arphaman added a comment.

Sorry for the delay.

In, @rjmccall wrote:

> Hmm.  I think this is a reasonable change to make to the language.  Have you 
> investigated to see if this causes source-compatibility problems?

Yes, I tested this change on internal code base. There's an impact, but the 
impact is fairly minimal. The biggest issue is actually in some Swift overlay:

Comment at: test/CodeGenObjC/forward-declare-protocol-gnu.m:6
-Protocol *getProtocol(void)
-               return @protocol(P);
+@interface I <P>
rjmccall wrote:
> Does this really not require a definition of `P`?  Ugh.  I wonder if that's 
> reasonable to fix, too.
Nope, we don't emit the protocol metadata for it. It might make sense to 
require the definition with the implementation?

Comment at: test/Parser/
+@protocol P2;
+@protocol delete // expected-error {{expected identifier; 'delete' is a 
keyword in Objective-C++}}
rjmccall wrote:
> Why did this test need to change?
We need to declare `delete` because it's used in a `@protocol` expression on 
line 63.

  rC Clang

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