
+    Targets.push_back(
+        std::make_pair(llvm::Triple(*TriplesIt), FileNamesIt->getFilename()));
+  }
+  // Create temporary linker script
+  StringRef Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(Output.getFilename());
+  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = Name.rsplit('.');
+  std::string TmpName = C.getDriver().GetTemporaryPath(Split.first, "lk");
+  const char *LKS = C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpName.c_str()));
+  // Open script file in order to write contents
+  std::error_code EC;
+  llvm::raw_fd_ostream lksf(LKS, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
+  if (EC) {
+    C.getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::err_unable_to_make_temp) << EC.message();
+    return;
+  }
+  // Add commands to embed target binaries. We ensure that each section and
+  // image s 16-byte aligned. This is not mandatory, but increases the
+  // likelihood of data to be aligned with a cache block in several main host
+  // machines.
+  lksf << "TARGET(binary)\n";
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Targets.size(); ++i)
+    lksf << "INPUT(" << Targets[i].second << ")\n";
+  lksf << "SECTIONS\n";
+  lksf << "{\n";
+  lksf << "  .openmptgt :\n";
+  lksf << "  ALIGN(0x10)\n";
+  lksf << "  {\n";
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Targets.size(); ++i) {
+    std::string tgt_name(Targets[i].first.getTriple());
+    std::replace(tgt_name.begin(), tgt_name.end(), '-', '_');
+    lksf << "    . = ALIGN(0x10);\n";
+    lksf << "    PROVIDE_HIDDEN(__omptgt__img_start_" << tgt_name << " = .);\n";
+    lksf << "    " << Targets[i].second << "\n";
+    lksf << "    PROVIDE_HIDDEN(__omptgt__img_end_" << tgt_name << " = .);\n";
+  }
+  lksf << "  }\n";
+  // Add commands to define host entries begin and end
+  lksf << "  .openmptgt_host_entries :\n";
+  lksf << "  ALIGN(0x10)\n";
+  lksf << "  SUBALIGN(0x01)\n";
+  lksf << "  {\n";
+  lksf << "    PROVIDE_HIDDEN(__omptgt__host_entries_begin = .);\n";
+  lksf << "    *(.openmptgt_host_entries)\n";
+  lksf << "    PROVIDE_HIDDEN(__omptgt__host_entries_end = .);\n";
+  lksf << "  }\n";
+  lksf << "}\n";
+  lksf << "INSERT BEFORE .data\n";
+  lksf.close();
+  CmdArgs.push_back("-T");
+  CmdArgs.push_back(LKS);
 /// \brief Determine whether Objective-C automated reference counting is
 /// enabled.
 static bool isObjCAutoRefCount(const ArgList &Args) {
@@ -3201,10 +3303,16 @@
   assert(Inputs.size() >= 1 && "Must have at least one input.");
   const InputInfo &Input = Inputs[0];
   // CUDA compilation may have multiple inputs (source file + results of
-  // device-side compilations). All other jobs are expected to have exactly one
-  // input.
+  // device-side compilations). OpenMP offloading device compile jobs also take
+  // the host IR as an extra input. All other jobs are expected to have exactly
+  // one input.
   bool IsCuda = types::isCuda(Input.getType());
-  assert((IsCuda || Inputs.size() == 1) && "Unable to handle multiple inputs.");
+  bool IsOpenMPDeviceCompileJob =
+      isa<CompileJobAction>(JA) &&
+      getToolChain().getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Device;
+  assert((IsCuda || (IsOpenMPDeviceCompileJob && Inputs.size() == 2) ||
+          Inputs.size() == 1) &&
+         "Unable to handle multiple inputs.");
   // Invoke ourselves in -cc1 mode.
@@ -5157,6 +5265,37 @@
+  // OpenMP offloading device jobs take the argument -omp-host-ir-file-path
+  // to specify the result of the compile phase on the host, so the meaningful
+  // device declarations can be identified. Also, -fopenmp-is-device is passed
+  // along to tell the frontend that it is generating code for a device, so that
+  // only the relevant declarations are emitted.
+  if (IsOpenMPDeviceCompileJob) {
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-fopenmp-is-device");
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-omp-host-ir-file-path");
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(Inputs.back().getFilename()));
+  }
+  // For all the host OpenMP offloading compile jobs we need to pass the targets
+  // information using -omptargets= option.
+  if (isa<CompileJobAction>(JA) &&
+      getToolChain().getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host) {
+    SmallString<128> TargetInfo("-omptargets=");
+    Arg *Tgts = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_omptargets_EQ);
+    assert(Tgts && Tgts->getNumValues() &&
+           "OpenMP offloading has to have targets specified.");
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Tgts->getNumValues(); ++i) {
+      if (i)
+        TargetInfo += ',';
+      // We need to get the string from the triple because it may be not exactly
+      // the same as the one we get directly from the arguments.
+      llvm::Triple T(Tgts->getValue(i));
+      TargetInfo += T.getTriple();
+    }
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(TargetInfo.str()));
+  }
   // Finally add the compile command to the compilation.
   if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT__SLASH_fallback) &&
       Output.getType() == types::TY_Object &&
@@ -5696,6 +5835,70 @@
                    SplitDebugName(Args, Input));
+void OffloadBundler::ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
+                                  const InputInfo &Output,
+                                  const InputInfoList &Inputs,
+                                  const llvm::opt::ArgList &TCArgs,
+                                  const char *LinkingOutput) const {
+  // The (un)bundling command looks like this:
+  // clang-offload-bundler -type=bc
+  //   -omptargets=host-triple,tgt1-triple,tgt2-triple
+  //   -inputs=input_file
+  //   -outputs=unbundle_file_host,unbundle_file_tgt1,unbundle_file_tgt2"
+  //   (-unbundle)
+  auto BundledFile = Output;
+  auto UnbundledFiles = Inputs;
+  bool IsUnbundle = isa<OffloadUnbundlingJobAction>(JA);
+  ArgStringList CmdArgs;
+  // Get the type.
+  CmdArgs.push_back(TCArgs.MakeArgString(
+      Twine("-type=") + types::getTypeTempSuffix(BundledFile.getType())));
+  // Get the triples. The order is the same that comes in omptargets option.
+  {
+    Arg *TargetsArg = TCArgs.getLastArg(options::OPT_omptargets_EQ);
+    SmallString<128> Triples("-omptargets=");
+    Triples += getToolChain().getTripleString();
+    for (auto *A : TargetsArg->getValues()) {
+      Triples += ',';
+      // Get the string that exactly matches the triple.
+      llvm::Triple T(A);
+      Triples += T.getTriple();
+    }
+    CmdArgs.push_back(TCArgs.MakeArgString(Triples));
+  }
+  // Get bundled file command.
+  CmdArgs.push_back(
+      TCArgs.MakeArgString(Twine(IsUnbundle ? "-inputs=" : "-outputs=") +
+                           BundledFile.getFilename()));
+  // Get unbundled files command.
+  {
+    SmallString<128> UB(IsUnbundle ? "-outputs=" : "-inputs=");
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < UnbundledFiles.size(); ++i) {
+      if (i)
+        UB += ',';
+      UB += UnbundledFiles[i].getFilename();
+    }
+    CmdArgs.push_back(TCArgs.MakeArgString(UB));
+  }
+  if (IsUnbundle)
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-unbundle");
+  // All the inputs are encoded as commands.
+  C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(
+      JA, *this,
+      TCArgs.MakeArgString(getToolChain().GetProgramPath(getShortName())),
+      CmdArgs, None));
 void GnuTool::anchor() {}
 void gcc::Common::ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
@@ -8471,6 +8674,8 @@
           // Already diagnosed.
+        if (getToolChain().getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host)
+          CmdArgs.push_back("-lomptarget");
       AddRunTimeLibs(ToolChain, D, CmdArgs, Args);
@@ -8501,6 +8706,9 @@
+  // Add OpenMP offloading linker script args if required.
+  AddOpenMPLinkerScript(getToolChain(), C, Output, Inputs, Args, CmdArgs);
   C.addCommand(llvm::make_unique<Command>(JA, *this, ToolChain.Linker.c_str(),
                                           CmdArgs, Inputs));
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains.h
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains.h
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains.h
@@ -201,6 +201,9 @@
   bool isPIEDefault() const override;
   bool isPICDefaultForced() const override;
   bool IsIntegratedAssemblerDefault() const override;
+  llvm::opt::DerivedArgList *
+  TranslateOffloadArgs(const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
+                       const char *BoundArch) const override;
   Tool *getTool(Action::ActionClass AC) const override;
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChains.cpp
--- lib/Driver/ToolChains.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChains.cpp
@@ -2167,6 +2167,46 @@
+llvm::opt::DerivedArgList *
+Generic_GCC::TranslateOffloadArgs(const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
+                                  const char *BoundArch) const {
+  // Make sure we always generate a shared library for an OpenMP offloading
+  // target regardless the commands the user passed to the host.
+  if (getOffloadingKind() != OK_OpenMP_Device)
+    return nullptr;
+  DerivedArgList *DAL = new DerivedArgList(Args.getBaseArgs());
+  const OptTable &Opts = getDriver().getOpts();
+  // Request the shared library.
+  DAL->AddFlagArg(0, Opts.getOption(options::OPT_shared));
+  DAL->AddFlagArg(0, Opts.getOption(options::OPT_fPIC));
+  // Filter all the arguments we don't care passing to the offloading toolchain
+  // as they can mess up with the creation of a shared library.
+  for (auto *A : Args) {
+    switch ((options::ID)A->getOption().getID()) {
+    default:
+      DAL->append(A);
+      break;
+    case options::OPT_shared:
+    case options::OPT_static:
+    case options::OPT_fPIC:
+    case options::OPT_fno_PIC:
+    case options::OPT_fpic:
+    case options::OPT_fno_pic:
+    case options::OPT_fPIE:
+    case options::OPT_fno_PIE:
+    case options::OPT_fpie:
+    case options::OPT_fno_pie:
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return DAL;
 void Generic_ELF::addClangTargetOptions(const ArgList &DriverArgs,
                                         ArgStringList &CC1Args) const {
   const Generic_GCC::GCCVersion &V = GCCInstallation.getVersion();
Index: lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
--- lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
 ToolChain::ToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &T,
                      const ArgList &Args)
     : D(D), Triple(T), Args(Args), CachedRTTIArg(GetRTTIArgument(Args)),
-      CachedRTTIMode(CalculateRTTIMode(Args, Triple, CachedRTTIArg)) {
+      CachedRTTIMode(CalculateRTTIMode(Args, Triple, CachedRTTIArg)),
+      CachedOffloadingKind(OK_None) {
   if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_mthread_model))
     if (!isThreadModelSupported(A->getValue()))
@@ -182,6 +183,12 @@
   return std::make_pair(Target, ModeFlag);
+void ToolChain::setOffloadingKind(OffloadingKind OK) {
+  assert(CachedOffloadingKind == OK_None &&
+         "Offloading kind not expected to change once it is set.");
+  CachedOffloadingKind = OK;
 StringRef ToolChain::getDefaultUniversalArchName() const {
   // In universal driver terms, the arch name accepted by -arch isn't exactly
   // the same as the ones that appear in the triple. Roughly speaking, this is
@@ -235,6 +242,12 @@
   return Link.get();
+Tool *ToolChain::getOffloadBundler() const {
+  if (!OffloadBundler)
+    OffloadBundler.reset(new tools::OffloadBundler(*this));
+  return OffloadBundler.get();
 Tool *ToolChain::getTool(Action::ActionClass AC) const {
   switch (AC) {
   case Action::AssembleJobClass:
@@ -260,6 +273,10 @@
   case Action::VerifyPCHJobClass:
   case Action::BackendJobClass:
     return getClang();
+  case Action::OffloadBundlingJobClass:
+  case Action::OffloadUnbundlingJobClass:
+    return getOffloadBundler();
   llvm_unreachable("Invalid tool kind.");
Index: lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
   delete Opts;
+  llvm::DeleteContainerSeconds(OffloadToolChains);
 void Driver::ParseDriverMode(ArrayRef<const char *> Args) {
@@ -132,7 +133,10 @@
     // Warn about -mcpu= without an argument.
-    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ) && A->containsValue("")) {
+    if ((A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ) &&
+         A->containsValue("")) ||
+        (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_omptargets_EQ) &&
+         !A->getNumValues())) {
       Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_empty_joined_argument) << A->getAsString(Args);
@@ -188,6 +192,242 @@
   return FinalPhase;
+/// \brief Return true if the provided arguments require OpenMP offloading.
+static bool RequiresOpenMPOffloading(ArgList &Args) {
+  if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_fopenmp, options::OPT_fopenmp_EQ,
+                   options::OPT_fno_openmp, false)) {
+    if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_fopenmp_EQ))
+      OpenMPRuntimeName = A->getValue();
+    if (OpenMPRuntimeName == "libomp" || OpenMPRuntimeName == "libiomp5") {
+      auto *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_omptargets_EQ);
+      return A != nullptr && A->getNumValues();
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+/// \brief Return true if the provided tool chain require OpenMP offloading.
+static bool RequiresOpenMPOffloading(const ToolChain *TC) {
+  return TC->getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host ||
+         TC->getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Device;
+/// \brief Dump the job bindings for a given action.
+static void DumpJobBindings(ArrayRef<const ToolChain *> TCs, StringRef ToolName,
+                            ArrayRef<InputInfo> Inputs,
+                            ArrayRef<InputInfo> Outputs) {
+  llvm::errs() << "# \"";
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TCs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+    llvm::errs() << TCs[i]->getTripleString();
+    if (i + 1 != e)
+      llvm::errs() << ", ";
+  }
+  llvm::errs() << "\" - \"" << ToolName << "\", inputs: [";
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+    llvm::errs() << Inputs[i].getAsString();
+    if (i + 1 != e)
+      llvm::errs() << ", ";
+  }
+  llvm::errs() << "], ";
+  llvm::errs() << ((Outputs.size() > 1) ? "outputs: [" : "output: ");
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Outputs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+    llvm::errs() << Outputs[i].getAsString();
+    if (i + 1 != e)
+      llvm::errs() << ", ";
+  }
+  llvm::errs() << ((Outputs.size() > 1) ? "]\n" : "\n");
+  return;
+/// \brief Create output for a given action, if any.
+static InputInfo CreateActionResult(Compilation &C, const Action *A,
+                                    const char *BaseInput,
+                                    const char *BoundArch, bool AtTopLevel,
+                                    bool MultipleArchs) {
+  InputInfo Result;
+  const JobAction *JA = cast<JobAction>(A);
+  if (JA->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)
+    Result = InputInfo(A->getType(), BaseInput);
+  else
+    Result =
+        InputInfo(C.getDriver().GetNamedOutputPath(C, *JA, BaseInput, BoundArch,
+                                                   AtTopLevel, MultipleArchs),
+                  A->getType(), BaseInput);
+  return Result;
+static const char *CreateOffloadingPseudoArchName(Compilation &C,
+                                                  const ToolChain *TC) {
+  SmallString<128> Name;
+  Name = (TC->getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_None) ? "offload-host-"
+                                                         : "offload-device-";
+  Name += TC->getTripleString();
+  return C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Name.str());
+InputInfo Driver::CreateUnbundledOffloadingResult(
+    Compilation &C, const OffloadUnbundlingJobAction *CurAction,
+    const ToolChain *TC, InputInfo Result,
+    OffloadingHostResultsTy &OffloadingHostResults) const {
+  assert(!OrderedOffloadingToolchains.empty() &&
+         !types::isSrcFile(Result.getType()) &&
+         "Not expecting to create a bundling action!");
+  // If this is an offloading device toolchain, we need to use the results
+  // cached when the host input was processed, except if the input is a source
+  // file.
+  if (TC->getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Device) {
+    // If this is not a source file, it had to be part of a bundle. So we need
+    // to checkout the results created by the host when this input was processed
+    // for the host toolchain.
+    auto ILIt = OffloadingHostResults.find(CurAction);
+    assert(ILIt != OffloadingHostResults.end() &&
+           "Offloading inputs do not exist??");
+    InputInfoList &IL = ILIt->getSecond();
+    assert(IL.size() == OrderedOffloadingToolchains.size() + 1 &&
+           "Not all offloading inputs exist??");
+    // Get the order of the toolchain and retrieve the input;
+    unsigned Order = 1;
+    for (auto *OffloadTC : OrderedOffloadingToolchains) {
+      if (OffloadTC == TC)
+        break;
+      ++Order;
+    }
+    return IL[Order];
+  }
+  // Otherwise, this input is expected to be bundled. Therefore we need to issue
+  // an unbundling command.
+  // The bundled file is the input.
+  InputInfo BundledFile = Result;
+  // Create the input info for the unbundled files.
+  InputInfoList &UnbundledFiles = OffloadingHostResults[CurAction];
+  {
+    InputInfo HostResult = CreateActionResult(
+        C, CurAction, Result.getBaseInput(),
+        CreateOffloadingPseudoArchName(C, TC), /*AtTopLevel=*/
+        false, /*MultipleArchs=*/false);
+    UnbundledFiles.push_back(HostResult);
+    for (auto *OffloadTC : OrderedOffloadingToolchains) {
+      InputInfo TargetResult = CreateActionResult(
+          C, CurAction, Result.getBaseInput(),
+          CreateOffloadingPseudoArchName(C, OffloadTC), /*AtTopLevel=*/
+          false, /*MultipleArchs=*/false);
+      UnbundledFiles.push_back(TargetResult);
+    }
+  }
+  auto OffloadBundlerTool = TC->SelectTool(*CurAction);
+  // Emit the command or dump the bindings.
+  if (CCCPrintBindings && !CCGenDiagnostics) {
+    SmallVector<const ToolChain *, 4> AllToolChains;
+    AllToolChains.push_back(TC);
+    AllToolChains.append(OrderedOffloadingToolchains.begin(),
+                         OrderedOffloadingToolchains.end());
+    DumpJobBindings(AllToolChains, OffloadBundlerTool->getName(), BundledFile,
+                    UnbundledFiles);
+  } else {
+    OffloadBundlerTool->ConstructJob(C, *CurAction, BundledFile, UnbundledFiles,
+                                     C.getArgs(), nullptr);
+  }
+  // The host result is the first of the unbundled files.
+  return UnbundledFiles.front();
+InputInfo Driver::CreateBundledOffloadingResult(
+    Compilation &C, const OffloadBundlingJobAction *CurAction,
+    const ToolChain *TC, InputInfoList Results) const {
+  assert(!OrderedOffloadingToolchains.empty() &&
+         "Not expecting to create a bundling action!");
+  // Get the result file based on BaseInput file name and the previous host
+  // action.
+  InputInfo BundledFile = CreateActionResult(
+      C, *CurAction->begin(), Results[0].getBaseInput(), /*BoundArch=*/nullptr,
+      /*AtTopLevel=*/false, /*MultipleArchs=*/
+      false);
+  // The unbundled files are the previous action result for each target.
+  InputInfoList &UnbundledFiles = Results;
+  // Create the bundling command.
+  auto OffloadBundlerTool = TC->SelectTool(*CurAction);
+  // Emit the command or dump the bindings.
+  if (CCCPrintBindings && !CCGenDiagnostics) {
+    SmallVector<const ToolChain *, 4> AllToolChains;
+    AllToolChains.push_back(TC);
+    AllToolChains.append(OrderedOffloadingToolchains.begin(),
+                         OrderedOffloadingToolchains.end());
+    DumpJobBindings(AllToolChains, OffloadBundlerTool->getName(),
+                    UnbundledFiles, BundledFile);
+  } else {
+    OffloadBundlerTool->ConstructJob(C, *CurAction, BundledFile, UnbundledFiles,
+                                     C.getArgs(), nullptr);
+  }
+  return BundledFile;
+void Driver::PostProcessOffloadingInputsAndResults(
+    Compilation &C, const JobAction *JA, const ToolChain *TC,
+    InputInfoList &Inputs, InputInfo &Result,
+    OffloadingHostResultsTy &OffloadingHostResults) const {
+  // If this driver run requires OpenMP offloading we need to make sure
+  // everything gets combined at link time. Also, all the compile phase results
+  // obtained for the host are used as inputs in the device side.
+  if (RequiresOpenMPOffloading(TC)) {
+    if (isa<LinkJobAction>(JA) &&
+        TC->getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host) {
+      // Get link results for all targets.
+      InputInfoList TgtLinkResults(OrderedOffloadingToolchains.size());
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < OrderedOffloadingToolchains.size(); ++i) {
+        const ToolChain *TgtTC = OrderedOffloadingToolchains[i];
+        BuildJobsForAction(C, JA, TgtTC,
+                           CreateOffloadingPseudoArchName(C, TgtTC),
+                           /*AtTopLevel=*/false,
+                           /*MultipleArchs=*/true, /*LinkingOutput=*/nullptr,
+                           TgtLinkResults[i], OffloadingHostResults);
+      }
+      Inputs.append(TgtLinkResults.begin(), TgtLinkResults.end());
+      return;
+    }
+    if (isa<CompileJobAction>(JA) &&
+        TC->getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Device) {
+      // Find the host compile result.
+      auto ILIt = OffloadingHostResults.find(JA);
+      assert(ILIt != OffloadingHostResults.end() &&
+             "The OpenMP host side action is expected to be processed before!");
+      InputInfoList &IL = ILIt->getSecond();
+      assert(IL.size() == 1 && "Host compile results should only be one!");
+      Inputs.push_back(IL.front());
+      return;
+    }
+    // If this is a host action, make sure it is recorded in the offloading
+    // results cache.
+    if (TC->getOffloadingKind() == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host)
+      OffloadingHostResults[JA].push_back(Result);
+    return;
+  }
+  //
+  // Add post-processing code for other offloading implementations here.
+  //
 static Arg *MakeInputArg(DerivedArgList &Args, OptTable *Opts,
                          StringRef Value) {
   Arg *A = new Arg(Opts->getOption(options::OPT_INPUT), Value,
@@ -448,9 +688,44 @@
   // Perform the default argument translations.
   DerivedArgList *TranslatedArgs = TranslateInputArgs(*UArgs);
+  // Check if we need offloading support by the toolchains.
+  ToolChain::OffloadingKind HostOffloadingKind = ToolChain::OK_None;
+  ToolChain::OffloadingKind DeviceOffloadingKind = ToolChain::OK_None;
+  // Check if we need OpenMP offloading
+  if (RequiresOpenMPOffloading(*UArgs)) {
+    HostOffloadingKind = ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Host;
+    DeviceOffloadingKind = ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Device;
+  }
   // Owned by the host.
   const ToolChain &TC =
-      getToolChain(*UArgs, computeTargetTriple(DefaultTargetTriple, *UArgs));
+      getToolChain(*UArgs, computeTargetTriple(DefaultTargetTriple, *UArgs),
+                   HostOffloadingKind);
+  // Get the toolchains for the offloading targets if any. We need to read the
+  // offloading toolchains only if we have a compatible runtime library, ant
+  // that would be either libomp or libiomp.
+  OrderedOffloadingToolchains.clear();
+  if (DeviceOffloadingKind == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Device) {
+    Arg *Tgts = UArgs->getLastArg(options::OPT_omptargets_EQ);
+    assert(Tgts && Tgts->getNumValues() &&
+           "OpenMP offloading has to have targets specified.");
+    for (unsigned v = 0; v < Tgts->getNumValues(); ++v) {
+      const char *Val = Tgts->getValue(v);
+      llvm::Triple TT(Val);
+      // If the specified target is invalid, emit error
+      if (TT.getArch() == llvm::Triple::UnknownArch)
+        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_omp_target) << Val;
+      else {
+        const ToolChain &OffloadTC =
+            getToolChain(*UArgs, TT, DeviceOffloadingKind);
+        OrderedOffloadingToolchains.push_back(&OffloadTC);
+      }
+    }
+  }
   // The compilation takes ownership of Args.
   Compilation *C = new Compilation(*this, TC, UArgs.release(), TranslatedArgs);
@@ -1439,6 +1714,15 @@
     // Build the pipeline for this file.
     std::unique_ptr<Action> Current(new InputAction(*InputArg, InputType));
+    // If we need to support offloading, run an unbundling job before each input
+    // to make sure that bundled files get unbundled. If the input is a source
+    // file that is not required.
+    if (!OrderedOffloadingToolchains.empty() &&
+        InputArg->getOption().getKind() == llvm::opt::Option::InputClass &&
+        !types::isSrcFile(InputType))
+      Current.reset(new OffloadUnbundlingJobAction(std::move(Current)));
     for (SmallVectorImpl<phases::ID>::iterator i = PL.begin(), e = PL.end();
          i != e; ++i) {
       phases::ID Phase = *i;
@@ -1475,8 +1759,15 @@
     // If we ended with something, add to the output list.
-    if (Current)
+    if (Current) {
+      // If we need to support offloading, run a bundling job for each output
+      // that is not a linker action. Linker actions is when device images are
+      // usually embedded into the host to form a fat binary.
+      if (!OrderedOffloadingToolchains.empty())
+        Current.reset(new OffloadBundlingJobAction(std::move(Current)));
+    }
   // Add a link action if necessary.
@@ -1611,6 +1902,10 @@
       if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_arch))
+  // Cleanup the offloading host cache so that cached results of previous runs
+  // are not used. This is required for when clang is used as library.
+  OffloadingHostResultsTy OffloadingHostResults;
   for (Action *A : C.getActions()) {
     // If we are linking an image for multiple archs then the linker wants
     // -arch_multiple and -final_output <final image name>. Unfortunately, this
@@ -1631,7 +1926,8 @@
                        /*BoundArch*/ nullptr,
                        /*AtTopLevel*/ true,
                        /*MultipleArchs*/ ArchNames.size() > 1,
-                       /*LinkingOutput*/ LinkingOutput, II);
+                       /*LinkingOutput*/ LinkingOutput, II,
+                       OffloadingHostResults);
   // If the user passed -Qunused-arguments or there were errors, don't warn
@@ -1702,28 +1998,35 @@
     // A BackendJob is always preceded by a CompileJob, and without
     // -save-temps they will always get combined together, so instead of
     // checking the backend tool, check if the tool for the CompileJob
-    // has an integrated assembler.
-    const ActionList *BackendInputs = &(*Inputs)[0]->getInputs();
-    // Compile job may be wrapped in CudaHostAction, extract it if
-    // that's the case and update CollapsedCHA if we combine phases.
-    CudaHostAction *CHA = dyn_cast<CudaHostAction>(*BackendInputs->begin());
-    JobAction *CompileJA =
-        cast<CompileJobAction>(CHA ? *CHA->begin() : *BackendInputs->begin());
-    assert(CompileJA && "Backend job is not preceeded by compile job.");
-    const Tool *Compiler = TC->SelectTool(*CompileJA);
-    if (!Compiler)
+    // has an integrated assembler. However, if OpenMP offloading is required
+    // the backend and compile jobs have to be kept separate and an integrated
+    // assembler of the backend job will be queried instead.
+    JobAction *CurJA = cast<BackendJobAction>(*Inputs->begin());
+    const ActionList *BackendInputs = &CurJA->getInputs();
+    CudaHostAction *CHA = nullptr;
+    if (!RequiresOpenMPOffloading(TC)) {
+      // Compile job may be wrapped in CudaHostAction, extract it if
+      // that's the case and update CollapsedCHA if we combine phases.
+      CHA = dyn_cast<CudaHostAction>(*CurJA->begin());
+      CurJA =
+          cast<CompileJobAction>(CHA ? *CHA->begin() : *BackendInputs->begin());
+      assert(CurJA && "Backend job is not preceeded by compile job.");
+    }
+    const Tool *CurTool = TC->SelectTool(*CurJA);
+    if (!CurTool)
       return nullptr;
-    if (Compiler->hasIntegratedAssembler()) {
-      Inputs = &CompileJA->getInputs();
-      ToolForJob = Compiler;
+    if (CurTool->hasIntegratedAssembler()) {
+      Inputs = &CurJA->getInputs();
+      ToolForJob = CurTool;
       CollapsedCHA = CHA;
   // A backend job should always be combined with the preceding compile job
   // unless OPT_save_temps is enabled and the compiler is capable of emitting
-  // LLVM IR as an intermediate output.
-  if (isa<BackendJobAction>(JA)) {
+  // LLVM IR as an intermediate output. The OpenMP offloading implementation
+  // also requires the Compile and Backend jobs to be separate.
+  if (isa<BackendJobAction>(JA) && !RequiresOpenMPOffloading(TC)) {
     // Check if the compiler supports emitting LLVM IR.
     assert(Inputs->size() == 1);
     // Compile job may be wrapped in CudaHostAction, extract it if
@@ -1763,23 +2066,57 @@
                                 const ToolChain *TC, const char *BoundArch,
                                 bool AtTopLevel, bool MultipleArchs,
                                 const char *LinkingOutput,
-                                InputInfo &Result) const {
+                                InputInfo &Result, 
+																OffloadingHostResultsTy &OffloadingHostResults) const {
   llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation jobs");
   InputInfoList CudaDeviceInputInfos;
   if (const CudaHostAction *CHA = dyn_cast<CudaHostAction>(A)) {
     InputInfo II;
     // Append outputs of device jobs to the input list.
     for (const Action *DA : CHA->getDeviceActions()) {
       BuildJobsForAction(C, DA, TC, "", AtTopLevel,
-                         /*MultipleArchs*/ false, LinkingOutput, II);
+                         /*MultipleArchs*/ false, LinkingOutput, II,
+                         OffloadingHostResults);
     // Override current action with a real host compile action and continue
     // processing it.
     A = *CHA->begin();
+  if (const OffloadUnbundlingJobAction *OUA =
+          dyn_cast<OffloadUnbundlingJobAction>(A)) {
+    // The input of the unbundling job has to a single input non-source file,
+    // so we do not consider it having multiple architectures. We just use the
+    // naming that a regular host input file would have.
+    BuildJobsForAction(C, *OUA->begin(), TC, BoundArch, AtTopLevel,
+                       /*MultipleArchs=*/false, LinkingOutput, Result,
+                       OffloadingHostResults);
+    Result = CreateUnbundledOffloadingResult(C, OUA, TC, Result,
+                                             OffloadingHostResults);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (const OffloadBundlingJobAction *OBA =
+          dyn_cast<OffloadBundlingJobAction>(A)) {
+    // Compute the input action for all devices and emit a bundling command.
+    InputInfoList Results(OrderedOffloadingToolchains.size() + 1);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Results.size(); ++i) {
+      const ToolChain *CurTC = i ? OrderedOffloadingToolchains[i - 1] : TC;
+      // The input job of the bundling action is meant for multiple targets and
+      // is not a top level job - the bundling job is the top level for the
+      // current output.
+      BuildJobsForAction(C, *OBA->begin(), CurTC,
+                         CreateOffloadingPseudoArchName(C, CurTC),
+                         /*AtTopLevel=*/false,
+                         /*MultipleArchs=*/true, LinkingOutput, Results[i],
+                         OffloadingHostResults);
+    }
+    Result = CreateBundledOffloadingResult(C, OBA, TC, Results);
+    return;
+  }
   if (const InputAction *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(A)) {
     // FIXME: It would be nice to not claim this here; maybe the old scheme of
     // just using Args was better?
@@ -1806,16 +2143,17 @@
       TC = &C.getDefaultToolChain();
     BuildJobsForAction(C, *BAA->begin(), TC, ArchName, AtTopLevel,
-                       MultipleArchs, LinkingOutput, Result);
+                       MultipleArchs, LinkingOutput, Result,
+                       OffloadingHostResults);
   if (const CudaDeviceAction *CDA = dyn_cast<CudaDeviceAction>(A)) {
         C, *CDA->begin(),
         &getToolChain(C.getArgs(), llvm::Triple(CDA->getDeviceTriple())),
         CDA->getGpuArchName(), CDA->isAtTopLevel(),
-        /*MultipleArchs*/ true, LinkingOutput, Result);
+        /*MultipleArchs*/ true, LinkingOutput, Result, OffloadingHostResults);
@@ -1834,7 +2172,8 @@
     InputInfo II;
     for (const Action *DA : CollapsedCHA->getDeviceActions()) {
       BuildJobsForAction(C, DA, TC, "", AtTopLevel,
-                         /*MultipleArchs*/ false, LinkingOutput, II);
+                         /*MultipleArchs*/ false, LinkingOutput, II,
+                         OffloadingHostResults);
@@ -1851,7 +2190,7 @@
     InputInfo II;
     BuildJobsForAction(C, Input, TC, BoundArch, SubJobAtTopLevel, MultipleArchs,
-                       LinkingOutput, II);
+                       LinkingOutput, II, OffloadingHostResults);
@@ -1868,26 +2207,19 @@
     InputInfos.append(CudaDeviceInputInfos.begin(), CudaDeviceInputInfos.end());
   // Determine the place to write output to, if any.
-  if (JA->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)
-    Result = InputInfo(A->getType(), BaseInput);
-  else
-    Result = InputInfo(GetNamedOutputPath(C, *JA, BaseInput, BoundArch,
-                                          AtTopLevel, MultipleArchs),
-                       A->getType(), BaseInput);
+  Result =
+      CreateActionResult(C, A, BaseInput, BoundArch, AtTopLevel, MultipleArchs);
-  if (CCCPrintBindings && !CCGenDiagnostics) {
-    llvm::errs() << "# \"" << T->getToolChain().getTripleString() << '"'
-                 << " - \"" << T->getName() << "\", inputs: [";
-    for (unsigned i = 0, e = InputInfos.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-      llvm::errs() << InputInfos[i].getAsString();
-      if (i + 1 != e)
-        llvm::errs() << ", ";
-    }
-    llvm::errs() << "], output: " << Result.getAsString() << "\n";
-  } else {
+  // Post-process inputs and results to suit the needs of the offloading
+  // implementations.
+  PostProcessOffloadingInputsAndResults(C, JA, TC, InputInfos, Result,
+                                        OffloadingHostResults);
+  if (CCCPrintBindings && !CCGenDiagnostics)
+    DumpJobBindings(&T->getToolChain(), T->getName(), InputInfos, Result);
+  else
     T->ConstructJob(C, *JA, Result, InputInfos,
                     C.getArgsForToolChain(TC, BoundArch), LinkingOutput);
-  }
 const char *Driver::getDefaultImageName() const {
@@ -2182,10 +2514,14 @@
   return Path.str();
-const ToolChain &Driver::getToolChain(const ArgList &Args,
-                                      const llvm::Triple &Target) const {
-  ToolChain *&TC = ToolChains[Target.str()];
+const ToolChain &
+Driver::getToolChain(const ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &Target,
+                     ToolChain::OffloadingKind OffloadingKind) const {
+  // If this is an offload toolchain we need to try to get it from the right
+  // cache.
+  bool IsOffloadingDevice = (OffloadingKind == ToolChain::OK_OpenMP_Device);
+  ToolChain *&TC = *((IsOffloadingDevice) ? &OffloadToolChains[Target.str()]
+                                          : &ToolChains[Target.str()]);
   if (!TC) {
     switch (Target.getOS()) {
     case llvm::Triple::CloudABI:
@@ -2283,6 +2619,8 @@
+  // Set the offloading kind for this toolchain.
+  TC->setOffloadingKind(OffloadingKind);
   return *TC;
Index: lib/Driver/Compilation.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Compilation.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Compilation.cpp
@@ -59,9 +59,16 @@
   DerivedArgList *&Entry = TCArgs[std::make_pair(TC, BoundArch)];
   if (!Entry) {
-    Entry = TC->TranslateArgs(*TranslatedArgs, BoundArch);
-    if (!Entry)
-      Entry = TranslatedArgs;
+    DerivedArgList *DefaultArgs = TC->TranslateArgs(*TranslatedArgs, BoundArch);
+    Entry = (DefaultArgs) ? DefaultArgs : TranslatedArgs;
+    // Check if there is any offloading specific translation to do.
+    DerivedArgList *OffloadArgs = TC->TranslateOffloadArgs(*Entry, BoundArch);
+    if (OffloadArgs) {
+      // There are offloading translated args, so we have to use them instead.
+      delete DefaultArgs;
+      Entry = OffloadArgs;
+    }
   return *Entry;
Index: lib/Driver/Action.cpp
--- lib/Driver/Action.cpp
+++ lib/Driver/Action.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
   case BindArchClass: return "bind-arch";
   case CudaDeviceClass: return "cuda-device";
   case CudaHostClass: return "cuda-host";
+  case OffloadBundlingJobClass:
+    return "clang-offload-bundler";
+  case OffloadUnbundlingJobClass:
+    return "clang-offload-unbundler";
   case PreprocessJobClass: return "preprocessor";
   case PrecompileJobClass: return "precompiler";
   case AnalyzeJobClass: return "analyzer";
@@ -78,14 +82,29 @@
 void JobAction::anchor() {}
+JobAction::JobAction(ActionClass Kind, std::unique_ptr<Action> Input)
+    : Action(Kind, std::move(Input)) {}
 JobAction::JobAction(ActionClass Kind, std::unique_ptr<Action> Input,
                      types::ID Type)
     : Action(Kind, std::move(Input), Type) {}
 JobAction::JobAction(ActionClass Kind, const ActionList &Inputs, types::ID Type)
   : Action(Kind, Inputs, Type) {
+void OffloadBundlingJobAction::anchor() {}
+    std::unique_ptr<Action> Input)
+    : JobAction(OffloadBundlingJobClass, std::move(Input)) {}
+void OffloadUnbundlingJobAction::anchor() {}
+    std::unique_ptr<Action> Input)
+    : JobAction(OffloadUnbundlingJobClass, std::move(Input)) {}
 void PreprocessJobAction::anchor() {}
 PreprocessJobAction::PreprocessJobAction(std::unique_ptr<Action> Input,
Index: include/clang/Driver/Types.h
--- include/clang/Driver/Types.h
+++ include/clang/Driver/Types.h
@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@
   /// isObjC - Is this an "ObjC" input (Obj-C and Obj-C++ sources and headers).
   bool isObjC(ID Id);
+  /// isSrcFile - Is this a source file, i.e. something that still has to be
+  /// preprocessed. The logic behind this is the same that decides the first
+  /// compilation phase is a preprocesing one.
+  bool isSrcFile(ID Id);
   /// lookupTypeForExtension - Lookup the type to use for the file
   /// extension \p Ext.
   ID lookupTypeForExtension(const char *Ext);
Index: include/clang/Driver/ToolChain.h
--- include/clang/Driver/ToolChain.h
+++ include/clang/Driver/ToolChain.h
@@ -61,13 +61,20 @@
+  enum OffloadingKind {
+    OK_None,
+    OK_OpenMP_Host,
+    OK_OpenMP_Device,
+  };
   const Driver &D;
   const llvm::Triple Triple;
   const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args;
   // We need to initialize CachedRTTIArg before CachedRTTIMode
   const llvm::opt::Arg *const CachedRTTIArg;
   const RTTIMode CachedRTTIMode;
+  OffloadingKind CachedOffloadingKind;
   /// The list of toolchain specific path prefixes to search for
   /// files.
@@ -80,10 +87,12 @@
   mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> Clang;
   mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> Assemble;
   mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> Link;
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<Tool> OffloadBundler;
   Tool *getClang() const;
   Tool *getAssemble() const;
   Tool *getLink() const;
   Tool *getClangAs() const;
+  Tool *getOffloadBundler() const;
   mutable std::unique_ptr<SanitizerArgs> SanitizerArguments;
@@ -122,6 +131,9 @@
   const Driver &getDriver() const;
   const llvm::Triple &getTriple() const { return Triple; }
+  OffloadingKind getOffloadingKind() const { return CachedOffloadingKind; }
+  void setOffloadingKind(OffloadingKind OT);
   llvm::Triple::ArchType getArch() const { return Triple.getArch(); }
   StringRef getArchName() const { return Triple.getArchName(); }
   StringRef getPlatform() const { return Triple.getVendorName(); }
@@ -178,6 +190,18 @@
     return nullptr;
+  /// TranslateOffloadArgs - Create a new derived argument list for any argument
+  /// translations this ToolChain may wish to perform if supporting offloading,
+  // or 0 if no tool chain specific translations are needed. If this tool chain
+  // does not refer to an offloading tool chain 0 is returned too.
+  ///
+  /// \param BoundArch - The bound architecture name, or 0.
+  virtual llvm::opt::DerivedArgList *
+  TranslateOffloadArgs(const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
+                       const char *BoundArch) const {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
   /// Choose a tool to use to handle the action \p JA.
   /// This can be overridden when a particular ToolChain needs to use
Index: include/clang/Driver/Options.td
--- include/clang/Driver/Options.td
+++ include/clang/Driver/Options.td
@@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@
 def object : Flag<["-"], "object">;
 def o : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "o">, Flags<[DriverOption, RenderAsInput, CC1Option, CC1AsOption]>,
   HelpText<"Write output to <file>">, MetaVarName<"<file>">;
+def omptargets_EQ : CommaJoined<["-"], "omptargets=">, Flags<[DriverOption, CC1Option]>,
+  HelpText<"Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported">;
 def pagezero__size : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "pagezero_size">;
 def pass_exit_codes : Flag<["-", "--"], "pass-exit-codes">, Flags<[Unsupported]>;
 def pedantic_errors : Flag<["-", "--"], "pedantic-errors">, Group<pedantic_Group>, Flags<[CC1Option]>;
Index: include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
--- include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
+++ include/clang/Driver/Driver.h
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
 #include "clang/Driver/Phases.h"
 #include "clang/Driver/Types.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/Tool.h"
+#include "clang/Driver/ToolChain.h"
 #include "clang/Driver/Util.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
@@ -41,11 +43,10 @@
   class Action;
   class Command;
   class Compilation;
-  class InputInfo;
+  class InputAction;
   class JobList;
   class JobAction;
   class SanitizerArgs;
-  class ToolChain;
 /// Driver - Encapsulate logic for constructing compilation processes
 /// from a set of gcc-driver-like command line arguments.
@@ -183,7 +184,49 @@
   /// stored in it, and will clean them up when torn down.
   mutable llvm::StringMap<ToolChain *> ToolChains;
+  /// \brief Cache of all the ToolChains in use by the driver.
+  ///
+  /// This maps from the string representation of a triple that refers to an
+  /// offloading target to a ToolChain created targeting that triple. The driver
+  /// owns all the ToolChain objects stored in it, and will clean them up when
+  /// torn down. We use a different cache for offloading as it is possible to
+  /// have offloading toolchains with the same triple the host has, and the
+  /// implementation has to differentiate the two in order to adjust the
+  /// commands for offloading.
+  mutable llvm::StringMap<ToolChain *> OffloadToolChains;
+  /// \brief Array of the toolchains of offloading targets in the order they
+  /// were requested by the user.
+  SmallVector<const ToolChain *, 4> OrderedOffloadingToolchains;
+  /// \brief Type for the cache of the results for the offloading host emitted
+  /// so far. The host results can be required by the device tools.
+  typedef llvm::DenseMap<const Action *, InputInfoList> OffloadingHostResultsTy;
+  /// CreateUnbundledOffloadingResult - Create a command to unbundle the input
+  /// and use the resulting input info. If there re inputs already cached in
+  /// OffloadingHostResults for that action use them instead. If no offloading
+  /// is being support just return the provided input info.
+  InputInfo CreateUnbundledOffloadingResult(
+      Compilation &C, const OffloadUnbundlingJobAction *CurAction,
+      const ToolChain *TC, InputInfo Result,
+      OffloadingHostResultsTy &OffloadingHostResults) const;
+  /// CreateBundledOffloadingResult - Create a bundle of all provided results
+  /// and return the InputInfo of the bundled file.
+  InputInfo CreateBundledOffloadingResult(
+      Compilation &C, const OffloadBundlingJobAction *CurAction,
+      const ToolChain *TC, InputInfoList Results) const;
+  /// PostProcessOffloadingInputsAndResults - Update the input and output
+  /// information to suit the needs of the offloading implementation. This used
+  /// to, e.g., to pass extra results from host to device side and vice-versa.
+  void PostProcessOffloadingInputsAndResults(
+      Compilation &C, const JobAction *JA, const ToolChain *TC,
+      InputInfoList &Inputs, InputInfo &Result,
+      OffloadingHostResultsTy &OffloadingHostResults) const;
   /// TranslateInputArgs - Create a new derived argument list from the input
   /// arguments, after applying the standard argument translations.
   llvm::opt::DerivedArgList *
@@ -369,7 +412,8 @@
                           bool AtTopLevel,
                           bool MultipleArchs,
                           const char *LinkingOutput,
-                          InputInfo &Result) const;
+                          InputInfo &Result,
+                          OffloadingHostResultsTy &OffloadingHostResults) const;
   /// Returns the default name for linked images (e.g., "a.out").
   const char *getDefaultImageName() const;
@@ -408,9 +452,11 @@
   /// \brief Retrieves a ToolChain for a particular \p Target triple.
   /// Will cache ToolChains for the life of the driver object, and create them
-  /// on-demand.
-  const ToolChain &getToolChain(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
-                                const llvm::Triple &Target) const;
+  /// on-demand. \a OffloadingKind specifies if the toolchain being created
+  /// refers to any kind of offloading (e.g. OpenMP).
+  const ToolChain &getToolChain(
+      const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &Target,
+      ToolChain::OffloadingKind OffloadingKind = ToolChain::OK_None) const;
   /// @}
Index: include/clang/Driver/CC1Options.td
--- include/clang/Driver/CC1Options.td
+++ include/clang/Driver/CC1Options.td
@@ -665,7 +665,16 @@
   HelpText<"Enable function overloads based on CUDA target attributes.">;
 def fcuda_uses_libdevice : Flag<["-"], "fcuda-uses-libdevice">,
   HelpText<"Selectively link and internalize bitcode.">;
+// OpenMP Options
+def fopenmp_is_device : Flag<["-"], "fopenmp-is-device">,
+  HelpText<"Generate code only for an OpenMP target device.">;
+def omp_host_ir_file_path : Separate<["-"], "omp-host-ir-file-path">,
+  HelpText<"Path to the IR file produced by the frontend for the host.">;
 } // let Flags = [CC1Option]
Index: include/clang/Driver/Action.h
--- include/clang/Driver/Action.h
+++ include/clang/Driver/Action.h
@@ -55,9 +55,11 @@
+    OffloadBundlingJobClass,
+    OffloadUnbundlingJobClass,
-    JobClassFirst=PreprocessJobClass,
-    JobClassLast=VerifyPCHJobClass
+    JobClassFirst = PreprocessJobClass,
+    JobClassLast = OffloadUnbundlingJobClass
   static const char *getClassName(ActionClass AC);
@@ -177,6 +179,7 @@
 class JobAction : public Action {
   virtual void anchor();
+  JobAction(ActionClass Kind, std::unique_ptr<Action> Input);
   JobAction(ActionClass Kind, std::unique_ptr<Action> Input, types::ID Type);
   JobAction(ActionClass Kind, const ActionList &Inputs, types::ID Type);
@@ -187,6 +190,30 @@
+class OffloadBundlingJobAction : public JobAction {
+  void anchor() override;
+  // Offloading bundling doesn't change the type of output.
+  OffloadBundlingJobAction(std::unique_ptr<Action> Input);
+  static bool classof(const Action *A) {
+    return A->getKind() == OffloadBundlingJobClass;
+  }
+class OffloadUnbundlingJobAction : public JobAction {
+  void anchor() override;
+  // Offloading unbundling doesn't change the type of output.
+  OffloadUnbundlingJobAction(std::unique_ptr<Action> Input);
+  static bool classof(const Action *A) {
+    return A->getKind() == OffloadUnbundlingJobClass;
+  }
 class PreprocessJobAction : public JobAction {
   void anchor() override;
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticDriverKinds.td
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
 def err_drv_optimization_remark_pattern : Error<
   "%0 in '%1'">;
 def err_drv_no_neon_modifier : Error<"[no]neon is not accepted as modifier, please use [no]simd instead">;
+def err_drv_invalid_omp_target : Error<
+  "OpenMP target is invalid: '%0'">;
 def warn_O4_is_O3 : Warning<"-O4 is equivalent to -O3">, InGroup<Deprecated>;
 def warn_drv_optimization_value : Warning<"optimization level '%0' is not supported; using '%1%2' instead">,
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