rsmith added a comment.

In, @rnk wrote:

> I think the state machine use case is real, though, something like:
>   void *f(void *startlabel) {
>     common_work();
>     goto *startlabel;
>   state1:
>     return &&state2;
>   state2:
>     return &&state3;
>   ...
>   }

Per GCC's documentation, this code is wrong, and `__attribute__((noinline, 
noclone))` must be used. However, GCC's behavior on that case is extremely 

Note that it produces a warning about returning the address of a label, just 
like we do. But it also says that `f` cannot be inlined because it contains a 
computed goto. So perhaps the GCC documentation / spec for the feature is wrong.

> Suppressing it under noinline doesn't solve the original statement expression 
> issue

True, but it's straightforward to fix the regression for the statement 
expression case. I don't think that affects whether we go further than that and 
remove the warning for the `return` case.

> Are we really worried about users doing this?
>   void *f() {
>     return &&next;
>   next:
>     ...
>   }
>   void g() {
>     void *pc = f();
>     goto *pc; // cross-functional frame re-entry! =D
>   }

A little, yes. But I think this cross-function case alone would not justify an 
enabled-by-default warning with false-positives on the state machine case. So I 
think the question is, do we think the warnings on the state machine case are 
false positives or not? Some options I think are reasonable:

1. We explicitly document that our extension provides an additional guarantee 
on top of GCC's -- that the address of a label always denotes the same label 
for multiple invocations of the same function -- and remove this warning (or 
downgrade to `-Wgcc-compat`).
2. We keep merely inheriting the specification (such as it is) for the feature 
from GCC's documentation, and the warning is arguably valid because any code 
that triggers it is (almost certainly) wrong, even though we won't currently 
exploit the wrongness.

Or secret option 1b: we get the GCC folks to update their documentation to 
explicitly state that the presence of a computed goto in a function prevents 
inlining and cloning in all circumstances, and remove the warning.

I've filed <>; hopefully we'll 
get more clarification on what the semantics of this extension are supposed to 
be there.

  rC Clang

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