mgehre added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/ProTypeCstyleCastCheck.cpp:80
@@ +79,3 @@
+      std::string CastText = ("dynamic_cast<" + DestTypeString + ">").str();
+      if (!isa<ParenExpr>(SubExpr)) {
+        CastText.push_back('(');
aaron.ballman wrote:
> Why do we need this check? Perhaps we want to use IgnoreParenImpCasts() 
> instead?
If the cast looks like
Derived* D = (Derived*)B;
we need to add parenthesis around B to turn it into
Derived* D = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(B);
If instead we already had
Derived* D = (Derived*)(B);
adding the parenthesis can be skipped.

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