ioeric added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:357
+    bool CanReuseAST = InputsAreTheSame && OldPreamble == NewPreamble;
nit: `(OldPreamble == NewPreamble)`

Do you intend to compare the shared pointer instead of the values?

Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:360
       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
+      OldPreamble.reset();
       if (NewPreamble)
Why reset?

Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:373
+      // FIXME(ibiryukov): the AST could actually change if non-preamble
+      // includes changed, but we choose to ignore it.
+      // FIXME(ibiryukov): should we refresh the cache in IdleASTs for the
Do we choose to ignore this because it's rare? What are non-preamble #includes?

Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:376
+      // current file at this point?
+      vlog("Skipping rebuild of the AST for {0}, inputs are the same.",
+           FileName);
I think this can be a `log`.

Comment at: test/clangd/extra-flags.test:26
 main() { int i; return i; }"}]}}
 main() { int i; return i+1; }"}]}}
 #      CHECK:  "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
Why this change?

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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